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Fanfic Reborn (Chapter 78) - Tue 07 Aug 2012

I want to let you know that I've made an account on Dokuga PURELY so that I may leave you a review. I've spent the last two days reading through this entire story. From the moment I woke up to the moment I went to sleep. My sleeping schedule has ofcially been screwed up! But I find that it was worth it.


This story has literally sucked me in! It is EXTREMELY well written and I hate that I've finished reading it all already. There is no doubt that I will be reading this over and over again. Before I read this story I cam across quite a few fanart that was drawn for it and in the end it was what finally made me read the story. When I first visited your profile and saw this had 78 chapter but had not been updated in over two years I was debating if I should put my time into an incomplete story. I decided to go ahead with since it seems MANY people loved this story. 


In the end I find I don't regeret my decision to read this. Although, I do hope you find it in you to complete this story. I have noticed that you did update your story "The Breeder" in July and, so that gives me hope that you have COMPLETELY abandoned writing altogether. 


You've written something truly emotional and wonderful. Every chapter I get pulled in and I could find myself able to stop reading. Almost always I find that I get somewhat bored when the relationship of the main couple is so far and I am prone to skipping a few chapters and later going back and filling myself in. I've found that NEVER happened with this story even though the romance between Sesshomaru and Kagome was so far off. The details and explanation of growth that you've shown each character go through was amazing and kept me interested through and through. I saw that some people didn't really like you more intimate scenes because they seem pornish. I find myself saying the opposite. I feel it gives yo story real dimension. Your entire story is ver emotional and i some ways serious but in an interesting way. The intimate scenes I feel provide a real dose of excitement and raw carnal need. And I do not feel it pulls away from the emtion and feelings involved. With Sesshomaru and Kagome it;s very obvious it's two people in love indulging in the pleasure of each other. Between Sesshomaru and Azumi you easily realize that it's pure Duty that is the reason for the act (on Sesshomaru's side at least) With Naiomi you see that it's for pleasure it brings them. 

You have a great story here and I can't help but hope that on day you'll complete it. I'm done now! :D

Rachelle (Chapter 78) - Mon 09 Jul 2012

hopefully you find a new site to update this and your other stories soon! love your work.....have you considered  ? there seems to be a pretty good spot for updating....good luck!

Harper-Ingram (Chapter 78) - Thu 05 Jul 2012

Lovely story, so sorry to hear about your computer crashing; hope it gets fixed soon! Now on to the review, l love the story so far, it's very engaging and staying as true to character for the characters as one can when writing something different from the original authors take. About the only thing so far that I dislike is the sex/intimacy scenes. They read like a bad hentai/porn movie to me rather then a couple in the midst of exploring each other for the first time.

Now, to address the whole Kagome vs Sesshomaru's whose right and whose wrong thing going on in the reviews. As far as I'm concerned they both messed up; which is fine since no one's perfect. Sesshomaru should have been as upfront and honest as Kagome was being. While Kagome should have pressed for more details about Sesshomaru's past relationships and Taro's birth. They both made mistakes and hopefully in future chapters chapter we'll get to see them dealing with their trust issues and moving on from it.

Well, that it for now. Hope to read more from you as soon as you get your muse and computer back in running order.

LoveAndFaith (Chapter 78) - Sat 23 Jun 2012

I'm finally leaving a review  after reading this story years ago, please update soon.

Meow (Chapter 78) - Wed 16 May 2012

I have to say this is one of the most amazing stories ive ever read about sess/kag! and ive read a lot! I hope you keep writing because you have a true talent!

Suka25 (Chapter 78) - Sun 13 May 2012

getting good!!!!!!

little_flower (Chapter 78) - Fri 17 Feb 2012


You have been a favourite author of mine for quite some time, and although you have stopped writing, coming back and rereading your stories inspires me every time.

I adore your originality and slow buildups. You really work at developing your chracters and making them real for the readers in your own unique way. Thank-you, you have an amazing talent.

AbigailVictoria (Chapter 78) - Fri 06 Jan 2012

Over the last two days I have barely slept and eaten little and it's all because of your wonderful talent for story-telling. I am so hungry and pumped for more I'm perched on the edge of my seat. 

This is truly awesome and I have so enjoyed this story and I cannot wait for more!! I hope you get your hard drive back in tip top condition and I am eagerly awaiting the coming chapters!! Thank you so much for this great read and I will be keeping careful and most anticipated watch for your updates!!


HanyouKagome962 (Chapter 78) - Mon 12 Dec 2011

Soooooo are you going to update soon? It would be a really great christmas gift if you did!!!! ^_^

Mich (Chapter 78) - Wed 23 Nov 2011


Stacy (Chapter 30) - Wed 09 Nov 2011

Speaking in first person does accout for a lot

Firedemon86 (Chapter 78) - Thu 27 Oct 2011

Sapphire_Rose (Chapter 1) - Tue 06 Sep 2011

I've read dark dark fics before, but this is the first time I've felt this emotionally unstable. DXX Only chapter 4 and I'm already feeling weak... Wonder how far I can get? :OO

Gina#1 (Chapter 78) - Fri 02 Sep 2011

I would love to see how they finish off the enimy plus I would like to Sesshomaru and Kagome get mated. But most of all I would love to see how the stoy ends. So hurry up and do more pages.

Gina#1 (Chapter 78) - Fri 02 Sep 2011

I would love to see how they finish off the enimy plus I would like to Sesshomaru and Kagome get mated. But most of all I would love to see how the stoy ends. So hurry up and do more pages.

Namara Ashina (Chapter 78) - Thu 11 Aug 2011


every time i read this story it puts me through an emotional rollercoaster!! >w<

the way you write just pulls at my heart strings time after time!

i really really really REALLY hope you come back to this story and continue it!!!!


Serena530 (Chapter 78) - Thu 14 Jul 2011

Hey there.  I found this story on and when I checked your profile I saw that it had more chapters over here so I of course came here to check it out.  I'm glad I did.  I absolutely love it!  It's so detialed and emotional and very well written.  The different twists and turns with the plot keep me wanting to know what's next after every chapter.  I remember I got to one point where I had to stop reading for a few days because I was so worried about how Kagome was going to find out about Sesshomaru's mating, but today or rather last night I finally decided to get back to reading.  It was so hard to read Kagome going through that pain and poor Sesshomaru.  It's just crazy how things went for them, but we all know they were destined and I can't wait for them to get their happily ever after.

I'm wondering...I got the impression that they would have to be mated before the finally battle, and if that's the case wouldn't Kagome have to get rid of Sesshomaru's bond before then?  Oh and I just hated InuYasha's stubbernness but I'm glad that he's going to be happy with his soul mate eventually.  I was so crushed when I got to this chapter and realized that there was no more to read.  I hope you were able to get those chapters back and if not, then I hope that your muse has been keeping you much company and that the new chapters will be even better then the previous ones.  Good luck and I hope you update soon.=)

kaiirine (Chapter 78) - Thu 07 Jul 2011

i do hope this story is not permanently shelved..

im totally in love with this story so i hope you can continue to write this good piece.

i read ur story last year by the way and i re-read it again this year..hoping to read the added chapters.

well its ok if i gotta wait again as long as i can read the god end.

best wishes to you...^^,

Marta (Chapter 17) - Tue 05 Jul 2011

Amazing story

the scene in chapter 17 had me crying for hours, for Sesshoumaru being forced to do what he did is probably the saddest thing that could ever happen in the InuYasha universe.

Sabrina (Chapter 78) - Thu 09 Jun 2011

Love ur story and can not wait for the next chapter...

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