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hikari hime (Chapter 5) - Thu 15 May 2008
Nah, data, I laughed so much I freaked ALL my dogs. Four madly barking dogs can do bad things to your neighborhood relationship. lol. Keep on the good work. I hope Sesshy's brains are not irremediably disabled -snickers- TV is bad for you :X lol

Shisaa (Chapter 5) - Thu 15 May 2008
Slow motion running. Yes!! I was laughing for a good five minutes after reading that. Thanks! :)

Mamasama (Chapter 1) - Thu 15 May 2008
what other hidden talents do you possess, dear husband? This is truly the funniest humorfic I have ever read.

Sherri Martin (Chapter 5) - Thu 15 May 2008
Oh poor Sesshomaru! He's trying so hard!! I so love this story!! I just can't seem to get enough of it! I hope Sesshomaru gets through it okay and Kagome finally figures it out. I can't wait for your next installment! Great Great Job!!

ElegantPaws (Chapter 1) - Thu 15 May 2008
Oh dear god, you had me at the first two lines LOL! You are insane! My kind of writer! EP

demonvixen2002 (Chapter 5) - Thu 15 May 2008
please tell me that sesshoumaru is now under a spell of cable tv. He is brain washed oh noooo!! Still it was the most funny things I read I couldn't stop laughing.. keep them coming.

Miss Kagura (Chapter 5) - Thu 15 May 2008
I read this earlier, but was bad and didn't review. I laughed hard, not only at the obvious funnies, but at the fact that Inuyasha knew the truth about Hasselhoff!

Ashes (Chapter 5) - Thu 15 May 2008
Totally wasn't expecting the Sensory overloaded Sesshoumaru. *laughs* My abs are so sore. I figure if I read your fic twice a day I'll have a six pack in a few weeks. Thanks for the great read.

Ashes (Chapter 4) - Wed 14 May 2008
OMG! I don't think I've laughed so much in ages! I bow to your humorous genius. I can hardly wait for the next chapter!

demonvixen2002_00 (Chapter 4) - Wed 14 May 2008
i never laughed this much in my life god this is the best comedy story I read. LOLOLOLOL seriously great story can Sesshoumaru come out as johnny depp pirates of the carribean God he would look goo din that pirate outfit Kagome would definetly fall for him.. Just giving some ideas Can't wait for the next one

Valore (Chapter 4) - Wed 14 May 2008
*holds sides* ow ow ow ow!!! i'm laughing so hard right now.... this is hillarious!!!!! XD

Valore (Chapter 4) - Wed 14 May 2008
*holds sides* ow ow ow ow!!! i'm laughing so hard right now.... this is hillarious!!!!! XD

hikari hime (Chapter 4) - Wed 14 May 2008
Hum... Will the next one be Superman? MDR (the French lol) I nearly pissed in my pants buddy, my favorite being 007, because he's actually "cool" as a spy. I loved your style and flow. I rarely laugh when reading, but I did it a lot reading your fic, so please keep on the good work!!! Will you please warn me when your next chater come up? ^_^ Dewa mata

Kohana_Moon (Chapter 4) - Wed 14 May 2008
HAHA This is halarious!!! I wonder when Kagome will relize that sota knows, or if sheèll ever realize he knows. haha I really think you should do pinocceo and the Èbut Ièm a real boyÈ haha

nicole (Chapter 3) - Tue 13 May 2008
Hilarious story! Please keep it coming

Mamasama (Chapter 1) - Tue 13 May 2008
My hubby sure is FUNNY! This is frickin' hysterical, babe. I can't figure out if your're just making fun of my Inuyasha/sesshomaru obsession or if you have merely been sucked into the evil vortex that is fanfiction right along with me.... hmmmmm. whatever it is, this is just tres droll! i love you

Kimberly (Chapter 4) - Tue 13 May 2008
I must have more, i love it.

Kimberly (Chapter 4) - Tue 13 May 2008
I must have more, i love it.

Miss Kagura (Chapter 4) - Tue 13 May 2008
Oh dear... This was deliciously funny. I laughed until there was pain, and then laughed some more. Sesshoumaru as a trekkie was just too much, and just when I thought I had the giggle fit under control, you gave me more to laugh about. Amazing job!

Crimson (Chapter 2) - Sun 11 May 2008
That was 2 FUNNY! Cant wait for the next chapter! Awesome job!

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