Reviews for Wrong Number by Oroyukae

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Endless Sky (Chapter 19) - Sun 08 Feb 2009
excuse me...but why is this chapter so short huh?? lolz jp but poor sesshomaru he must be so hurt, and upset...he shouldnt be shes alive but i understand why.....please update soon

knifethrower (Chapter 18) - Fri 06 Feb 2009

The conversation between Ky and Yuri- very skillful writing.  I am very seldom fond of the "point of view" style of writing.  (Though there is one story being written right now in that style that I absolutely adore.)  But the way you have done it, by inserting a moment between these two minor characters, was perfect! I said it before, you just get better and better all the time! 

Infinite Silence (Chapter 18) - Thu 05 Feb 2009

Hey!!! I love this story!!!! I can't wait for you to update it either!!! PLEASE UPDATE SOON!!! @___@ Or I will go crazy!!! >_> ano... i'm already there... T___T crap... oh well

momo (Chapter 18) - Thu 05 Feb 2009

i think you should remove this chapter and start a sequel.. maybe called "Games" because i find that the plot of the sotry is based on Kagome dialing the wrong number, misunderstandings and what not, then back together.


anywho, love love the story <3

Endless Sky (Chapter 18) - Thu 05 Feb 2009
damn sesshomaru that was so arrogant, sneaky....and sexy lolz please continue soon

Endless Sky (Chapter 17) - Wed 04 Feb 2009
finally i was waiting since last night for this update but it got too late so i said forget it....but i liked it and im happy you continued it or else i woulda been so mad at you....but anyway you better keep this going and you deserve the best lemon fic award i dont think ive read any fic like this like its that good

sweetest angel (Chapter 17) - Wed 04 Feb 2009

great! :D

can't wait to see the reactions of everyone at work! *grin*

please, please, update soon!!!

knifethrower (Chapter 17) - Wed 04 Feb 2009

I love that... "I broke a nail... bastard!"  I also love the stripes on his forearms.  That's so understatedly sexy.  Just like in real life, it's one little poignant detail like that that that gets more reaction from me than a whole page of gory detail.  Just thos stripes, and ooohhh....

WiccanMethuselah (Chapter 17) - Tue 03 Feb 2009

I've been loving this series right along... excellent plot, great imagination, terrific writing... but to make us wait for the rest of the chapter until after AMERICAN IDOL???  That's just SOOOOOO wrong, on so many different levels, I can barely type!!  Ok, I guess authors have to have their 'fixes' too, but SRSLY!  Way to hook me into watching for the updates, though... as if I wasn't hooked already! *snicker*  Good job!!!!  :-) ~~Wiccan~~

Endless Sky (Chapter 16) - Mon 02 Feb 2009
damn i loved chapter 14-16 and poor sesshomaru thought she left him..i thought she left him, that was good i liked it and i love the office sex scene, and the caramel, that sounds sweet and kagome up against the window, your giving me ideas.......lolz jp, jp.....but anyway hope this aint the end so please continue soon

Tana_san (Chapter 16) - Mon 02 Feb 2009
Excellent...I'm much too exhausted from the passion to say anything else. JEN

Aurora Antheia Raine (Chapter 16) - Sun 01 Feb 2009
that had to be the sexiest and hottest one of all. love it!

knifethrower (Chapter 16) - Sun 01 Feb 2009

The best part is, with this story I don't have to pick between angst and misery and hott, explicit action.  Both wrapped up in a juicy little bundle!  I'm so glad Sess didn't let her quit, cause as long as she keeps working for him, there's always plenty of room for misunderstandings and lovely make-up sex (idea for a sequel?  hint, hint...) 

Koishii_Beloved (Chapter 15) - Fri 30 Jan 2009
I will never think of caramel the same way after this. I will always remember Sesshoumaru and Kagome. Oh gods, I have serious problems.

knifethrower (Chapter 15) - Fri 30 Jan 2009

Caramel sauce, hmmmm...  That's a much nicer texture than chocolate!  Purrfect...

LC Rose (Chapter 15) - Fri 30 Jan 2009
Another wonderful chapter full of thrills, chills, and laughter. "You forgot how didn't you? Tab A into slot B ,imbecile!!" I loved that line and when he told her to perpare herself, I got shivers. Oohhh... You must give us more, please.

akane342 (Chapter 15) - Fri 30 Jan 2009

Lemony goodness!! Haha!! This chapter was just pure sexy! And poor Sesshoumaru! The temptation was just too much for him haha. . .

DaiyoukaiGeisha (Chapter 14) - Fri 30 Jan 2009

Wow, he really lost his cool in this chapter. LOL, poor trellis, poor sod. I loved the last line in the chapter as well, ended it perfectly.

Koishii_Beloved (Chapter 14) - Thu 29 Jan 2009
Wow. Seems as if Sesshoumaru 'snapped' for a moment there.... but it's okay, we still love'em XD

knifethrower (Chapter 14) - Thu 29 Jan 2009

She went to change into her dress, didn't she...  These two just can't get it right.  Darn, I loved your description of the rooftop garden, it sounded so perfect.  But it sounds like they might make up in the wreckage.

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