Reviews for Wisteria by MissTeak

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Sprinks (Chapter 38) - Sun 10 Jan 2010

i am crying!!!!

you are an amazing writer!

if you do anything professional please let me know!

you would be fantastic and rich! i would buy all of them! =]

i can not wait for the next chapter on her arrival home!


Starlyte (Chapter 38) - Sun 10 Jan 2010

Loved the newest chapters!! I'm so glad Kagome finally got to say what she wanted to to Sesshomaru, though its wasn't how i picture it to end, i truly like the way you did it. It seemed more realistic the way you did it i think, more like how Sesshomaru and Kagome would both act under the circumstances. I hope though after everything Kagome's been through, Ah-Un will take her back to Inuyasha's forest rather than to Gion, in the beginning that's all she wanted was to leave the place so i'm hoping that's what the two headed dragons going to do. But then again, i trust you talent and imagination more than mine, so ill just wait for the next chapter!!!! Thanks once again for a great story, and for the quick updates!!!

loveyaa (Chapter 38) - Sun 10 Jan 2010

Things can only get better...right? Well I thought the tone and mood of the chapter was superb. I really quite enjoyed this chapter. Hopefully we will be able to get into Sesshoumaru's head and get to experience what he is feeling and how he is dealing with everything. I def can't wait til next time...

His Lady (Chapter 38) - Sat 09 Jan 2010

i wish kagome told sesshomaru how she felt about the kiss in the snow but im just happy she told him the whole truth but i hope sesshomaru makes an appearance in the next chapter...maybe?

Hoshi Phoenix (Chapter 38) - Sat 09 Jan 2010

A sad chapter but hopefully Sesshoumaru will get a fire under his butt and go get her! lol Great job and can't wait to read the next chapter! :)

Jenis Miranda (Chapter 38) - Sat 09 Jan 2010
*sigh* thats all i can do after reading this....

Phantomlogic (Chapter 38) - Sat 09 Jan 2010

Whew!  What a heavy chapter!  I just wanted Kagome to reach out and shake Sesshoumaru for being so pig-headed about this.  Yes, she lied to him, but she also tried to make it right.  I understand being upset, but if you really love someone, you find a way to work things out...they will work things out, right?  Right?!

Your descriptions of the scenery were fantastic, too!

Can't wait for the next installment, I am on the edge of my seat!



Shae (Chapter 38) - Sat 09 Jan 2010

I think the much shorter, less complicated explanation was certainly the right way to go for Kagome. I really like that she decided not to take the gold, after all Sesshoumaru decided not to be there when she left, so he wasn't exactly able to argue and make her keep it. Giving it away must have helped her feel a little better too, because Kagome does generally seem to be of a very generous spirit though I imagine being a maiko had stifled that a little (she couldn't exactly randomly go around helping everyone). I guess she could always run off now, but I think she kinda has to return in order to get her fragment of the jewel back. I wonder if she'll get straight to the point and confront someone or take some time to think things over a bit. At least she has a good explanation for returning without him being her patron: she had only promised 3 meetings and those have now been completed. As always, eager to see what happens next :D

Madeline (Chapter 38) - Sat 09 Jan 2010

Sometimes I just wanna smack the two of them in the head!! ^_^ Great story can't wait for the next chapter :D

RayRay (Chapter 38) - Sat 09 Jan 2010

So heartfelt and touching, I truly enjoyed this chapter and was sad yet smiling at the end of it. I look forward to the next chapter. I felt bad when he asked about the kisses but then didn't let her explain. Bad things tend to happen before good things can happen once again though and they seem to be stuck in the 'bad' phase, having to overcome that first before they can move on and have good things happen once again between them. Anyways, much love to you until next time <3

Tana_san (Chapter 38) - Sat 09 Jan 2010

So, she finally found her tongue, though I don't feel she expressed enough. When he asked her if she meant it when they kissed, she should have told him she meant every tender moment they shared, but as Kagome, not Fugi. Then she should have left knowing that she had revealed her heart to him. Great job with these two last chapters, though it still saddens me to know that they never made the time to talk and Sesshoumaru is allowing his imagination and hurt to create her reasons for the deception a hateful act. I would think he would demand her to tell him as he would when interrogating a prisoner but I gather this is different because he never allowed his heart to feel love and it's left him in somewhat of a tailspin. I just hope that he'll hear her few words of love over and over in his mind and feel the need to go to her to listen to the rest of her explanation and not allow the hate of betrayal to sour his heart more than his normal cold demeanor. JEN

miwa03 (Chapter 38) - Sat 09 Jan 2010

*sigh in relief* So glad you turned out didn't take this story to the dark genre.. Sorry for freaking out last time >_<

Beautiful chapter! Kagome's confession was written nicely and I loved how Sess seemed to love Fuji so much until I wondered will he ever love Kags?

JeniNeji (Chapter 38) - Sat 09 Jan 2010

this is so sad...

Serephina of the Kamis (Chapter 38) - Sat 09 Jan 2010

Oh, please tell me that Kagome isn't going to go back to the geisha house! That would make it way to easy for Sesshoumaru to find her when he decides that he wants her again. Which he will, I hope, since this story is starting to take a very depressing turn. Happily ever afters are the best! Make Sesshoumaru work for it!

Sakura-Chan (Chapter 38) - Sat 09 Jan 2010

This is sooo amazing. I love the plot so far. But its like one of those movies where you shout at the screen and the actors that they should or shouldn't do something, and they usually don't listen. The whole time I was thinking 'She needs to tell him the truth' but she didn't listen until it was too late... But thats ok. I cant wait to read what else you have in store for us! Keep up the great work

Heather Miller (Chapter 38) - Sat 09 Jan 2010

Wow what a breath taken story this is!! Its just so different from the other ones I've read and I can't wait to see what happens next. Not just in their relationship but also what awaits when Kagome gets back. What or who this dark figure is that has taken the jewel shard. Update soon my dear for this reader will be waiting for your update!^_^

Yoru-101 (Chapter 38) - Sat 09 Jan 2010

Truly a beautiful scene. It's beauty of a snow covered landscape crossing into the ever expansive frozen sea, I'm sighing with imaginative beauty of your imagination.

I love sad scenes, yours makes me quiver with joy, (Though it sounds harsh to most) I love this story. 

Welcome back Kagome, goodbye Fuji, we will miss you. <3

redpixie (Chapter 38) - Sat 09 Jan 2010

Okay, I'm totally in love with this chapter... It's definitely the best one yet. I can't wait to see what'll happen next !

Anonymous (Chapter 38) - Sat 09 Jan 2010

this has to be my favorite chapter so far. it really broke my heart to hear her confess her love for him before she left. sesshoumaru needs to get his act together! he might never see her again :( great chapter, can't wait for the next.

Yohko (Chapter 38) - Sat 09 Jan 2010

WOW. just WOW. I think this is one of my fave chapters... I really felt the sadness of their separation.

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