Reviews for Wisteria by MissTeak

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Megs (Chapter 55) - Thu 06 May 2010

Awesome as always!!! Have fun in Japan. I look forward to another wonderful chapter from you

Vicky (Chapter 55) - Thu 06 May 2010

MissTeak...another awesome chapter, as always!  I think you are a brilliant writer.  It is definitely worth the wait.  RL must always take precedence, after is (as it should be) much more important than anything else.  I hope you will not take whatever the other reviewer said to heart.  I'm really happy that you have shared your gift with us in the form of this story.  I hope you'll update soon.  I can't wait to find out who's behind all of this ;)

Vou-sama (Chapter 55) - Thu 06 May 2010

Oh my Jashin. . . it has been so dreadfully long since I've read Wisteria. And I will say that I spent the last four hours reading the story from the very beginning. . .


I'm in love with it.

Please update soon! :D

Miju (Chapter 55) - Thu 06 May 2010

I was so excited to see you update :)

As interesting as this plot is, I really can't wait to see the mystery unraveled so that sesskag fluff can officially commence...

Have fun in Japan! I shall miss your update until then D:

Madison (Chapter 55) - Thu 06 May 2010

K, I wanted to say this in my wall post earlier, but you know what? I forgot. Silly Old me.

Anywho, don't let reviews that are mean, and especially anonymous bring you down. I got a mean anonymous review as well, and people just hide behind that to be rude. (Not on my blood stained fic, although I did get one, lmao but Im refering to my b/v fic) Anyway. Hun, kami knows we all have life and understand. Its one thing ot miss the story, but we wouldn't bash you for being caught in life. I mean your writing is worth waiting for, and if some people cant understand that its their lost. BUT why didn't I hear from this >.< LMAO. We really need to talk more often again. Come here *hugs*

NOW for the review, lmao.

Gosh a Sesshomaru that worries and thinks hard is sexy. But it helped a lot of putting the pieces together. After 52 chapters, I had forgotten some details, and smarty Sesshomaru helped me remember a few scenes, lol. And I think you did an excellent job at hiding the plot because honestly I have no freaking clue who in the world is behind this! WHICH is good, because I love the suspense, and guessing and waiting!

The little teasing is cute. And its sad that Kagome is like torn apart in two life. She has the one where she is Kagome, but she made a new one over time, as a geisha. Its as if she created herself a new family as well, and I bet it will be hard for her to leave that behind when the time comes.

I do agree with Sesshomaru. Not a lot of people can be trusted. Even if Kagome has a big heart, she needs to understand that. And Oka is indeed strange now that Kagome mention it. Why do i have a feeling she is not completely pure, and innocent in this? Mmhmm, it would come as no surprise that she played a part in this.

Omg, you and Sesshomaru are both smart, I never put the events together like that, but you are right! It is way too convinient that they had so many meetings. It was as if everything was perfectly set up for them to be together every freaking time. Im thinking someone was also watching closely Sesshomaru to know every time he would come. Hmm...

SEE I TOLD YOU OKA WAS EVIL! SHE SUGGESTED! SHE TOLD HER TO HAVE FUN! Omg, I wouldn't be surprised if this whole time she was the one who had the shard in her possession! Why in the world did her name never crossed my mind when I was thinking of possible subject! IT SEEMS SO OBVIOUS RIGHT NOW >.<

Honey, you have a gift for writing. Not only do you suck me in, but you are a master at great plot. Phewww.

I'm glad they can understand that even though the fates didn't organize their meeting, what they share is true. I have a feeling that for the next little while, they will have to hold on to these feelings to give themselves some strength. Whatever mystery is ahead, it will not be easy to deal with.

It was a perfect chapter, honey, like usual.

ObsidianTresses (Chapter 55) - Thu 06 May 2010

O.o Great chapter!!!!!!!! You are such a great writer and I hope you can win in the categories your works were nominated for. Thanks for writing!


Sesshoumaru's Lady (Chapter 55) - Thu 06 May 2010

Congrats on your studies and classes! That is a HUGE accomplishment and I wish you the very best with what your future has in store!

An update!  Yay!  I was so happy to read it and am excited with the new mix of mystery and of course I can't forget the tender moments between Sesshoumaru and Kagome, especially now that they are more frequent(that last chapter even though it was a teaser with what is building between them, was especially hot). Woo-Hoo! 

I can't wait to see what you have in store for my favorite couple in regards to her return to the Geisha house as well as the visit for the future. I love love love this story and look forward to your next update. 

Take care and again Congrats on your accomplishments with School!  I'm proud of you! 

You fan,

Sesshoumaru's Lady

Yoru-101 (Chapter 55) - Thu 06 May 2010

Ahhh, the pieces come together at last. Now this is a drama, romance, dark AND a mystery <3

Welcome back <3 We missed you. 

I'm sorry to hear about the bad reviewer, and I'm so jealous about your trip to Japan. Take me with you, yes?

As usual, beautiful writing. I'm so jealous of your talent <3

Oh, and I have that fanart for you. I just have to edit it a bit, and I'll send it your way. Hope you like it <3

ps. I just noticed I send way too many <3's. Oh well, more love for you, my dear.

LM Bluejay (Chapter 55) - Thu 06 May 2010

YAH! I'm so proud of you! A lil jealous since at my university, we begin finals next week...but still. Congrats! You made it through! Two more years for me. I just hope you will keep writing then. ^_^


Awesome chapter, btw. Really looking forward to the next!

iloveprettysilverhair (Chapter 55) - Thu 06 May 2010

Boo on people being "disappointed" in you.  Phooey on them, RL comes first! 

I thought this was a very informative chapter, it's pretty interesting to see all the webs slowly being untangled.  I wonder what it'll be like for Kagome back in Hanaka. 

Keep up the wonderful work!  Congrats on finishing your college career!!!!!  Great job!

RayRay (Chapter 55) - Thu 06 May 2010

Love love love AS ALWAYS cause I always enjoy your updates! So happy to see a new chapter out. I enjoyed it immensely. So close to answers yet so far away from them at the same time! It's suspenseful! :) I hope you are doing well, congrats on being done with college! I can't remember what you told me you were going for degree wise but congrats none the less! I have two finals and then I'm done for the summer and have 2 semesters to go to get my associates in business :) can't wait to be done. Much love to you, I so look forward to a new chapter but I am willing to wait because of your upcoming trip. Have fun in Japan my dear, you deserve it! <3

Melly (Chapter 55) - Thu 06 May 2010

Lovely, lovely!  This chapter was well worth the wait!  I absolutely love your style of writing and it fits perfectly with this period.  Don't let jerks who criticize you for the long time in between chapters get you down.  They just don't understand what it is to be busy and have a life.  I hope you did well on your exams and happy graduation!  I can't wait until the next chapter comes out.  Until then, have a great time in Japan--I am so jealous of your trip!!


Loved the chapter. ^_______^

swift death (Chapter 55) - Thu 06 May 2010

(My so called friends are forcing me to appoligise again after they read your responce to my review. and again i say i am very dredfully sorry for upsetting you again and if i can help it shall not try to do it again. My friends are watching me type this letter to you and i am very tariffied of their anger and claws, she just HIT me!!! ow owo owowowowoow, my shoulder hurrrttttssss.)



i! I'm Ashley! I'm one of the annoying friends that she was talking about! I'm awesomer than my friends.

(she thinks :) )



Hi, i'm the other friend of swift death and no i don't have claws! AWESOME STORY BY THE WAY!!!!!

(She does have deadly claws, just dosn't want to admitt it.)

Rowdys girl (Chapter 55) - Thu 06 May 2010


We are privileged that you choose to write your stories and share them with us. Every reader should be aware that real life comes before writing for every author. No author should have to put up with such rudeness when THEY are doing US a favor. And you are most correct: college and exams come first, lovely, fun trips to Japan come next and fanfiction comes last - every time! You have your priorities straight and it is for us to wait, patiently, until you have time to feed our addiction. You do not owe recognition to any reader who is rude to you. Such people are best ignored (and reported to the moderators of the site). Thank you for this new chapter and go have fun on your trip.


fatcatmom (Chapter 55) - Thu 06 May 2010

Sigh...aaahhhhh....perfect chapter! and a perfect phrase: “Circumstances could be manipulated, but not feelings. Do not believe for a second, Higurashi Kagome, that this Sesshoumaru’s feelings for you are merely a construct of someone’s vile plans.” Now, go get 'em!

On a personal note, congratulations on achieving the significant milestone in your life, a college education. I am sorry to hear somone has actually been nasty to you when you have done nothing to deserve it. Some people are callous and self-centered, and when they do not get the 'instant gratification' they feel so entitled to, resort to abusive language when a simple "please update soon" would have conveyed their message. Please try to ignore them and never apologise for your life, for when your muse visits you (or does not), or for anything: your writing is wonderful and I am so very glad you have given this gift to us. Even if you never finish this story, I have immensely enjoyed the journey you have taken me on and the gift of the images of Ezo that are now part of me. Enjoy your trip!

Mishikaiya (Chapter 55) - Thu 06 May 2010

Aww. Cute. I hope you have a lovely vacation and did well on your tests!

Noacat (Chapter 55) - Thu 06 May 2010

And the plot thickens...


Also, you keep updating at whatever pace is comfortable. More than anything, I understand how much more important real life is -- and your schooling is dang important. *hugglove*

swift death (Chapter 55) - Thu 06 May 2010

I am indeed very sorry for upsetting you greatly. I did not mean what I said, I only said that because i am indeed very fond of your story you have created, and for that i hope you forgive me. You do a very good job at what you do and for that i am thankful. I am also gratefull that you have informed us about your studies and that it will be a while befoe your next chapter shall come out. Till next time, ta ta Oh, the 28th of May is my birthday, i shall be 15 years of age.

maru's tenshi (Chapter 55) - Thu 06 May 2010

i have been waiting with baited breath for the latest chapter for this story. Missteak, i was wondering if you would like to work on a story with me someday. leave me a post on my profile. thanks for this chappie. I can see why this story was nominated and won so many contests. continue the great work.

Aki (Chapter 55) - Thu 06 May 2010

Fantastic as usual.

Have a nice 18-day vacation.

Looking forward to the next chappy.

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