Prepare yourself for a long one, Pita.
To be honest with you, when I first saw this story on the home page, I was not interested in reading whatsoever. It was only through boredom that I clicked on the link and read through the first chapter, but then... I was hooked. And I spent hours upon hours reading through the fourteen chapters you have posted up, completely captivated.
The plot is amazing. It is so original, I must give you kudos for it. I have read other stories where Kagome has lost her memories or where Sesshoumaru was the one suffering from amnesia, but none of them were as well written as this one. The plot twists was truly something else! I loved how Kagome and Sesshoumaru's love was passionate but had progressed slowly. I loved the soft, caring, emotional side of Sesshoumaru. I loved the way they interacted and they way they loved. Oh, and the lemons were fantastic.
I also loved how Sesshoumaru began to get snippets of his memory back through dreams and the way he was slowly reverting back to his old self. I thought that was creative; how he would wake up from the dreams and forget momentarily about his love for Kagome and slowly, day by day, revert back to his old, cold self.
Kagome's depression, weight loss, and constant numbness and crying was very believeable. I have seen and experienced a fair share of it to know and it was written really well.
Being a diehard Sess x Kag fan though, I hated, hated, hated the beginnings and continuations of Inu x Kag and had hoped it would soon pass and Sesshoumaru can get back into the picture. xD Regardless, that, too, was something that I have never seen someone incorporate into a story before so while I hated it, it was refreshing all the same.
Fantastic job, fantastic story. There is nothing negative I can say about this at all [ Why, InuKag, why?! xD ] and feel it is not enough to express my appreciation for you writing this story and sharing it with us. I believe that after this story, I will continue to be a fan of your work. No doubt. It is difficult for me to find good authors and good stories, but this is truly amazing.
I have added this to my favorite story section and I will continue to review with each chapter update. [ although they won't be as long? lol ]
I hope that whatever must be done to separate Inuyasha and Kagome will be done and over with soon so I may drool over Sesshoumaru's re-entrance to the scene and have my heart warmed at reading the wonderful love between Sesshoumaru and Kagome.
Looking forward to the next chapter,
[ told you it was a long one. xP ]
sumnerkiss (Chapter 14) - Sat 17 Jan 2009
Will Kagome and Sesshoumaru have a happy ending together?
youkailady (Chapter 1) - Thu 15 Jan 2009
 heeeelllloooo? anybody there? did you die? we're waiting! update sooooon, pleassssseeee? 
Wow....Okay...When's the next chapter coming out? I'm so heartbroken over what's happening for the three of them. I mean....I really want to cry. Sesshoumaru finally learns his lesson, Kagome's a complete wreck, and poor Inuyasha is trying to so hard. *sniffle* I want to snuggle them all and make everything all better. Great writing, as always, and keep it up!
Ashes (Chapter 13) - Thu 01 Jan 2009
My heart it bleeds. Very well written and I thank you so much for the warnings. Blessings for the new year to you and yours!
I've really enjoyed this story thus far. I thought you handled the amnesia angle quite well (the slow memory revelation really worked well for adding tension and drama!), but I'm highly disconcerted by what, as a reader, feels like a rapid implosion of the storyline and switch to the canon romantic pairing (even if it is as you promise, merely a 'detour'). A depressed Kagome I can understand, but an anorexic Kagome completely lacking self-esteem suddenly deciding to 'marry the rebound guy' feels slightly contrived. This is your story, and I thank you for sharing it, but I won't be continuing.
Best of luck!
Ashes (Chapter 12) - Mon 29 Dec 2008
I feel really sorry for the love triangle tribe. It seems like they were screwed from the get-go. You did a really fine job on the emotions and the personal interactions. Bravo. Happy almost New Years!
Indigo_Miko (Chapter 10) - Sun 28 Dec 2008
Holy God. I can't wait till next chapter! So, I gotta this fic switching over completly to Inu/Kag or will it go back to Sess/Kag in the end? Either way I eagerly await further chapters. I usually don't read Inu/Kag stories but this one is so well written and has such a great plot that I've been totally sucked in. If this is switching over to Inu/Kag will you continue to update on Dokuga? If not will you post a notice so I know to switch over to another site to keep reading? Please? Thank you!
Wow! I went away for Christmas and come back to a rollercoaster of a plot twist! I'm on the edge of my sofa!! Please update soon!
If I could delete the previous review I would. I am not the author of this story. I do not dictate how it's to be wrote. I can only choose to read or not. I've chosen to leave the story unfinished in my mind.
Ashes (Chapter 11) - Fri 26 Dec 2008
Yes you are evil. But you write well, so I guess I can forgive you.
I anxiously await the next chapter. Take your time.
I left a review on the other site expressing my disappointment when you changed the story from a Sess/Kag to an Inu/Kag. I have since removed it from my fav list. You're a good writer and I've enjoyed some of your other stories. That's why I was puzzled and disappointed when you ruined a good emotion filled Sess/Kag story. I may be wrong but I'm afraid there will be other diehard Sess/Kag fans that will be disappointed, too. By the way, is this not a dedicated Sess/Kag site?
Fluffy (Chapter 11) - Thu 25 Dec 2008
You make me sad!! I can't wait for the next chapter!!!
momo (Chapter 11) - Thu 25 Dec 2008
permanently to inu/kag? cause isn't ti suppose to be sesshou/kag?
Anamika (Chapter 2) - Wed 24 Dec 2008
Oooh... I like the new Sess. But I still hope he'd get his memories back soon.
Megs (Chapter 10) - Wed 24 Dec 2008
*pouts* awww come on! Post chapter 11 NOW!!!!!!!! So....Sesshoumaru is in the future talking to kag's mom...wonder what he warned her about!
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