Wow! I never thought someone could cockblock a fap session but lo and behold. Jaken never ceases to be a nuisance. Poor Sesshomaru.
Sesshomaru, you want her so badly it's driving you insane and there's only so much you can fight. Maybe, allow your beast to write a letter to Kagome as well. She wrote to both you and your beast It is only fair.
Amai (Chapter 27) - Thu 01 Feb 2024
i am disappointed to find out the logical side is in conflict with the beast and the beast is so slinical in his desire. Maybe it couldve been expressed in a better manner because it was going so well otherwise.
Anonymous (Chapter 26) - Tue 30 Jan 2024
OOOH great fight scence. Love taking the general down a peg or 2 ;) Will Shippo show up again? This story is so cool and they keep getting better.
So ...Sesshomaru's reading comprehension is selective. That's what I'm getting here lol.
She did a terrible job of explaining herself as well.
The suspense is killing me! They are terrible at communicating with each other!
Of course Kagome will be fine. I'm just curious how well exactly she'll do. ????
Great writing! I'm so invested.
Mary (Chapter 23) - Wed 24 Jan 2024
Alright Kagome, you KNOW that you're more than a packmate if he sends you a ribbon with his HAIR. If it wasn't Sesshomaru, it'd be a tad bit creepy, but of course he made gifting his hair romantic and tasteful. I wonder if Sesshomaru is prepared to have a kit for an adopted child. Either way I hope Kagome brings up the courtship in her next letter. Since Masaru didn't say anything about the courtship, he'd be safe from his lord's wrath. Shippo is so used to losing people that it just breaks my heart that the prospect of her being courted makes him feel like she'd be whisked away by Sesshomaru. I'm glad Kagome was able to soothe his troubled heart. Shippo is too precious.
Amai (Chapter 23) - Tue 23 Jan 2024
So much beauty and eloquence in simple sentences. I loved it. She kissed the hair weaved so she isnt averse to a match between them any longer. Ahh to be the recipient of such gifts and letters.
Mary (Chapter 22) - Sun 21 Jan 2024
Shippou is so endearing! His obvious crush on Rin is too cute. I bet all the ladies at school drool over our lovely Shippou. Also him being overprotective of Kagome is so him and heartwarming. Even if everyone in Kagome's pack left, she'd always have her son. I adore how he instincually doesn't like Masaru and is disgruntled by the idea of Sesshoumaru courting her. I love how he's just waiting for Kagome to tell him as if she actually knows what's happening.
Mary (Chapter 21) - Wed 17 Jan 2024
Sesshomaru is gonna mince Inuyasha. But I really hope that Kagome learns more about Inuyokai culture so that she understands just how much Sesshomaru cares about her.
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