Reviews for Made to Order by Chiaztolite

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Amai (Chapter 12) - Tue 14 Nov 2023

The intensity of sesshomaru in this chapter was off the charts. Well thought out and well written. Chillingly menacing and capable of boundless passion in the same moment. 

Im blown.

And I like Kagomes reaction to his protective yet possessive reaction. I can almost taste the newness and the uncertainty of their bond in the making, the want of the illusive, figurative and the real literal. 

Keep it up. I cant wait to read more :) please update soon.

KShadeslady (Chapter 12) - Tue 14 Nov 2023

That was a wonderful chapter. It's seems they may have gotten through what was keeping them apart. I have a feeling they will do more than just talk. 

SmilingFool (Chapter 12) - Mon 13 Nov 2023

Wow that was an awesome confrontation.....  Man I wish Sesshomaru could let loose his beast to devour suikotsu....  And oh how tender he was with kagome that was love I believe.

Kathy (Chapter 12) - Mon 13 Nov 2023

Lucky Kagome! Just do it in the alley! 

Young Kagome (Chapter 11) - Sat 21 Oct 2023

Oh I just want them to talk their problems out!! Great chapter, please update soon!

Arc-an Angel (Chapter 11) - Mon 09 Oct 2023

The realizations all around! Love that Sessh is on a path to discovering himself and that Kagome is actually taking the relationship/marriage seriously and wants it to grow. Also, yuck with the ex. Disgusting vermin.

Kathy (Chapter 11) - Mon 25 Sep 2023

I truly love all your work. You're an excellent author. Yeah portrayal of Sesshomaru and Kagome has me in love. I know I was reluctant to read this story because it didn't seem "organic" but I'm so glad I did read it. I got hooked. And I love how you address issues that others would have. I can't wait to continue reading this story and all your other works. 

I'd buy all your novels!

zodiak023 (Chapter 11) - Sat 23 Sep 2023

I love this unique story plot but I wish u would update faster cause I don't have patience to hang on and wait for these awesome chapters 

Jennifer (Chapter 11) - Thu 21 Sep 2023

This story was so different and intriguing. I loved every second of it! Please update again soon!

Cykotyk (Chapter 11) - Wed 20 Sep 2023

You've captured the turmoil of feeling you're not good enough for the partner you cherish so wonderfully. It sent pangs to my heart as I recalled times I have felt the same. I hope you're doing better in life than Sesshoumaru is doing in these latest chapters

Amai (Chapter 11) - Wed 20 Sep 2023

I appreciate how they both are trying to sort their thoughts out before committing to anything physical. Another way they are compatible. 

Also, you use side characters to bring development for the all characters involved giving the story a realistic touch. 

Please continue writing. 


KShadeslady (Chapter 11) - Wed 20 Sep 2023

Dun Dun Dun!  Just in the nick of time too! Hopefully he will not misconstrue what happened and they will talk it out. I love that Toga is stepping up as a surrogate father. Wonderful chapter. Great story. 

SmilingFool (Chapter 11) - Tue 19 Sep 2023

Oh shit what a chapter f'n two timer is after Kagome again and now Sesshomaru see's whats going on hopefully he doesn't get the wrong idea that would be bad but it would be good to put the two timing jerk on the line hearing and seeing what was going on...  Gosh i can't wait to read more.

Dmo (Chapter 11) - Tue 19 Sep 2023

Only thing maddening is the cliffhanger!!!  The way your stories have my heart in a vice that is yearning to be let go or squeezed to completion of a story, the updates are maddening as well but so worth it !! I anticipate every update ! ??

MaivenTahl (Chapter 11) - Tue 19 Sep 2023

My heart in this one Queen Chiaz. All your stories are so good, I've been so caught up in some of them that I forget about gems like this until you pour yourself into them with all of Sesshoumaru's raw emotions. 

Thank you for the update, I hope your own novels are going well!



LadyDaniTar (Chapter 11) - Tue 19 Sep 2023

All srgjjff gf u ffuftcyxyfcugvgu

i freakin groaned at this cliffhanger! Ah! 

Arc-an Angel (Chapter 10) - Sat 02 Sep 2023

This is just too beautiful! I love that he's thinking and feeling on his own because that's exactly what will bring them together. Kagome is suspicious and closed off to everything, because she's worried that he doesn't have a real feeling or thought not programmed in her favor, so hopefully the more she sees him as an actual individual the more her true feelings can grow. Excited to see what happens next.

Amai (Chapter 10) - Tue 15 Aug 2023

ok this story just got intensely real for me even though many elements are decidedly fantasy.

This chapter in particular spurred my brain into asking myself the following ;  

Should one be able to share anything with one's spouse ? YES !

Should one have to share everything with one's spouse ? NO !

Should you share something you know will be to the detriment of your relationship ? Maybe.  

high hopes for the upcoming buildup climax and resolution. 

I really liked mothers answers to Sesshomaru though. Exactly what he needed to hear given the turmoil. 


Amai (Chapter 10) - Tue 15 Aug 2023

One hell of a chapter ! I just loved it. What an unveiling =) bravo bravo 

Anonymous (Chapter 10) - Mon 14 Aug 2023

I don't know how Sesshomaru is able to cope.  I'd be asking them to clear my 'programming'.

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