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KShadeslady (Chapter 178) - Fri 17 Feb 2023

I'm glad she recovered herself at the end but I know that wench put those niggleing thoughts in her head. They both need to clear things up between them. 

hw (Chapter 178) - Fri 17 Feb 2023

That conniving canary! I'm glad Kagome held her ground and mostly kept her composure. Although, I am surprised she was so affected by that rude bird's words. Why didn't she remember what Sesshoumaru told her about not wanting anything to do with that foul fowl? Was it simply forgetting their conversation or was there some power or magic influencing the negative thoughts? I hope she talks to Sesshoumaru about what was said and that he definitely tells her that he wants no part of being a kagao. I mean, obviously, I also hope they build on their connection more and come to realize that despite their beginnings, they both want more than their agreed upon arrangement...but I know that will probably take longer to get there. 

Lady Valkrye (Chapter 178) - Fri 17 Feb 2023

So I deeply love this story. And I adore Kagome's character arc. I'm glad you wrote her standing up against the birds, even though she's emotionally hurt and confused. I can't wait to read Sesshoumaru's reaction and see how he comforts her, since it's so obvious that he's fallen in love but is shying away from realizing it himself due to his belief that Kagome hates him. You've written this interaction so we'll, I read the chapter twice.

Kathy (Chapter 178) - Fri 17 Feb 2023

I really hope Kagome sticks to her own words and doesn't end up believing that horrible woman

SmilingFool (Chapter 178) - Fri 17 Feb 2023

Kagome was ready to fry some chicken or is it vulture, anyways, even though the vulture got underneath Kagome's skin she did not allow her emotions to rule her she remembered talks in the beginning about him freeing her after a second child but they have grown closer and Kagome is finding her footing in a new land and plans to go to the yokai's schooling system. I believe after having a heart to heart talk things will get better.

Anonymous (Chapter 178) - Fri 17 Feb 2023

Thank you for posting


Ravenkag (Chapter 1) - Wed 15 Feb 2023

Y aqui hemos llegado al momento en que todos queremos pollo frito!

Porciones para todos para llevar por favor.

cristinPacheco8 (Chapter 177) - Wed 15 Feb 2023

Madre mia está que arde quiere que arpia quiere a Sesshomaru pero no esta dispuesta a sacrificar su estatus por amor,Kagome espero que no te amilane esa demonesa malvada

KShadeslady (Chapter 177) - Tue 14 Feb 2023

I'm so loving Arc-an Angel and Smiling Fools reviews. Right there with them. 

KShadeslady (Chapter 177) - Tue 14 Feb 2023

So that's what she's after. I'm sure he doesn't want anything to do with her. He's drawn to Kagome for the qualities that he doesn't find in all those youkai princesses. You can fry her now Kags! 

REDWOLF (Chapter 177) - Tue 14 Feb 2023

I hope Sesshoumaru hears some of this .

Arc-an Angel (Chapter 177) - Tue 14 Feb 2023

You know what...let me breathe. Kagome and Sesshomaru did have this discussion previously and he did inform her that old chicken head right here only wanted his puppy juice and not him or the honor of his house after the last pandemonium. So my girl Kags already knows whats up. But imma need her to hit clucky McCluck Fuck up with a calm ass soul crushing rebuttal and keep it moving to the next acitivty. 

Arc-an Angel (Chapter 177) - Tue 14 Feb 2023

Slap this red feather eyed bitch right NOW, Kagome. Preferably with a pink reiki filled palm. I'm not even shocked but the audacity is just astounding. 

SmilingFool (Chapter 177) - Tue 14 Feb 2023

Oh man Sesshomaru was right to inform Kagome that the vulture broke off the engagement but only wanted him as a stud....  Shame on that vulture thinking Kagome would allow that to happen...  Hopefully Sesshomaru wouldn't be asked about how he and Kagome became mates.....  Hopefully his talk with the emperor fairs well.

Kathy (Chapter 177) - Tue 14 Feb 2023

Ah heck no!!! Slap her or do something. What disrespect! 

MaivenTahl (Chapter 177) - Tue 14 Feb 2023

Turn that hen into fried chicken, Kagome!

Arc-an Angel (Chapter 176) - Mon 13 Feb 2023

Oh the fire is HOT in here!!! I'm ready for this verbal war and must say I am so proud of Sesshomaru and Kagome. The way they've handled this whole event as a team and even the discovery of just how genuine that truth really is for them. I mean the whole flower/arrow display and realization of the bond was just beautiful and something that I hope continues to blossom for them both. But damn these youkai are cut throat. Straight vipers with silk and wine.

KShadeslady (Chapter 176) - Mon 13 Feb 2023

Here it comes...

MaivenTahl (Chapter 176) - Mon 13 Feb 2023

Ouch, I hope that doesn't throw off Kagome's guard. I know you have it in you Kagome to come back with a smart remark, continue to be strong and let it out when you get back to the crescent moon house with Sesshoumaru. There's a blossoming connection, don't let that hen destroy it!!!

REDWOLF (Chapter 176) - Mon 13 Feb 2023

Uh oh...the crazy ass hen just had to do it...she mentioned Kagome's baby! What a stupid hen. For some reason I just can not picture Sesshoumaru with a chicken!!  No wonder his beast sought her out. Just wished things had happened differently for his beast. I wonder who's gossiping from their own kingdom ...pity their sorry butts when they find out!

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