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SmilingFool (Chapter 33) - Tue 12 Jul 2022

Wow stupid woman really she just may have gotten them caught.  Hopefully Sesshomaru will get them out of this....  If not I put the blame on the miko.  lol  We all know she's going through her ptsd of being a victim but she clearly lost all reality just because he wants to shield her from harm and she pushes the only one who will protect her away so she could possible get attacked again.  Good going, that's two to zero between the two...  That was good only wish it were longer.


SmilingFool (Chapter 32) - Mon 11 Jul 2022

Well now things have been straightened out lets see if Sesshomaru will have them spend the night in the forest or fly over them?  Now that Kagome's past out.

KShadeslady (Chapter 32) - Mon 11 Jul 2022

That was a very gentle "I told you so". Nicely done. She needs food and rest. That was quite a shock. Loving this story. Thanks for updating I'm glad these are longer drabbles. The short ones make me crazy! LOLOLOL 

KShadeslady (Chapter 31) - Mon 11 Jul 2022

He did try hard head! In his own way of course, which means he didn't really elaborate. And No! You definitely aren't in Kansas anymore! 

REDWOLF (Chapter 32) - Mon 11 Jul 2022

Sesshoumaru needs to pick her silly ass up and carry her silly ass out of the forest. What's done is done and she either deals with him or she goes home and let's her mother help her deal with this. Kagome seems to be an aggravation. I believe his mother will have a fit trying to deal with her too. Great update I am enjoying the fic, I just wonder how much more Sesshoumaru is going to put up with (LOL)?

SmilingFool (Chapter 31) - Mon 11 Jul 2022

He did warn her not even daiyokai would enter the forest at night how was he to know what they'd run into and she wants to know why he didn't tell her...  Really...  She is fucken daft...  Stupid broad. I really dislike Kagome these past chapters because she is two faced...  But I like the story and want to see where it goes...  Hopefully some kind of come back slaps her in the face.

Nicole (Chapter 31) - Sun 10 Jul 2022

Love the new story, the short chapters are killing me but at same time, perfect for this story. 


Thanks for the updates!

Elle Jene (Chapter 30) - Sat 09 Jul 2022

This story has me complete transfixed! 

SmilingFool (Chapter 30) - Sat 09 Jul 2022

So short....  LOL I think Kagome's going to listen a tad bit more knowing Sesshomaru was right....  They are not in Musashi....  LOL  hahhaaa that was a good one.

Mynameishuman (Chapter 29) - Fri 08 Jul 2022

Oh man. The horrific visual! Nasty, nasty stuff. Kagome, girl, you should've listened.

REDWOLF (Chapter 29) - Fri 08 Jul 2022

Yep, indeed! This does not surprise me. Even though Kagome wants to help others she seems to have this "sticking her nose in everything/everyone's business." Kagome is nosey and it always seems to get her into trouble. Sesshoumaru just doesn't realize his future problems with her. I really am enjoying the story! I wonder if she will ever care for Sesshoumaru?

SmilingFool (Chapter 29) - Fri 08 Jul 2022

LOL Well she asked for it...  He told her to stay in the barrier, why didn't Kagome call her into it?  It would have been much safer that way she could see the threat if there was one but nooo....  She had to be stupid and leave the barrier...  Can't wait till the I told you so...  Wonder if its some kind of spider or something worse.

KShadeslady (Chapter 29) - Fri 08 Jul 2022

Well, we knew this was happening. Just not the exact what! 

KShadeslady (Chapter 27) - Thu 07 Jul 2022

I'm of two minds here...1, I know she is reluctant and repulsed by the idea of staying anywhere close to him, I get that (totally understandable) and 2: this was a total dumbass bad idea, he (The Killing Perfection!) was reluctant to enter this forest at night in a region that he knows. Hello! Clue bird! BIG FRICKIN' RED FLAG! But Nooo...she was so mad and stubborn that common sense didn't leak into the working part of her brain and she (who has never been there) just forged on into an unknown. Not good decisions on her part. And I'm sure she's about to make a few more bad decisions because she is pissed off at him. Sorry if this seems harsh but that's my military brain working here. Great chapters but I hope she starts thinking again soon. 

REDWOLF (Chapter 27) - Wed 06 Jul 2022

No doubt Kagome will leave the circle?  Good chapter. 

Mynameishuman (Chapter 27) - Wed 06 Jul 2022

Oh dang! I wonder what the spooky forest will bring!

REDWOLF (Chapter 26) - Wed 06 Jul 2022

As bad as I feel for Kagome she can sure be dumb at times and not listen to sound advice. Great chapter!

SmilingFool (Chapter 26) - Tue 05 Jul 2022

Even he admitted it....  He was scared and because of Kagome they would venture forth.  Wonder what awaits them inside.... Muwhaaaaa....  lol

Mynameishuman (Chapter 25) - Mon 04 Jul 2022

Can't say I blame her... but she should listen to the one who knows. Something tells me this is leading up to something necessary though. Excited to find out what!

witty (Chapter 25) - Mon 04 Jul 2022

I understand where Kagome is coming from. Why should she accept any friendliness or advice from her rapist? She wasn't raped months ago, it's only been a few hours or a day or two if that. I hope she finds friendly faces soon and can escape sesshomaru for a little while regardless of his 'good intentions'. She needs time to heal and come to terms with what has happened to her. 

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