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SmilingFool (Chapter 91) - Wed 07 Sep 2022

At least both are talking now.... I like the fact they are discussing ways to help rid the soil of the poisons.  Wonder what would happen if Kagome purified it?

Annie (Chapter 90) - Wed 07 Sep 2022

Yes! A thousand times yes!! I love the image of Sesshomaru working out in the fields - it's such a contrast against his feminine beauty!! But so like him doing whatever is necessary to keep their clan going and surviving!! Kagome help him please!! I really enjoy your updates and hoping the next just a long and juicy as this one!! Thank you again for all of your hard work - I'm still amazed how you're able to make these daily updates happen and that each one is so so so good!

Young Kagome (Chapter 89) - Tue 06 Sep 2022

Use that future knowledge girl! You got this!

Annie (Chapter 89) - Mon 05 Sep 2022

Here comes the future miko! Surely she can think of ways to help improve the lack of funds / help the estate!  I'm so desperate for more Kagome and Sesshomaru interactions!!

i hope we get to see them interact again soooooon. 

Ravenkag (Chapter 89) - Mon 05 Sep 2022

Lo más terapéutico que puede alguien hacer es ayudar a otros.

Me alegra que Kagome  este trabajando en ello.

Se que mi niña es lo sufiecientemente inteligente para pensar en soluciones y se que se empecinará en hacerlo.

SmilingFool (Chapter 89) - Mon 05 Sep 2022

I'm glad Kagome wants to help.  Hm, a bit of modern day knowledge can help nothing too grand easy things that tumbled out in later years like irrigation, if she knows anything to further growth for crops can also be an asset.  Knowledge can be sold for a price.

KShadeslady (Chapter 88) - Mon 05 Sep 2022

Now she has a goal to work towards. That is always the best way to get Kagome motivated. Looking forward to more of this wonderful story. 

KShadeslady (Chapter 87) - Mon 05 Sep 2022

Yah Kagome! I knew her heart wouldn't let them battle this alone. 

KShadeslady (Chapter 86) - Sun 04 Sep 2022

I think there is a lot of blending of stories in these two cultures and you will find many similar stories in Korean mythology. I don't see that as a problem and it adds depth to your story and makes it your own. I'm wondering how they are going to raise an army before the pandemonium? Are they going to talk Inuyasha into helping? Maybe Kouga and his wolves? 


SmilingFool (Chapter 88) - Sun 04 Sep 2022

Great chapter love the idea of wanting to change the estate.

Natalia (Chapter 87) - Sun 04 Sep 2022

HI, I have been a silent stalker of this fic daily, but didn't review until now, sorry about that! i am not trying to start a debate here, but after the sequel I really felt reluctant to even read fanfiction for fear of reading some "spoilers". but this fic is beatiful! really beautiful, so really thank you for writing it! a deep bow to you. I am so glad I foud it and its helping me slowly out of my disapointement with the sequel just my opinion. everything seems so logical and well thought and oh miracle, no plot holes whatsoever! so really thanks for writing! can't wait for the future development of this, world building is a genre I love and you seem a master at this! thank you will eagerly wait for an update but no rush, I think you are on holidays so be sure to enjoy yourself!

Arc-an Angel (Chapter 87) - Sun 04 Sep 2022

Yessssss! You better come all the way through Shikon Miko, from the future no less, and let them know we fighting 'together'! Can't wait to see what happens next!

Annie (Chapter 87) - Sun 04 Sep 2022



I knew Kagome wouldn't let them do it on their own! Even pregnant she would find a way to help! I hope their baby will lend her some new hybrid power!!

thank you again for your updates. Still really the highlight of my day! 

Young Kagome (Chapter 87) - Sat 03 Sep 2022

Yay she's going to help them! Knew she would but I'm glad to see her say it lol

SmilingFool (Chapter 86) - Sat 03 Sep 2022

Great chapter I feel for the dogs of the west and those of lower ranks hopefully something will help them even Kagome.

KShadeslady (Chapter 85) - Sat 03 Sep 2022

Poor Seirin. That is so sad. I suspected that's why the union was ended. No honor in that one. 

Annie (Chapter 86) - Fri 02 Sep 2022

So a rich world you've weaved. 

So many lives lost and so much destroyed all for 2 people. I can see why Sesshomaru hate them vehemently. So good this chapter. Can't wait for the next one!
thank you again for the update, they really make my day! 

SmilingFool (Chapter 85) - Fri 02 Sep 2022

Loved the chapter, have a great vaccation....  I feel bad for Seirin, I hope with Kagome there they could train her make her prepare for battle even while pregnant Kagome needs to protect herself and train her reiryoku so she can help in the fight.  I feel sorry for the good houses that get defeated especially when comes to the young.  I hope Kagome can help them she already seems determined from the story Sesshomaru told her.

Anonymous (Chapter 85) - Fri 02 Sep 2022

Me estoy enfureciendo más con el General por todo esto.

Uno puede abandonar el trabajo y otros deberes asi como posesiones y hasta a otras personas si debe salvar a su familia.

¡ Uno daría un riñon por su familia !

¿ Pero dejar abandonada a una parte de tu familia por la otra ?

Es como que un hombre casado embarazara a una fulana y decida que no quiere que su nuevo bebé  crezca sin una figura paterna pero no tiene reparos en abandonar a la familia que aun lo necesita.

¡Y este es el punto! Que su manada lo necesitaba y muchisimo.  Muchos murieron y los que sobrevivieron tuvieron que enfrentar muchas penurias.

Young Kagome (Chapter 85) - Fri 02 Sep 2022

Wow what a jerk. She's better off without him anyway! I can't wait to see them all happy! Have fun on vaca! 

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