Just reread story and it's so cute. Would love to read more if you ever decide to you to continue. You have really set a realistic scene and I feel like I know the characters thank you for writing!
OMG I just posted about this story in the "searching for a fic" forum..and now you've updated!! What a surprise and of course the chapter was amazing. Looking forward to more, thanks for writing such a fun read!!
Neelixonee (Chapter 3) - Sun 18 Jul 2021
Jung Ji-hoon definitely had chocolate abs. I remember that phrase fondly.
silence (Chapter 3) - Sat 17 Jul 2021
Oh yeah! A family reunion in Japan! That should be really fun and crazy!
Oh I remember the chocolate abs.... Yeah to distracting at that time but still a mouth full... I loved this chapter a lot of playtime and hopefully the mothers and the father are not going to try and set her up with inu yasha... Boy that'll be a pain... lol oh yeah did mention about taking her friends talk about generous employers.... lol...
Lola (Chapter 2) - Thu 23 Apr 2020
A good story after so long!!
ladyg (Chapter 2) - Sun 29 Mar 2020
This story is too cute! love it :)
LMAO! Wonderful fun! I love these two! Thanks so much for another quirky chapter!
Mariya (Chapter 1) - Sat 14 Mar 2020
Love this one!!!!
doesn't Sessh know you can't have your cake, and eat it too!!!
silence (Chapter 2) - Wed 11 Mar 2020
Okay, I am definitely loving Sessmom in this story!
Oh, it is good enough to eat and it's so good you just want more. LOL! This story is absolutely delish. Hope you continue on with the story,
Faith (Chapter 1) - Mon 02 Mar 2020
I mean if you want to continue it, I don't think anyone will protest; but it's good as a stand alone too.
I'm glad you shared it, no matter when you wrote it. <3
silence (Chapter 1) - Sat 29 Feb 2020
Ooh, this looks good! I can't wait to see where it goes!
Oh i love you and I love this story. It's very refreshing!
it can be a good oneshot by itself, but a few more chapters couldn't hurt, right?
Nilee1 (Chapter 1) - Sat 29 Feb 2020
Too cute!! I didn't see that coming ??
Tai (Chapter 1) - Sat 29 Feb 2020
Too cute!!! Would be a great short story!
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