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Yasmine (Chapter 9) - Mon 10 Jun 2024

I hope we all get to read your amazing stories again <3

Briunna (Chapter 9) - Fri 20 Aug 2021

Please update Belladonna soon it's a beautiful story i really hope you will clear understanding to kagome about who rin is to sesshomaru

Young Kagome (Chapter 9) - Tue 08 Dec 2020

If they don't explain the misunderstanding! How could both of them forget they all think they're lovers. Ugh. I'm so enjoying this! Please update soon! 

Niomi (Chapter 9) - Fri 13 Nov 2020

Im back to give you more love!! I just had to re read this story. Ugh it's just so special. How creative you are!! I love Kagome's origin story, everybodys situation is so unique but still feels so familiar to their true character. You capture the essence well. Especially your attention to detail, the passing of the poison through food? awesome! We all must have such good souls to be so supportive of Kagome even after all the evil she's committed hah. Another level of emotion youre bringing! Sometimes I forget the power of Sess because of how strong Kagome is and then how much of a hold Naraku has on her. But Sess is still THE man, albeit undercover and you totally reminded us of that at the end. Everything from the brief dialogue and his choice of words and actions when they got together was perfect. How could a simple "what are you doing" in the throes of passion be so hot? Can't wait for more! No pressure :) sure anything you have planned is going to be great!

Niomi (Chapter 9) - Wed 11 Nov 2020

I've been taking a break from this world and my! What a Welcome back. I remember reading this at its early first two chapters and how lucky I am that you've updated so much! I cannot express how madly in love I am with this story. Truly unique and riveting. Kind of weird to say considering the situation you put created Kagome in. Cant wait to see what else you have in store. Also, as difficult as you say this last chapter was, it certainly didnt disappoint. It flowed quite naturally with the story, and it was HOT. It was already juicy leading up to it! Hope you feel comfortable exploringt it more, because their connection is amazing. Can we clear the air with Rin already. Hah. they have more important things to worry about!! Plus, am I the only one who is so happy that no one else can have Kagome?! What a powerful, deadly pussy only reserved for our favorite. Woo, look forward to more. You are appreciated!!!

Midnight7 (Chapter 9) - Tue 10 Nov 2020

I am so happy to see an update. I absolutly love this story.  I can't wait to find out how Kagome will act when she finds out that they are not lovers. ???????? I really enjoyed the this chapter and can't wait for another update.

candy (Chapter 9) - Sat 07 Nov 2020

Oh when is kagome going to find out that rin is sesshomaru sister. The love making could have been a little bit better, but its ok. Can't wait for the next chapter. 

Natalia (Chapter 9) - Thu 05 Nov 2020

Ah the trope of misunderstanding... Such a clever plot twists that twists my heart!

Please update soon! I need to know when will someone find out she is not his lover!


Thx for the chapter!

Eve Nighte (Chapter 9) - Wed 04 Nov 2020

OMG a new chapter!!! Love it :D

I'm so glad to see an update - I really like where this story is going.

Very well written :) the lemon was very well done and while you said in your A/N that it would be vulgar, it made the scene more real and believable for me so I thought it was a good choice. Also, I'm so glad they finally did it and I hope it's not the last time either hehehe ;)

Also, how the timing is always just off when Kagome is talking to Rin about them being 'lovers' or when Kagome sees Rin and Sesshomaru - again, all very well done :D!


This is one of the few stories that I genuienly come back time and time again to just read again even if there isn't an update so I was THRILLED to see a new chapter <3


I hope the writing Gods are good to you and we get another chapter soon! <3


Keep it up!! :D 

AuroraDarlene (Chapter 9) - Wed 04 Nov 2020

AHHHHHH!!! It feels like a blessing to see that you updated and what a way to make a comeback.

This chapter was so intense and I loved every moment of it. I really wish the misunderstanding would clear up soon and at the same time, I wish it continues since I know the reveal would be that much more fun.

Loved seeing this wild side of Sesshoumaru. Hope we see more of him. And just imagining the despair on his face when Kagome pulls back from him after their night together only to find out the misunderstanding, oh what a sight that would be.

I really hope you'll update your other SessKag stories as well..Its been torture waiting for the updates since it's been more than a year now T_T

Can't wait to read more.

Midnight Cat (Chapter 8) - Fri 13 Sep 2019

Incredible update! Full of the much needed adrenaline that I was looking for! The entire chapter I was at the edge of my seat just tensely reading and hoping it would never end! I am so glad that Sesshoumaru has finally seen the anguish Kagome lives with every day of her life, and I know that this has been a turning point for him! Thank you for the amazing update!! RATING: 10/10! 

Koree (Chapter 8) - Sun 08 Sep 2019

Wow what a suspenseful chapter, this was a really amazing chap . I enjoyed it from start to finish , I genuinely love this story I’m not even finished with it well lol you aren’t finished with it & I can already tell this is my top KagxSessh fic . 

waterwomen1414 (Chapter 8) - Sun 08 Sep 2019

Damn this story is Soo good I can't wait for the update and omg that is a very heady place to leave off for now. I'm loving this story hopefully you update soon so I can emerse myself once more.

Crystal (Chapter 8) - Sat 07 Sep 2019

Ahhh!!! No! Don’t end the chapter there! Oh please please please please update soon!! I know I was thinking the same as Shippo, but ah! More! Did Sesshomaru hear that conversation? Oh please let the coupling happe next chapter! *spinning in mad  anticipation Here*

Cheyanna (Chapter 8) - Sat 07 Sep 2019

Thanks for updating and I can’t wait to read more!! Sesshomaru may just get the chance he’s been looking for!:) 

Awesome chapter as usual!!

Zaac (Chapter 8) - Sat 07 Sep 2019

Oh my gosh! I can't wait for the next chapter! This story is so GOOD!


Thank you for writing! 

Orotami (Chapter 8) - Sat 07 Sep 2019

I'm so happy to see such a long chapter! And what a chapter it was! This web of a story has been incredible. I can't wait to read more!

AuroraDarlene (Chapter 8) - Sat 07 Sep 2019

Oh it's getting heated up more and more.  The way that Sesshomaru found out the truth was just pure sweet torture.  .I love that he's getting more and more serious and clingy with her. .him looking on longingly at her in his inu form was just so sweet... I can't wait to find out how things take place ..thank you for updating and please, keep up the good work ;-)

AuroraDarlene (Chapter 8) - Sat 07 Sep 2019

Oh it's getting heated up more and more.  The way that Sesshomaru found out the truth was just pure sweet torture.  .I love that he's getting more and more serious and clingy with her. .him looking on longingly at her in his inu form was just so sweet... I can't wait to find out how things take place ..thank you for updating and please, keep up the good work ;-)

Midnight Cat (Chapter 7) - Fri 06 Sep 2019

This was heart wrenching, the anguish, guilt, and pain carried by Kagome is felt so strongly! I applaud your writing and the way you work your magic to weave words into stories that takes one to the scene as if we were there. Most excellent update, thank you so much for sharing! I look forward to your next update and hope you are well and inspiration fills you with the desire to continue this tale for a long time! 

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