I got lost in your story keep up the good work
There go the tears again Q.Q another great chapter!
Oh gosh I teared up and didn't even notice until the end! Great chapter!
They're both kinda twisted and perfect for each other. Sad to see Rin swept up in it (but she now has 3 parents protecting her). I can't wait to see what happens next :)
WOW!!!. Kagura gave up her child just to be with Naraku. Just sad. Great story.
Wow! Really great chapter! This puts a different spin on the story. Looking forward to the next update! Cheers!
Poor Rin, but yay for visits whenever. Hopefully Sesshoumaru doesn't get jealous of the bond they still share. I can't wait to see what happens next :)
Aw...That was Wonderful! Sweet reunion and a promise of more. Thanks so much for this lovely update.
I am glad that Sesshomaru is allowing Kagome to visit Rin. I just don't understand? Why would Kagura give up such a beautiful child to Kagome to raise and lie to Sesshomaru that his child had died. So many questions. Please update soon.
Those were some extremely tense chapters. I'm so glad he is letting her see Rin.
Oh no! This is not going to be good!
Oh! Sweet and very sad.
Anything for your kid I guess. I wonder how the first meeting will go and if either of them will actually listen to Kagura (hopefully before its too late). I can't wait to see what happens next :)
yay! she finally gets to see her baby! *sniff* this chappie gave me some feels man, awesome job!
Oh god... my heart is in a complete state of turmoil... and I am loving every second of it. I am totally captivated... I need mother and daughter reunion ASAP!!
Getting good!!
OMG him stating she is grieving for 2! Perfect chapter!!!!
Beautiful! Every new chapter makes me more in love with this fic! Thx for updating! It was amazing how you showed more depths to both of them and that he asked for her help... I wonder if that evil on is naraku? Looking for Rin? Anyway amazing chapter! Your best work at the moment! Thx!
Wow great chapter....very realistic cause Sesshoumaru never gave up his rights as a father or custody of Rin. He was betrayed by Kagura, and Kagome with her soft heart, and despaired by her sons death has been a willing accomplice. She gave all her love to Rin believing that Rin needs to be protected from her father....now that the truth is out she knows she has been mislead and Sesshoumaru just wants what was stolen from him......argh...please update soon...can`t wait to read more soon
I'm hopeless. I promised myself I wouldn't come back to this story until it built up a decent amount of chapters. But like an addict, this story is my drug. . . Oh god it's so good! The pain Kagome feels is so strong my chest tightens with every word. I feel as though it's up to Rin to bridge the gap. Amazing story. Very unique! Update soon please!
Your devoted addict. <3
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