I really am enjoying the story and hope you can update soon. :D
I like that you have some time gaps and don't get overly detailed like some authors - that can get annoying fast.
Thanks for the hard work.
I can't wait till young Kagome showe back up!!!
Mated Kagome is going to watch "herself" get fucker be Sesh!!! It's better than watching your own porn...you get to watch it LIVE! Hahaha Kinky...
Woah, its good to know they still got it even in the future. Lol
Do they have any pups and what about rin and shippou? How long after the younger kagome and future sesshomaru have their encounter will it be before she goes back to the past? Will this completed mating bond alert any youkai noses as to what's going on? What is kagome going to do when she comes across the past sesshomaru with this completed mate bond? Will he feel it too? What will he do?
Update soon onegai
Ja ne
Kinky chapter. Are you going to have Kagome go back to the past after her tryst with Sessho? I would like to see how she and Sessho came together to become mates and what made her ask him to "fuck her in the ass" to begin with. Just curious. lol :) Nice writing job and looking forward to more updates soon.
Just Brillient
I like their kinkiness! It's reminds me of me and my husband.
Omg! This is getting better and better. I liked how you explained why kagome is feeling the way she is. Telling us about the bond really helps to set the stage for everything. How long will kagome be with sesshomaru like this? When will she go back to the past. How will she cope with her feelings for inuyasha and sesshomaru?
I started laughing at how blunt she was. I like the way this is progressing, I hope you update again soon. I need to know what happens next.
Naughty Kagome. LOL. I can't wait to see what she is up to and what surprises await her if or when she ever finds out the truth. I am starting to like this story. Great job!
That was so Funny.
It was unexpected before and it is unexpected now Reading the story i want you to fuck me in the ass then nothing so i waited and you still play with my emotions lol great story cant wait to see what unexpected suprise comes next. I think thats why i love it so much its not really generic and its so unexpected makes me reread it a couple of times to make sure i am making things up keep up the good work.
I really like where this is heading and thanks for the carification earlier !
So I think my eyes are messing with me because it's so late. I'm not sure, but I could've sworn that Kagome just asked Sesshoumaru to fuck her in t he ass. My eyes immediately shot back up to the top, reread the chapter and I promptly busted out laughing. Say what??! LOL, I will def put this in my favorites!
Well..... didn't expect that :D Can't wait to see what happens next.
Wow. Not bad for a first chapter. After they sleep together is kagome going to want more from sesshomaru than she thought? How is she going to feel about the sesshomaru in the past and how will kagome get him to see her that way? Will inuyasha be able to pick up that she's been with sesshomaru or at least someone else?
Hahahahahaha Was not Expecting her to Say That.
Like it. Hope to see more. :)
Well this is kind of a kinky weird sort of story. I would like to see where this goes. Please continue. Nice writing by the way.
I would love to see what happens next in this story. Seems very interesting.
I like the begining of this story and then you hit the readers with "I want you to fuck me in the ass" kind of threw me off and probably did others.. hopefully we will see more and explain why it jumped to it so quickly. Other than that I can't wait to read more !
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