This is such a great story and nice long chapters too!?! When are u going to update? Please, please update really soon
I'm back!...3 yrs later. I did say I'd come back within the decade. And yes, I know I'm a few years short, lol. I really hoped you'd update this story, but alas, that has not come to pass. I think I'll flush my mind of all these incomplete stories now. I've been reading fics like yours for longer then I ever watched the original anime. They draw me in with their captivating storylines and unique twists. You plot is obviously more mature and developed than anything the original author ever presented to the world. But Inuyasha obviously isn't the newest anime on the block anymore. I'm willing to bet that most readers and writers in the Inuyasha realm are creeping up there in age. I have almost no time to waste anymore. If an author can't be bothered to write a single chapter in 3 years, then what kind of fool am I to wait around in the dark for it?
Thank you for the lovely half story. Your work and effort are appreciated, truly. But I will no longer wait for an ending. I wish you success in your endeavors irl.
Wish this would keep going! It’s a shame to abandon such an amazing story!
OMG! This is an incomplete fic?! I wasn't paying attention! Your story is awesome and your writing style is suburb, but this is exactly why I avoid incomplete works. I'm still waiting for Laying Amongst Dokkatsu to finish (~10yrs later). By the looks of it, you haven't update in over a year. An excellent but incomplete story is just as bad as a crappy completed one. I always regret reading them both. PLEASE, PLEASE try your very best to complete Limerance within this decade. I promise to come back with good reviews if you do.
Haven't care to review a story in a long time. This first chapter was amazing and worth the time it takes to leave this small note of appreciation.
Awww Patch :( this reminded me of Never Ending Story when his horse got stuck in quicksand D; anywho great chap Sesshomaru is getting closer
Good gosh this is interesting!!! What is the fox up to I wonder?
The more stories like this I read, the more intimidated I get. Maybe a beginner like me shouldn't try to post when there are so many talented writers here...This chapter was really wonderful, by the way. I'm really wound up at the thought of Sesshoumaru finally meeting Kagome again. I wonder what he is going to think when he sees her!
Nice long chapter. Thank you 4 the update! Enjoyed it a lot like always!
Again beautiful chapter! Thank you for writing and sharing!
It's Wed here, and I'm wishing it was Friday, but I can't ask for more than seeing an update on my favorite fic even if it is the middle of the week. Such an interesting and mysterious turn of events. I wonder where the bandits are taking her and what the leader guy plans to do.
Your timing is amazing, really. How do you always post right when I'm having a horrible day at work? This was just what I needed to make my night. You've got no clue how happy I was to see Sess at the end of the chapter. His POV was perfect, especially the very last line. When the scene with Patch happened, I was so sad!! I couldn't believe what happened. Susumu always gave me mixed feelings. It seems like he is going to be more than just a plot device to get the main characters to reuinite. I would like to see more of him for sure.
This chapter had me biting my fingernails! I was so tense that I swear I was speed reading. God, this is SO well written! I really like Susumu, so I hope he isn't a bad guy :[
I feel so naughty reading this during my business class. It's a lot more interesting than this teacher's lecture. Awesome chap tho! Was super amped up while reading it. Can't wait to see what happens next!
Another wonderful chapter! I got so excited when I checked Dokuga at work and saw your update on the front page. Reading it on my phone wasn't the same as my laptop, but I still enjoyed it a lot! I'm so excited to see Sess again! I hope they finally reunite in the next chapter, and I hope we find out more about Susumu and what he is up to.
I'm continuously shocked to find that this story doesn't have more reviews. I hope you aren't letting that get to you. I saw your author's note, and I'm sure there are countless readers out there loving this who just don't say so. Don't let low review count get you down. This story is incredible, as is your writing. As for the chapter:
W.O.W! I'll never tire of saying how much I adore your creative use of imagery to really have your characters and themes hit home. The buzzards, especially, were a wonderful touch in this chapter. I loved how you kept that theme going and gave it its own beginning, middle, and end. That helped give the sense of the passage of time between when Kagome first noticed them and later, Sesshoumaru's arrival. Great job!
Kagome herself is going through some very interesting development. So, she's completely rid of Midori now? She seems to have gone from one type of extreme mentality (timid) to another (bold and survivalist). I wonder if that will change even more. Considering how fluid your characters always are, I'm sure that we haven't seen the last of Kagome's growth. As the previous reviewer mentioned, you've thrown a lot her way. All that's left for us readers to do is grab some popcorn, kick back, and watch how she overcomes all of it.
For one who read Victor Hugo I can say that I like your description. and Kagome's struggles even if are painful to read, Give me hope that she will preserve and came out stronger. even if she will he worse for wear. will sesshoumarusave her in time? and that susume. i had an crazy thougyt that the midori persona was somehow his fault. thx for updating! i enjoyed it a lot! it kept me on the edge of my seat!
Ok, I'm officially hooked on this. I'm new to Dokuga and wanted to try and get to know the other authors a little bit. I've been reading some of the stories on the first page while bored on a plane across the country :) I have to say that after reading this story, I feel kind of...scared. My story is my first fanfiction so I have this feeling, kind of like "am I good enough to be writing?". Your writing is amazing. This story feels just like an original classic fantasy novel! If you have any advice for me, I would be so honored to hear some tips from you :)
Hi again! I just finish to read this story. You have very beautiful writing. Please write more soon, ok? Thank you!
I logged in. I actually LOGGED in for the first time in months to leave a review. Came back from a crappy day at work, hopped on Dokuga to check for updates and read some oldies, and what do I see? You're back! I thought maybe it was a different story because the summary is different, but I was really happy that its not. Now Ive read all the new chapters and I'm dying for moooooooooooooore. Write more! Dang it woman/man (i think you're a girl but not sure), write more!
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