I would really like to read what would have happend if she did not fall back down the well. I liked both parts of the story, but I couldn't shake the feeling that they were two different stories.I know, I know, it's the way it was meant to be, and trust me I really think your writing wonderful and enjoyable; however, I would still love love love to read what would have happened if she didn't fall down the well again.
I love Inuyasha, but the ending to the anime...I can not stand it, mainly because well... you know Sesshomaru and Kagome forever! And if you go by the ending of the anime series, if you are sticking to all the fact in the series, then it makes it kinda annoying to have to manuever around.
That being said I loved the series still and just because I didn't really like the ending I understand why it happened that way and that it was meant that way. I find your story leaves me feeling the same way, I really enjoyed reading it but for me it seemed to not fit.
After I fell in love with the beggining and the relationship Sesshomaru and Kagome shared, the whole idea wonderfully played out addictivly so, the split in the story threw me off balance. My brain wants to take the begining and put it with a new ending and take the ending and put it with a new begining and then love both stories... =D
(please don't hate me) yeah I feel like I'm being a pain... I'm sorry, I just hate this feeling of non-completedness I'm kind of OCD about reading. -.-
Thank you for taking the time to write and I look forward to reading some of your other stories as well. =)
Kreyana (Chapter 31) - Wed 07 Sep 2011
I enjoyed this immensely, especially after the last story I read where the whole thing was going great then it seemed like the author randomly killed off Sesshoumaru. >:/ evil of evils.
I love your writing, your detail and characterizations. I didn't think there was anything wrong with it at all - I'm sorry that at least one person disagreed. The idea that she takes Shippou with her is wonderful, I think it is unique and a big element of the beginning. The only thing I would say that irkes me is a fact that was absolutely necessary to change in order for the time flow to work out, and that was the children growing up so fast. No biggie, and obviously absolutely no way to not have it shortened.
The wish-that-isn't-a-wish was awesome, I've read a lot and I don't believe I've come across anything that deals with the jewel in that way. That was a great idea.
The only thing I have to wonder now... is "did Sesshoumaru create his Robot Inc. in that timeline?" That would be quite interesting :D
It was a great read, I thank you very deeply for sharing it with us.
Oh yes, and as for people being confused as to the very ending, with Sesshoumaru remembering the beginning and thinking/knowing it to be a dream... I have one easy explination for people!!
In the words of The Doctor, "Wibbly-Wobbly Timey-Wimey...*vague hand gestures*"
Cute story! I really like it! =)
Have a great week!
Scarlet (Chapter 30) - Tue 31 Aug 2010
I loved the story!!! One of my favorite parts was the ending where he thinks everything was just a dream!
I loved this story. It was AWESOME. I cant wait to read more of your stories. Thanks.
swift death (Chapter 30) - Wed 21 Jul 2010
oh my gosh! that last chapter totaly cleared things. while reading through the story i was wondering what the hell sessomaru is doing in the future and what happened to him and struff like that. him dreaming totally explanes everything. thanks for a good story :)
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