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Written for Mimiru's Wedgie Challenge. A case of mistaken identity lands Sesshomaru and Kagome in a rather embarrassing situation.
Rating: T - Universe: Canon - Status: Complete - Category: Oneshots - Genre: Humor - Updated: 05-15-10 - Created: 05-15-10 Chapters: 1 - Reviews: 6 - Words: 999 - Reads: 8,491
Their frinendly meetings have been kept a secret for so long, once revelaed, it triggers a chain of events that endangers themselves and the ones around them. Can they save each other, and possible find love in the proces?
Rating: M - Universe: Canon - Status: Incomplete - Category: Chapter Stories - Genre: Action, Drama, Friendship, Romance - Updated: 05-14-10 - Created: 08-06-09 Chapters: 14 - Reviews: 5 - Words: 27,764 - Reads: 10,402
"You were not allowed to die, this one had not given permission" it was all but a growl at her prone form. And the great demon swore he heard a bitter laugh on the wind that said "I know"
Rating: M - Universe: Canon - Status: Complete - Category: Oneshots - Genre: Angst, Tragedy - Updated: 05-14-10 - Created: 05-14-10 Chapters: 1 - Reviews: 4 - Words: 696 - Reads: 6,388
impromptu d/d night
Rating: K - Universe: Alternate - Status: Incomplete - Category: Oneshot Collections - Genre: Drama, Friendship, Humor - Updated: 05-14-10 - Created: 05-14-10 Chapters: 11 - Reviews: 6 - Words: 1,231 - Reads: 5,983
Rating: M - Universe: Canon - Status: Incomplete - Category: Oneshots - Genre: Action, Angst, Dark, Drama, Tragedy, Vignette - Updated: 05-13-10 - Created: 05-12-10 Chapters: 2 - Reviews: 1 - Words: 707 - Reads: 3,213
A dark secret between two people who could not be together other than their dreams...
Rating: MA - Universe: Canon - Status: Complete - Category: Oneshots - Genre: Angst, Drama, Erotica, Romance - Updated: 05-12-10 - Created: 05-12-10 Chapters: 1 - Reviews: 5 - Words: 2,099 - Reads: 4,914
A story of the deadly sins, told in seven chapters, Sengoku Jidai style. Seven is for Lust, in all of its many forms. - “The Bible and several other self help or enlightenment books cite the Seven Deadly Sins. They are: pride, greed, lust, envy, wrath, sloth, and gluttony. That pretty much covers everything that we do that is sinful... or fun for that matter.” - Dave Mustaine, lead guitarist, songwriter, and vocalist for heavy metal band Megadeth
Rating: M - Universe: Canon - Status: Complete - Category: Chapter Stories - Genre: Action, Angst, Dark, Drama, Tragedy - Updated: 05-12-10 - Created: 11-19-09 Chapters: 7 - Reviews: 10 - Words: 8,757 - Reads: 21,233
When you're soul mates, not even a human hating lord can resist the call of an enslaved human. This is the story I am most proud of; thank you to all the people who took me to and over 1,000 reads.
Rating: M - Universe: Alternate - Status: Complete - Category: Oneshots - Genre: Angst, Dark, Romance - Updated: 05-12-10 - Created: 05-12-10 Chapters: 1 - Reviews: 12 - Words: 17,112 - Reads: 9,558
Oneshots from Dokuga communities Weekly Perfection Prompts.
Rating: T - Universe: Canon - Status: Incomplete - Category: Oneshot Collections - Genre: Angst, Humor, Romance - Updated: 05-12-10 - Created: 05-12-10 Chapters: 1 - Reviews: 5 - Words: 117 - Reads: 3,922
He set his face into a haughty expression and turned cold eyes away from her to stare impassively out to the trees once more. "This Sesshomaru does not wear jewellery and he does not need gifts from humans." - Written for Dokuga's Oneshot challenge.
Rating: T - Universe: Canon - Status: Complete - Category: Oneshots - Genre: Humor, Romance - Updated: 05-12-10 - Created: 05-12-10 Chapters: 1 - Reviews: 3 - Words: 4,262 - Reads: 5,376
For future reference, perhaps Inuyasha should be more specific when telling this particular Gas Station Attendant to "Fill 'er up".
Rating: MA - Universe: Alternate - Status: Complete - Category: Oneshots - Genre: Erotica, Humor, Kink - Updated: 05-12-10 - Created: 05-12-10 Chapters: 1 - Reviews: 10 - Words: 940 - Reads: 11,909
On the night of the new moon Kagome finds herself captured, and she's not alone. Rin has also been captured, but Sesshoumaru is on the way to save her. Sess/Kag Rating is for language, and suggestive themes.
Rating: M - Universe: Canon - Status: Incomplete - Category: Chapter Stories - Genre: Angst, Drama, Romance - Updated: 05-12-10 - Created: 06-07-08 Chapters: 13 - Reviews: 41 - Words: 43,744 - Reads: 20,353
It all started when she was kidnapped by Naraku. But what will Kagome be forced to endure at his hand? Will Inuyasha save her? And what is InuTashio doing appearing to the great lord fluffy? Rated for later Chapters
Rating: MA - Universe: Canon - Status: Incomplete - Category: Chapter Stories - Genre: Action, Angst, Drama, Erotica - Updated: 05-12-10 - Created: 05-11-10 Chapters: 2 - Reviews: 8 - Words: 2,189 - Reads: 7,297
How a powerful demon and a human girl he buys for her golden voice come to save each other. Serial for the Dokuga LJ comm's weekly contests.
Rating: K+ - Universe: Alternate - Status: Complete - Category: Oneshot Collections - Genre: Drama, Friendship, Romance - Updated: 05-11-10 - Created: 07-06-09 Chapters: 52 - Reviews: 133 - Words: 24,621 - Reads: 164,005
After Kagome escapes Naraku's clutches she has a confrontation with Inuyasha. Which leads to a later one with Sesshoumaru, one thing is certain. Nothing is as it seems. Written for Lemon Fic Challenge.
Rating: MA - Universe: Canon - Status: Complete - Category: Oneshots - Genre: Angst, Drama, Erotica - Updated: 05-11-10 - Created: 05-11-10 Chapters: 1 - Reviews: 1 - Words: 2,045 - Reads: 7,764
As many times as Inuyasha met her by the well, why does Sesshoumaru show up instead, and what does this mean for Kagome? Written for Oneshot #43 "For Keeps" for Dokuga contest.
Rating: T - Universe: Canon - Status: Incomplete - Category: Oneshots - Genre: Angst, Drama, Romance - Updated: 05-10-10 - Created: 05-10-10 Chapters: 1 - Reviews: 5 - Words: 6,640 - Reads: 5,621
Kidnapped, imprisoned, experimented on, killed and revived as a yokai. Somehow, Kagome was still sane after all that. But she wasn’t sure it would last. Not when Sesshoumaru rescued her in the forest after her tragic escape.
Rating: M - Universe: Canon - Status: Incomplete - Category: Chapter Stories - Genre: Action, Romance - Updated: 05-09-10 - Created: 05-09-10 Chapters: 1 - Reviews: 7 - Words: 5,813 - Reads: 4,631
This was written in May 8th D/D. The prompt was Harry Potter, but I thought it was a cute fluffy mommy
Rating: K - Universe: Alternate - Status: Complete - Category: Oneshots - Genre: Humor - Updated: 05-09-10 - Created: 05-09-10 Chapters: 1 - Reviews: 8 - Words: 178 - Reads: 5,610
This story is going to be odd and different. Basically, what we have here is 13 Dokuga authors getting together to write a story. The difference between this and most collaborative efforts is that: 1) the authors don’t know each other and 2) there is no set plot line or genre to the story. What they have to do is just follow along the parts of the story that are posted and weave their own part from that. So, at this point, no one involved knows the plot to this or where it will go. Join us for a fun ride and let us know what you think!
Rating: MA - Universe: Alternate - Status: Incomplete - Category: Chapter Stories - Genre: - Updated: 05-09-10 - Created: 10-07-09 Chapters: 3 - Reviews: 8 - Words: 6,614 - Reads: 4,508
Written for the Impromptu D/D Night. May 08, 2010 Prompt: Gregarious.
Rating: T - Universe: Canon - Status: Complete - Category: Oneshot Collections - Genre: Humor, Romance - Updated: 05-09-10 - Created: 05-09-10 Chapters: 1 - Reviews: 6 - Words: 232 - Reads: 4,900
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