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Written originally for GM D'D 11-6-10, Extended for 50 Ways to Torture a Taiyoukai. Rated because for later scene. Nothing real bad though.
Rating: M - Universe: Canon - Status: Complete - Category: Oneshots - Genre: Humor - Updated: 11-07-10 - Created: 11-07-10 Chapters: 1 - Reviews: 6 - Words: 1,230 - Reads: 7,428
These are my drabbles for the 2nd GM DDN on November 6. Warning: Some of these have some Inucest. Of course, no YIMs are allowed to read. Other than that, enjoy.
Rating: MA - Universe: Alternate - Status: Complete - Category: Oneshots - Genre: Action, Angst, Dark, Drama, Erotica, Humor, Kink, Romance - Updated: 11-07-10 - Created: 11-07-10 Chapters: 1 - Reviews: 1 - Words: 2,206 - Reads: 9,078
"Sit closely my child, Sit silent, sit tight. Hear my tale in this moonless night." A poem I made thinking our beloved couple.
Rating: K - Universe: Alternate - Status: Complete - Category: Oneshots - Genre: Verse - Updated: 11-07-10 - Created: 11-07-10 Chapters: 1 - Reviews: 3 - Words: 517 - Reads: 4,746
The title says it all.
Rating: MA - Universe: Canon - Status: Complete - Category: Oneshot Collections - Genre: Erotica, Humor, Romance - Updated: 11-07-10 - Created: 11-07-10 Chapters: 15 - Reviews: 4 - Words: 4,960 - Reads: 22,905
One night, while she was working,everything went horribly wrong.
Rating: MA - Universe: Alternate - Status: Incomplete - Category: Chapter Stories - Genre: Erotica, Humor, Kink - Updated: 11-07-10 - Created: 11-07-10 Chapters: 1 - Reviews: 3 - Words: 3,496 - Reads: 6,731
"Ancient bow of earth and purified sword of sky shall clash, merge, and become one. The Shiroi Miko, the only miko to wield this bow, named a successor, a miko of equal strength and purity of heart. Earth and Sky shall become one, to destroy the evil that threatens us all."
Rating: MA - Universe: Canon - Status: Incomplete - Category: Chapter Stories - Genre: Action, Drama, Humor, Romance - Updated: 11-07-10 - Created: 04-06-10 Chapters: 2 - Reviews: 2 - Words: 5,367 - Reads: 5,483
This is a response to The Damsel In Distress Challenge. The modern school girl keeps making trouble for the demon lord. Why does he let her be a problem though? ON-GOING.
Rating: K+ - Universe: Canon - Status: Incomplete - Category: Oneshot Collections - Genre: Friendship, Humor, Romance - Updated: 11-07-10 - Created: 11-07-10 Chapters: 1 - Reviews: 2 - Words: 527 - Reads: 4,130
Sesshomaru marks who gets what week on the calendar. DRABBLE
Rating: K - Universe: Alternate - Status: Complete - Category: Oneshots - Genre: Friendship, Humor - Updated: 11-06-10 - Created: 11-06-10 Chapters: 1 - Reviews: 3 - Words: 157 - Reads: 4,263
Sesshomaru befriends Kagome and agrees to help her out =]
Rating: K - Universe: Alternate - Status: Complete - Category: Oneshots - Genre: Friendship - Updated: 11-06-10 - Created: 11-06-10 Chapters: 1 - Reviews: 4 - Words: 549 - Reads: 4,365
With one goal burning down her soul, Kagome set out in the Western Lands as a disguised spy armed with the cold fury of vengence. But everything went wrong instantly in her well thought ploy for revenge. Meeting the mysterious silver-haired true blood and being dangerously attracted to him, Kagome must battle her own desires inable to complete her mission. Mixing bussines with pleasure never sounded soo good- too good- for Kagome when it comes with the true blood,Sesshoumaru.
Rating: M - Universe: Canon - Status: Incomplete - Category: Chapter Stories - Genre: Action, Drama, Romance - Updated: 11-06-10 - Created: 07-26-10 Chapters: 10 - Reviews: 18 - Words: 25,283 - Reads: 9,175
After the well closed Kagome was never given the option to return to the fuedal era so instead she moved to live in the states to try to avoid reminders of her trips to the past. Rating may or may not rise in the future. Posted here by request.
Rating: T - Universe: Canon - Status: Incomplete - Category: Chapter Stories - Genre: Drama, Romance - Updated: 11-05-10 - Created: 08-07-10 Chapters: 4 - Reviews: 5 - Words: 13,065 - Reads: 6,814
For Skye's Seven Deadly Sins Challenge!!!! A fic about Kagome and Sesshomaru!!! Kagome's out to prove that even youkai sin.
Rating: M - Universe: Alternate - Status: Incomplete - Category: Oneshot Collections - Genre: Humor, Romance - Updated: 11-04-10 - Created: 11-04-10 Chapters: 1 - Reviews: 1 - Words: 269 - Reads: 2,776
Kagome quizes Sesshomaru with drawings on a chalkboard. A series of oneshots that help with my wrighters block. Products of my crazyness.
Rating: T - Universe: Canon - Status: Incomplete - Category: Oneshot Collections - Genre: Humor - Updated: 11-04-10 - Created: 09-28-10 Chapters: 3 - Reviews: 4 - Words: 1,887 - Reads: 5,185
Kagome and sesshoumaru, are two unknown type's of vampire that no one has ever known or heard of from diffrent ends of japan. No one but the Hellsing organization that is. Sir Integra brings them in after they were cought and trained for japan, but sadly sadthey mistreated them saying they were both abominations and they were sent to london where there new master will have a warmer heart and better plans for them. Hehehe lol this is a hellsing/inuyasha/which hunter robin crossover the main couple will be sesshoumaru and kagome but it does has alucard/seres victoria and robin/amon pairing too. my first fanfiction pleaseeee be nice. and i really really hope you like it.Rated M/A for future chapters.
Rating: MA - Universe: Alternate - Status: Incomplete - Category: Chapter Stories - Genre: Action, Dark, Humor, Romance - Updated: 11-03-10 - Created: 10-23-10 Chapters: 3 - Reviews: 3 - Words: 8,413 - Reads: 9,730
He took everything from me. I have never known the point of a meaningless life until I woke up from a terrible dream. But after this nightmare became reality, everyone I called friend will know the meaning of hell when I am through with them. I only have one thing to live before now, I will kill Sesshomaru Taisho!
Rating: M - Universe: Canon - Status: Incomplete - Category: Oneshots - Genre: Action, Dark, Drama, Romance, Tragedy - Updated: 11-03-10 - Created: 11-03-10 Chapters: 1 - Reviews: 2 - Words: 94 - Reads: 4,964
Kagome never expected to find love in the ruins of her closet.
Rating: T - Universe: Alternate - Status: Complete - Category: Oneshots - Genre: Humor, Romance - Updated: 11-03-10 - Created: 11-03-10 Chapters: 1 - Reviews: 1 - Words: 708 - Reads: 5,986
Kagome runs off from Inuyasha, when she saw Sesshomaru badly wounded.
Rating: T - Universe: Canon - Status: Incomplete - Category: Chapter Stories - Genre: Action, Romance, Tragedy - Updated: 11-03-10 - Created: 10-28-10 Chapters: 2 - Reviews: 5 - Words: 2,128 - Reads: 3,949
With the sudden death of her husband, Kagome must pick up the remaining pieces of her heart and try to move forward with her life. With the help of friends and family and a slight push from her departed beloved she just may be able to find love again. That is if her heart can still love another.
Rating: M - Universe: Canon - Status: Incomplete - Category: Chapter Stories - Genre: Angst, Friendship, Romance, Tragedy - Updated: 11-03-10 - Created: 01-15-10 Chapters: 3 - Reviews: 3 - Words: 6,343 - Reads: 6,923
The average harmonious couple? not even.
Rating: M - Universe: Alternate - Status: Complete - Category: Oneshots - Genre: Drama, Humor, Kink, Romance - Updated: 11-02-10 - Created: 11-02-10 Chapters: 1 - Reviews: 5 - Words: 4,926 - Reads: 14,164
Kagome is stranded in her own era until a connection to Sesshomaru allows her to travel to the past once again, but nothing is as she hoped. Rating may rise to M in the future but is T for now.
Rating: T - Universe: Canon - Status: Incomplete - Category: Chapter Stories - Genre: Action, Dark, Drama, Romance - Updated: 11-02-10 - Created: 10-02-10 Chapters: 4 - Reviews: 10 - Words: 20,595 - Reads: 7,756
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