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My first Christmas Fic. Not anything big. Kagome has missed christmas and Sesshomaru notices she is sad. She tells him about Christmas and he says she can have her Christmas. Well she goes all out to have it for years to come. I do not want anonymous reviews.
Rating: M - Universe: Canon - Status: Complete - Category: Chapter Stories - Genre: Drama, Friendship, Humor, Romance - Updated: 12-22-11 - Created: 12-18-10 Chapters: 7 - Reviews: 10 - Words: 59,320 - Reads: 13,817
One dark night, a young human woman is chased through the forest by hungry youkai. When all hope seems lost, a beacon of light beckons her. What will greet her when she reaches it? Salvation? Or a fate worse than death at the hands of those who chased her?
Rating: T - Universe: Canon - Status: Incomplete - Genre: Action, Romance - Updated: 12-21-11 - Created: 12-21-11 Chapters: 1 - Reviews: 1 - Words: 699 - Reads: 3,326
A collection of related/unrelated drabbles/oneshots written for dokuga_contest.
Rating: T - Universe: Canon - Status: Incomplete - Category: Oneshot Collections - Genre: Action, Drama, Friendship, Humor, Romance - Updated: 12-21-11 - Created: 03-13-11 Chapters: 7 - Reviews: 8 - Words: 1,540 - Reads: 8,134
It was just suppose of be a simple night at home with some of his brother’s friends. He would meet them, say hello, and then go back to his business. He, however, had not been expecting her and all that would come with her.
Rating: MA - Universe: Alternate - Status: Complete - Category: Oneshot Collections - Genre: Action, Dark, Drama, Friendship, Romance - Updated: 12-20-11 - Created: 11-19-11 Chapters: 26 - Reviews: 92 - Words: 14,880 - Reads: 163,721
"There are three stages of man: he believes in Santa Claus; he does not believe in Santa Claus; he is Santa Claus." A three-shot story about a boy who was taught to believe, a man who stopped, and a Daddy who cares. Sesshoumaru's life in stages...
Rating: T - Universe: Alternate - Status: Complete - Category: Oneshot Collections - Genre: Friendship, Romance - Updated: 12-19-11 - Created: 12-17-11 Chapters: 3 - Reviews: 24 - Words: 11,157 - Reads: 11,570
Based on prompts from the Reindeer Games DDN. Please read and review :)
Rating: T - Universe: Canon - Status: Complete - Category: Oneshot Collections - Genre: Action, Drama, Romance - Updated: 12-18-11 - Created: 12-17-11 Chapters: 8 - Reviews: 0 - Words: 1,113 - Reads: 7,915
Kagome was done, or so she thought, until a surprise vistor stopped her. Simple and short one-shot.
Rating: K - Universe: Canon - Status: Complete - Category: Oneshots - Genre: Angst, Romance - Updated: 12-18-11 - Created: 12-18-11 Chapters: 1 - Reviews: 0 - Words: 1,216 - Reads: 5,586
I would have been spared the pain, but I would have missed the dance. A dedication for those who have loved and lost. (A remake of the original which will not be reposted. Rated MA because here I won't hold back my writing and if you want a M version its on
Rating: MA - Universe: Alternate - Status: Incomplete - Category: Chapter Stories - Genre: Action, Angst, Dark, Drama, Humor, Romance, Tragedy - Updated: 12-18-11 - Created: 11-21-11 Chapters: 23 - Reviews: 8 - Words: 142,823 - Reads: 18,706
written for the prompts of the International DDN. "I have a secret that's not a secret anymore."
Rating: T - Universe: Canon - Status: Complete - Category: Chapter Stories - Genre: Romance - Updated: 12-17-11 - Created: 12-17-11 Chapters: 8 - Reviews: 3 - Words: 1,016 - Reads: 8,855
Written on the prompts of the International Drabble Night at the 17.12.2011 ~ Romance in a thunderstorm.
Rating: T - Universe: Canon - Status: Complete - Category: Oneshot Collections - Genre: Romance - Updated: 12-17-11 - Created: 12-17-11 Chapters: 8 - Reviews: 5 - Words: 1,135 - Reads: 7,979
It’s Christmas time and Kagome decides to bring a modern tradition into Feudal Era Japan. For Dokuga's Winter Wonderland Challenge
Rating: K+ - Universe: Canon - Status: Complete - Category: Oneshot Collections - Genre: Drama, Friendship, Romance, Vignette - Updated: 12-17-11 - Created: 12-17-11 Chapters: 2 - Reviews: 3 - Words: 3,466 - Reads: 6,869
What had him so magnetically attracted to her? What unnamable force pulled him to kiss her, touch her, and please her? He knew the sins and the oncoming reprimands, yet his desire knew no bounds, even with his dark secret constantly hovering above him.
Rating: T - Universe: Alternate - Status: Incomplete - Category: Oneshots - Genre: Drama, Friendship, Romance - Updated: 12-17-11 - Created: 12-17-11 Chapters: 1 - Reviews: 1 - Words: 4,098 - Reads: 5,531
Sesshomaru learns that accolades and money are not all that is needed to be a good man. Rated for mild cussing and written for The Reinventing the Classics Challenge
Rating: M - Universe: Alternate - Status: Complete - Category: Chapter Stories - Genre: Humor, Romance - Updated: 12-17-11 - Created: 12-16-11 Chapters: 4 - Reviews: 7 - Words: 17,926 - Reads: 12,133
Making a decision is sometimes easier when noone looks...
Rating: K - Universe: Alternate - Status: Complete - Category: Oneshots - Genre: Angst, Romance - Updated: 12-16-11 - Created: 12-16-11 Chapters: 1 - Reviews: 0 - Words: 408 - Reads: 4,736
Kagome is a student crushing over Inuyasha, though the half-demon belongs to Kikyo the powerful priestess in training. A night out to try to frighten the young human girl turns into something else entirely when she finds things are never as they seem.
Rating: T - Universe: Alternate - Status: Incomplete - Category: Chapter Stories - Genre: Action, Dark, Drama, Romance - Updated: 12-16-11 - Created: 06-03-11 Chapters: 4 - Reviews: 18 - Words: 13,378 - Reads: 10,186
Kishi-Mojin the Protectress of children and Kami of balance once gifted the four lords the chance to mate her 'daughters,' the most powerful women that hold sway over the lands. But ugly jealousy harms her daughter she hides her daughters so the lords may not have her, but with the Western Lord's conquest of power he shall defy the Kami and the other lords for the most powerful mate and it happens to be something he despise more than anything in this world and the true daughter of the goddess and she isn't a happy mommy when she finds out.
Rating: MA - Universe: Canon - Status: Incomplete - Category: Chapter Stories - Genre: Action, Drama, Romance - Updated: 12-15-11 - Created: 06-22-11 Chapters: 6 - Reviews: 26 - Words: 12,943 - Reads: 13,759
A loving school teacher, a demon lord, his human ward, and a retainer that cannot do his job. What holiday magic can ensure to bring about the joy of Christmas, and perhaps a spark of love?
Rating: T - Universe: Canon - Status: Complete - Category: Oneshots - Genre: Friendship, Humor, Romance - Updated: 12-15-11 - Created: 12-15-11 Chapters: 1 - Reviews: 3 - Words: 8,885 - Reads: 7,750
Drabble Series. Modern AU. Kagome's history in the well has been wiped away after a wish on the jewel. Deep in depression despite a life many would envy she finds the strangest familiar face from the past will turn her world inside out. Rating could rise in the future.
Rating: T - Universe: Alternate - Status: Incomplete - Category: Oneshot Collections - Genre: Angst, Drama, Romance - Updated: 12-15-11 - Created: 01-15-11 Chapters: 15 - Reviews: 9 - Words: 12,854 - Reads: 17,790
Kagome is a sassy young secretary with a penchant for Regency romance novels. Sesshoumaru is her harsh, demanding, attractive boss. Love meets Mills&Boons, when she decides he's the ideal romantic hero and proceeds to go starry-eyed over him - the most insufferable man she knows! ::Nominated for the 1st Quarter 2011 Awards: Best Portrayal-Sesshoumaru; Best Drabble for Drabble#8 (Violence is Not Ladylike)::
Rating: M - Universe: Alternate - Status: Incomplete - Category: Oneshot Collections - Genre: Drama, Humor, Romance - Updated: 12-14-11 - Created: 03-13-11 Chapters: 25 - Reviews: 109 - Words: 11,825 - Reads: 54,246
After A Final Act. Kagome and Inuyasha have been married for over a year but when they are separated Kagome is forced to work with Sesshomaru even though she's grown to hate the demon lord. Rated M for future chapters.
Rating: M - Universe: Canon - Status: Incomplete - Category: Chapter Stories - Genre: Action, Angst, Dark, Drama, Romance, Tragedy - Updated: 12-14-11 - Created: 08-21-11 Chapters: 8 - Reviews: 5 - Words: 14,149 - Reads: 10,960
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