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The merging of two companies brings more than just profit, for it too brings love.
Rating: T - Universe: Canon - Status: Incomplete - Category: Chapter Stories - Genre: Friendship, Romance - Updated: 08-29-14 - Created: 08-12-14 Chapters: 3 - Reviews: 8 - Words: 7,766 - Reads: 5,644
This is my collection of naughty lemony shorts. I wanted to allow YIM's to read my other drabbels so I am separating the MA drabbles from the others.
Rating: MA - Universe: Alternate - Status: Incomplete - Category: Oneshot Collections - Genre: Erotica, Friendship, Humor, Kink, Romance - Updated: 08-26-14 - Created: 02-25-11 Chapters: 8 - Reviews: 7 - Words: 2,626 - Reads: 34,253
It only takes a moment to change forever... Written for Sunset Miko's Once A Week Challenge 2014. Rated M for possible future mature content.
Rating: M - Universe: Alternate - Status: Incomplete - Category: Oneshot Collections - Genre: Drama, Erotica, Friendship, Humor, Romance - Updated: 08-24-14 - Created: 06-23-14 Chapters: 5 - Reviews: 9 - Words: 2,246 - Reads: 8,446
Kagome has opened a flower shop with her best friend, Sango. This new enterprise introduces these two 'flower fairies' to a world of love, pain, laughter and sorrow. Brought to you in a series of 100 word drabbles.
Rating: T - Universe: Alternate - Status: Incomplete - Category: Oneshot Collections - Genre: Friendship, Romance - Updated: 08-24-14 - Created: 08-23-14 Chapters: 7 - Reviews: 10 - Words: 829 - Reads: 4,144
Do soul mates really exist? In a flurry of emotion, a strange scent may change your mind. Rated M for later chapters written in 2-500 word chapters. SxK some KxOC Rated for lemons
Rating: MA - Universe: Canon - Status: Incomplete - Category: Oneshot Collections - Genre: Angst, Dark, Drama, Friendship, Romance - Updated: 08-22-14 - Created: 06-07-14 Chapters: 35 - Reviews: 37 - Words: 13,571 - Reads: 57,988
Sesshoumaru is anti social, arrogant, moody, and a complete nerd. How a set of dice and a monster manual can help you find true love. *It started on IDDN and became a little story. This is a drabbel series. *Nominated for best Parody, Best AU, and best Drabble First Quarter 2011* (updates every Thursday. Some chapters shorter than others.)
Rating: T - Universe: Alternate - Status: Incomplete - Category: Oneshot Collections - Genre: Friendship, Humor, Romance - Updated: 08-20-14 - Created: 01-31-11 Chapters: 21 - Reviews: 149 - Words: 9,907 - Reads: 61,789
Kagome gets transferred to a top private school in Tokyo. After an encounter with one of the richest heirs, she is troubled with her newfound feelings for the Ice Prince. But even after meeting new friends, discovery new secrets and mysterious, she must fight for her right to stay among her new friends - even if that means fighting against someone who holds the key to her life.
Rating: MA - Universe: Alternate - Status: Incomplete - Category: Chapter Stories - Genre: Action, Angst, Drama, Friendship, Humor, Romance, Tragedy - Updated: 08-20-14 - Created: 03-10-14 Chapters: 27 - Reviews: 61 - Words: 180,127 - Reads: 36,238
COMPLETE! Created for May DDN, updates to follow later. Kagome and her neighbor do not get along.
Rating: T - Universe: Canon - Status: Complete - Category: Oneshot Collections - Genre: Friendship, Humor, Romance - Updated: 08-20-14 - Created: 05-03-14 Chapters: 63 - Reviews: 150 - Words: 14,309 - Reads: 105,886
Sesshomaru takes Rin to the beach for her birthday, but what happens when Inuyasha's gang shows up and Kagome is wearing something he's never seen before? And what happens if he likes it? I'm bad at summaries so just read!
Rating: MA - Universe: Canon - Status: Incomplete - Category: Chapter Stories - Genre: Action, Erotica, Romance - Updated: 08-18-14 - Created: 11-06-13 Chapters: 8 - Reviews: 55 - Words: 35,684 - Reads: 37,891
There had always been a clear line between her era and the Feudal Era, but when Kagome finds herself befriending Sesshoumaru in both places, the line starts to get blurry.
Rating: MA - Universe: Canon - Status: Incomplete - Category: Chapter Stories - Genre: Action, Drama, Erotica, Friendship, Humor, Kink, Romance - Updated: 08-17-14 - Created: 08-20-11 Chapters: 6 - Reviews: 51 - Words: 16,635 - Reads: 39,991
Sequel to "The Lost Puppy" - Sesshomaru is back, for now, from the war front. How much longer will this war last? How will Kagome's pups contribute?
Rating: MA - Universe: Canon - Status: Incomplete - Category: Chapter Stories - Genre: Action, Angst, Humor, Romance - Updated: 08-17-14 - Created: 07-14-14 Chapters: 2 - Reviews: 4 - Words: 2,421 - Reads: 5,101
Her heart was broken once more, so she ran away in hope to return to her family that waited in the future, but the gods are cruel. In a twist of fate Kagome was hurled farther into the past. There she will meet the Dog General in all his glory, the ice prince and a baby Inuyasha.
Rating: MA - Universe: Canon - Status: Incomplete - Category: Chapter Stories - Genre: Drama, Erotica, Friendship, Romance - Updated: 08-17-14 - Created: 08-17-14 Chapters: 1 - Reviews: 13 - Words: 5,701 - Reads: 5,101
Kagome's destiny did not lie in the village she swore to protect nor in the future, only the crescent moon knew the answers to her questions.
Rating: MA - Universe: Canon - Status: Incomplete - Category: Chapter Stories - Genre: Action, Drama, Friendship, Romance - Updated: 08-16-14 - Created: 08-16-14 Chapters: 3 - Reviews: 5 - Words: 8,208 - Reads: 5,533
It was his own foolishness that had led him to this. Sesshoumaru knew this. He had been arrogant, blind, so sure of his own cunning that he had allowed himself to be tricked like a pup still wet behind the ears. It made the fact that he had woken wearing Inuyasha’s skin all the more galling.
Rating: T - Universe: Canon - Status: Incomplete - Category: Oneshot Collections - Genre: Action, Angst, Drama, Friendship, Humor, Romance - Updated: 08-12-14 - Created: 01-25-14 Chapters: 16 - Reviews: 102 - Words: 15,101 - Reads: 32,931
Once a simple story, now a tragedy. Proclaimed Little Red Riding Hood must flee for her life as her family is slaughtered and she herself is hunted by people and wolves alike. But the only place to hide is the forest where she was told never to enter. There in the place of darkness is light and truth. And a certain wolf who may be out for her blood or her heart.
Rating: M - Universe: Alternate - Status: Incomplete - Category: Oneshot Collections - Genre: Drama, Romance, Tragedy - Updated: 08-12-14 - Created: 07-08-14 Chapters: 6 - Reviews: 5 - Words: 2,918 - Reads: 5,845
This story is a twist on Anna Karenina by Tolstoy.
Rating: MA - Universe: Canon - Status: Incomplete - Category: Chapter Stories - Genre: Erotica, Romance, Tragedy - Updated: 08-11-14 - Created: 05-01-14 Chapters: 2 - Reviews: 3 - Words: 4,086 - Reads: 3,244
Kagome wakes up from a rather disturbing dream of travelling to defeat demons in the fedual era. But that's not the only problem on her list. She's heading off to college and that to worry about, but accidents start befalling those around her and a stranger keeps following her and as soon as she catches sight of him he disappears. Who is this stranger and what is happening to Kagome?
Rating: T - Universe: Alternate - Status: Incomplete - Category: Oneshot Collections - Genre: Angst, Dark - Updated: 08-10-14 - Created: 08-02-14 Chapters: 5 - Reviews: 4 - Words: 1,907 - Reads: 4,606
Challenge fix based off the native american story of Niagara Falls. I watched the falls growing nearer, the sky reaching down to touch the very edge of the water as it plunged into the abyss. I gripped the sides of the canoe as the current heaved the small craft to and fro, moving me swiftly to my end...
Rating: K+ - Universe: Alternate - Status: Complete - Category: Oneshots - Genre: Action, Drama - Updated: 08-09-14 - Created: 08-09-14 Chapters: 1 - Reviews: 2 - Words: 1,099 - Reads: 2,762
Kagome Higurashi is doomed to always leave a path of wreckage in her wake. But is that really such a bad fate?
Rating: T - Universe: Canon - Status: Complete - Category: Oneshots - Genre: Humor, Romance - Updated: 08-07-14 - Created: 08-07-14 Chapters: 1 - Reviews: 2 - Words: 577 - Reads: 5,705
A new pack. A sinister present. Her world is spinning out of control. Facing what could be the most challenging obstacle yet, Kagome is brought to her knees. Will it all end???
Rating: MA - Universe: Canon - Status: Incomplete - Category: Chapter Stories - Genre: Action, Angst, Drama, Romance, Tragedy - Updated: 08-07-14 - Created: 03-02-13 Chapters: 2 - Reviews: 3 - Words: 4,371 - Reads: 4,444
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