Silver Eclipse Profile Page
Silver Eclipse

About Me

*Le Sigh*

   It seems that no matter what I do, from which perspective I look, and all the new ideas that get jumbled up in my mind I can't break my curse! And my that I mean a serrious case of writers block. Unfortunatley it seems that the story I have posted.... with only the prolouge... will have to be redone, the basic plot changed slightly to work more in my favor, and have more time spent on it. However as I do not feel like attempting such, I think working on another story for the time being will allow my head to clear.

   Perhaps I'll make Silent Storm into a Doujinshi, who knows.

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14 years ago
13 years ago
13 years ago
Silver Eclipse


It seems I have no problem comming up with ideas for a story, but making them into a reality seems to give me issues. I can never figure out how I want them to begin....

Anyways here's the new summary ( rough draft ) to the newest story idea I've had.

' Born with an unusual tie to her past life, Kagome Higurashi is often plagued with dreams of Feudal Japan. Upon moving into a shrine in Tokyo after her father's untimely death, the young girl soon starts to realize that her connection with said life was stronger than she originally thought. Interactions with some new aquantences begin to reveal the dangerous puzzle forming around her as her dreams become more frequent and descriptive. As her past and future entertwine Kagome is forced to take action in order to prevent the evil that destroyed her past from destroying her present. Now the only thing she can do is turn to those from her past and their new reincarnations, and hope the puzzle fate has laid before her is solved before it's too late. '


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Silver Eclipse has 1 stories

'Born of light and pure of heart a maiden shall bestow upon the world an everlasting array of warmth.' When Kagome Higurashi witnesess the destruction of her village as a child her mind tries to protect itself by causing her to forget her earliest memories. However on her sixteenth birthday many secrets from her past begin to surface, including an ancient prophecy about 'The Princess of Light'. A woman said to be the child of the fates with the power to change the world. Is Kagome the girl spoken of in the prophecy? And if so how will she overcome the trials thrown in her path to gain the treasure of the heavens?
Rating: M  -  Universe: Alternate  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Chapter Stories  -  Created: 09 Dec 2011  -  Updated: 09 Dec 2011
Genre: Action, Dark, Drama, Romance, Tragedy  -  Chapters: 1  -  Reviews: 2  -  Words: 2,305  -  Reads: 3,514

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Kagomee <3


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