CuriosityCat Profile Page

About Me

Hi there!

I'm Curiosity. I've been a lurker for a while but recenly I started doing a little bit of writing and I thought that I might try my hand at posting stuff one of these days.

I'm 21 and a professional slacker. Well... I'm actually a nanny, but the kids I watch are really well behaved, so I really don't have that much to do.

I like cats, the colors pink and blue, tattoos, crime dramas, and flavored vodka.

I'm looking forward to making new friends and meeting people on here.

User Status

14 years ago
14 years ago
14 years ago


Just a heads up: I write dark. That's a big part of the reason that I've never posted anything online before. Hopefully if you read my stuff you won't judge my character based on the content of my stories. I'm actually very nice lol. XD


Forum Statistics
Forum RankingPup
Total Posts3

Forum Posts
07/11/2011 19:36:32Re:What's fun on Dokuga?Off-Topic Discussion2914
07/09/2011 15:41:32What's fun on Dokuga?Off-Topic Discussion2914
07/09/2011 15:35:46Re:PC vs MACOff-Topic Discussion5329


  Miss Shiori


CuriosityCat has 1 stories

In her freshman year of college, Kagome meets Sesshomaru at a frat party. Little does she know that that meeting will send her life spiraling downwards into a nightmare unlike anything she could have imagined.
Rating: MA  -  Universe: Alternate  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Oneshot Collections  -  Created: 11 Jul 2011  -  Updated: 11 Jul 2011
Genre: Angst, Dark, Drama, Kink, Tragedy  -  Chapters: 1  -  Reviews: 2  -  Words: 350  -  Reads: 3,412


Name Entry

Created On: 07/09/2011 23:41:14

Hello, Curiosity!

Your wall has officially been ~deflowered~. Welcome to Dokuga!

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