Lady_Dark_Kitten Profile Page

About Me

I would like to warn you that I have a taste for the tragic. So as a result most of my stories don't have the 'And they lived hapily ever after.' It's just so boring. I may have more storys on the way, my computer crashed so a lot of the fics I was planing to post have to be re-written, some have just been lost to the cosmos. One of the big things I want to emphasize is that right now I am in the process of editing my original 12 stories, mostly due to grammar issues. If anyone has read the original and would like to see specific changes please let me know, if I use your idea there will be a note at the end of the chapter that you donated the idea. If you have an Idea for a story but don't want to write it let me know and I'll see what I can do.

By the way I want everyone to know I don't hate the Inuyasha it may look that way in some of my stories but I don't. When I make him 'the bad guy' I really try to find away to transition him from the real him to that new role. Its REALLY HARD TO DO! But I try.

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15 years ago
11 years ago
15 years ago


I am participating in NaNoWriMo!! That means that from November 1st to the 30th I will be on hiatus but fear not, I will return to continue tormenting my readers


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10/18/2010 21:35:40Re:Do You Know Cthulhu?Off-Topic Discussion4181


  Sunset Love


Lady_Dark_Kitten has 1 stories

There have been dreams plaguing Kagome for weeks, they frequently sent her looking for time to herself. Unbeknownst to her, Kagome had attracted an admirer. Unfortunately for everyone Inuyasha has started thinking about his future and Kagome's too. With all this interest in her what is poor Kagome to do?
Rating: MA  -  Universe: Canon  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Chapter Stories  -  Created: 14 Sep 2010  -  Updated: 16 Oct 2010
Genre: Action, Angst, Dark, Erotica, Romance, Tragedy  -  Chapters: 17  -  Reviews: 6  -  Words: 43,121  -  Reads: 20,154


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