Mai Profile Page

About Me


Watashi Mai desu.


Its nice to meet you. I'm Mai. Please, take care of me. Arigato for visiting my page to learn a bit about me.

I am simply one HELL of a writer. Other than that, there's not really too much to tell.

Nani? Shitaikara.

Please feel free to contact me if you wish.


User Status

15 years ago
11 years ago
11 years ago


3/5/14: Woooow, has it been a long time. So I realize that I haven't exactly updated like I promised so long ago *wince* But I've been so busy and you know how people can change in a few years. Hehehe...Anyways, I'm easing myself back into SessKag fics after a LONG wild ride into other fandoms and pairings I never even knew existed. (Thanks, Tumblr.) I may pick back up my old fics since it's not like I don't remember what the story lines were for them. But no promises. Who knows? I may even start something new. And now that I have and actual degree--in English no less--it would be 100% better for sure. But we'll just have to wait and see won't we?


4/26/11: Ohayo! Mai here. (I'm actually doing thing from my apple product. Nifty huh?) I just wanted everybody to know that I have indeed changed Foward to Time Past into a Drabble story. I also split up the first chapter into three separate ones to make it easier on the eyes :twinkle: I have not changed this on FanFiction yet butninplan on doing so soon.


11/2/10: Hai, Mai is indeed back! Congrats to me as I recently celebrated my b-day! Also, I've updatedTime Past not too long ago so kudos to me. I do have a concern however: WHERE DID ALL MY REVIEWERS GO?!?!?! One chapter everything's all fine and dandy and the next thing I know poof! They've all disappeared! So if you're reading this and you haven't reveiwed my latest chapter please go! It makes me really sad and now I think no one likes it. *sigh* Anyway, that's all for a little while, so I'll hopefully be posting the next chapter soon!


9/11/10: Aloha, Mai is in the house. Before I get on with my news however, I would like a moment of silence to remeber those who died in nine-eleven...Okay, in other news I have officially started my one-shots for Time Past. I wrote the first one a while ago, but I forgot to update here at Dokuga. As I'm also having trouble working my way into the next promt, I'm skipping it to write a full chapter. Be blessed! Well that's all for now!


8/14/10 : Mai here. School has recently restarted. *sigh* What a load of waffle... Anyways, because of this, I won't be updating as often as I'd like to, but I have (small) time to write here and there. I'm still debating how to work out the next chapter and who's POV the bulk of it's going to be in. Well, that's all for now!




5/14/10: Hello! My name is Mai and it's unbeliveably exciting to have a Dokuga account. I have one on FanFiction under the name mai_sensei as well{jcomments on}.

I LOVE MANGA/ANIME! *sigh* Glad I got that off my chest.  It's my all time favorite past time and none of my friends really like it, so I have to sooth my aching soul here.

I love music. Especially movie scores. No pop music though. *shudder* Gives me nightmares. Actually, let me rephrase that: no ENGLISH pop music. I have recently discovered J-Pop (Japanese Pop) and some of them are pretty good. Like Mai Fukui's "Ai No Uta" and Kumi Koda's "Faraway.

Tim Burton, Johhny Depp, and Helena Bonham Carter are the epidemy of awesomeness. Come on, admit it, those three are fantas-great together.

I used to like Twilight, but I dont anymore. Ever since the movie came out, I might as well have jumped off the empire state building, I was so crushed. Kristen Stewart has uno expressions throughout the movie and Robert Pattinson looks like he's constipated. AND his lips are redder than hers (if you dont believe me, check out New Moon; when he kisses her outside her house after the party it's like "FIRE ENGINE RED! Then later when he's going to committ suicide, his lips are like chalk. So. Gross.).


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06/27/2010 22:51:54Re:Association GameForum Games1906722
06/16/2010 20:38:52Re:Last Letter First. (revised)Forum Games830316
06/16/2010 20:34:06Re:Association GameForum Games1906722
06/16/2010 20:27:53Re:Favorite Movie Quotes!Forum Games126593
06/16/2010 20:22:08Re: Favorite Movie QuotesForum Games163893


  Yuna Nara


Mai has 2 stories

When Kagome Higurashi is sent back in time, it's because she has to save the world. Again. To stop an evil foe from rising in her time, she must travel with the arrogant Lord Sesshoumaru and defeat her enemy with the youkai lord's help. But as they travel, Kagome realizes that the future is not always set in stone, especially her own, and that sometimes even the most dangerous of demons can have a gentle interior. TOLD IN SPORADIC DRABBLES
Rating: T  -  Universe: Alternate  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Oneshot Collections  -  Created: 13 Jun 2010  -  Updated: 20 Sep 2012
Genre: Action, Drama, Friendship, Humor, Romance  -  Chapters: 37  -  Reviews: 39  -  Words: 40,848  -  Reads: 37,387
Higurashi Kagome, currently in her early twenties, can’t seem to be left alone by her family who wants her to settle down. She adamantly turns away many a suitor, trying to prove to everyone that she’s fine alone. But after a child’s strange request, Kagome finds herself being pursued by Taisho Sesshoumaru, who is determined to break down her walls and bury himself in her heart.
Rating: T  -  Universe: Alternate  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Oneshot Collections  -  Created: 10 May 2011  -  Updated: 08 Feb 2012
Genre: Humor, Romance  -  Chapters: 5  -  Reviews: 29  -  Words: 15,404  -  Reads: 16,806


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