The UnderFrog Profile Page
The UnderFrog

About Me

Alright, so, I'm bad at these things, so expect a little rambling ;D

 So, i'm browsing for sess/kag stories on, and reading the profile of one of my favourite sess/kag authors (because you just lose heart sometimes when you browse through billions of bad sess/kag stories) and she said something about one of her stories only being on something called 'Dokuga', and then a link for the cover art. I hadn't the foggiest of what it was, but i like art, so i clicked, and found this glorious site. ;D

So thats how i found myself here, writing a bad about me section, and... well nothing else really. It just felt like there should be an 'and' there.

So, Me:

Name: You can call me Frog, UnderFrog. ;D (froggie is cool too ;D)

Age: I'm like, totally a teenager. Like Oh-my-gawd.

Things I like: My video games; my books (oh, how i love my books); my manga; my dog (i love how i put video games, books and manga before a living creature xD); and Big, extravagant words ;D.

Things I don't like: Chatspeak (unless i'm mocking it, then its funny ;D); warm milk; cleaning; Flo Rida (i mean, fer real guy? Florida? You couldn't even think of an original name? You had to steal a state? Uncool.);  Tomatoes; Cucumbers.

My tendancies: (i'm pretty sure i spelt that wrong ;D) Being blunt and meanly so, sometimes without meaning to, but most often with meaning to ;D ; Ignoring my muse when she wakes up (Her name is Maira 8D, and sleeps a lot); Using an excessively large vocabulary, then getting mad when i have to explain a word to someone; Updating sporadically, with large expanses of wait period in between (i'm really sorry bout that one >M<); And going into excessive detail in about me sections ;D


I dont' have any stories on this site yet, but i will eventually put up the one attempt i have at a fanfic on here ;D

Where you Can Find me Elsewhere:

DeviantArt: The-UnderFrog Crazed Up Chick Crazed up Chick The UnderFrog

I think thats all thats relevant? ;D If i think of any more, I'll put them up ;D

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16 years ago
16 years ago
16 years ago
The UnderFrog


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Name Entry

Created On: 03/31/2009 13:33:11

Awesome! I get to rape your comments page first! Welcome to Dokuga! (I love the name, by the way.)

Anyways, thanks for the review, I really appreciate it! And the part about Sesshoumaru falling asleep on her was my favourite part, too. Unfortunately, I can't say the same hasn't happened to me, but.... XD


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