Created On: 07/07/2010 11:35:36
good thing i didn't write too much then right! no worries. the next update is coming up on saturday  i have a big surprise for you guys =) thanks for reviewing and reading!
Created On: 03/12/2010 02:21:23
Thank you thank you thank you for the stunning review of Wisteria!!   I am so glad you enjoyed chapter 47! In fact, I've just posted chapter 48 up, so please do check it out! 
Created On: 03/07/2010 19:53:03
Dear Goose, thank you for reviewing Wisteria! I am so sorry to put you guys through the angst, but it was really to create a desperate situation for poor Kagome. It's really, really evil of me, but I want to break her spirit, only for Sesshoumaru to find her.  I will work hard to churn out more chapters!
Silent Taiyoukai
Created On: 01/10/2010 15:07:39
Thank you for the review on my oneshot, Yomi. I'm so glad you liked it! 
Created On: 01/06/2010 12:01:19
Hi Goose!! Thank you for your lovely reviews of Wisteria. I'm on a writing rampage since the new school semester is not going to start until next week  But yes, I'll definitely find the time to update Wisteria whenever I can! It's too fun to write and I am also dying to know what will come up next. till the next chapter, take care!