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About Me
~I'm Not Rin. The interactive story: “Let’s just wing it and see what happens?”~
The ‘why’~
I wanted to start this off by telling everyone ‘why’ I am doing this, so you can get the gist of my thoughts on this and decide whether you wish to participate in this or not. It is up to you.
So as not to bore you I will try to keep this as short as possible:
When I write stories, I think of a beginning and end, before I even start writing. If they interest me enough to spark my muse, wanting me to actually get to the end, I write it. The whole time I am thinking of that special ending, that is so great, I have to get to it so that my readers can read it too, and see what I thought of, because it excites me, and I want to share it.
The part getting from A to B, the middle, I just make up as I write while trying to get to the end. I wing it pretty much one hundred percent of the time. Filling the story with, well, filler and fluff.
The part with Shippo, the dragon King and the virgin princess? I totally made that up while I was typing that chapter, and thinking about the crayon scene from the chapter before.
Just to add filler.
The part where Kagome taught Rin to swim? Just came to me when I was typing the lake scene and I was thinking about something Rin and Kagome could talk about.
Then a whole chapter was made from that simple thought. It happens.
That reason: The middle, The filler, is why I am making this ‘interactive’ thing. For my readers.
I knew that when I first started this story, that (and it’s not really a spoiler) but this story is going to take a long time—A LONG TIME for me both to write, and the actual plot of the story. The story itself is going to take up almost all of Kagome’s human life span.
Let me repeat that: This story is going to last somewhere between where Kagome’s age of 16 or so, to when she turns 40ish.
Yeah, I got over roughly 26 YEARS of FILLER I have to just ‘wing’ and make up! That’s crazy!
I mean, I can do it, I knew I could, that’s why I even started this story. But the fact was when I was typing the Shippo ‘dragon king’ idea, I knew that small cute scene, even though it was a cool and easy idea to think of, I was going to have to make like—a hundred more of them—just to fill the gap between A and B.
And I haven’t even thought of a solid plot yet! And by plot, I mean evil bad guy that shows up to do something bad to Sesshomaru and/or Kagome to get Land and/or Power idea.
And that’s just sad! I at least think of that before writing! (But I knew it would be a long time before something like that happens in the story. I still have a lot of filler to think of between now and then after all)
So I thought: You know what? Why not make it more fun, for not only me, but my readers as well?
So then the idea of this whole ‘interactive thing’ came to my mind.
It not only helps me fill in the gabs, but it also gets me closer to my readers, and they can feel a part of the story and guide where it leads.
Now that the ‘why’ is out of the way. If you are still interested, you can read the next part of the explanation:
The ‘how’~
Let’s start off by asking this: What is an interactive story?
Tell you the truth I just made it up, I have never seen such a thing, but this is what I mean by ‘interactive’: You think of an idea, you tell me it, and if I like it, I will put it in my story. Simple as that.
There are of course, rules and obvious Dos and Don’ts that will make the idea more or less likely for me to use or pick to add to my story.
Let’s start with a small example. You have an idea you would like to see happen in the story:
GOOD 1: Kagome bakes some cookies in her world, then offers Sesshomaru some.
GOOD 2: Kagome goes to a demon festival.
GOOD 3: Kagome and Rin get into a snowball fight.
GOOD 4: Kagome captures Sesshomaru with a pokeball.
All ideas are simple, short, could be added at any point in the story (Example 3 has limits, for it must be in the winter, and can only be set in a winter chapter, but still do-able. After all, 26 years of filler. 26 winters and opportunities where this could happen.) But they are all acceptable, and ideas I can and probably will write and put in the story.
In short, I am looking for realistic scenarios that I can add, that flows well and won’t be out of character to happen. (Example 1 can still be realistic, for it is in Kagome’s character to offer Sesshomaru cookies, but whether he actually eats them is another matter)
Whoa~ What about GOOD 4, you say? Well, believe it or not, that works too. But that’s not realistic? No, it’s not. But it’s funny.
Funny works, because if I want, I can just add it as a skit at the end of my chapters, for my ‘funny chapter preview’.
At the end of each chapter, I am going to give a preview on the next chapter, so you guys might think of something for the next chapter if the scene changes or if the settings change, like whether or location.
I tell you Kagome is in the winter. Snowball fight idea next chapter. ‘
She is taking a bath in a hot springs? Sesshomaru joins her—(maybe not. Drooling on my keyboard is what fried my last laptop)
So something funny and not actually in the story, but you want to see happen anyway? I might be able to pull it off. We will see XD
So, in respect, I am not that picky of a person. A will probably accept most ideas that come to me. I might change a few things or make it so that it works with my story, but if it is do able, I don’t see why I won’t add it—oh wait, but that doesn’t mean ALL ideas will be put in the story.
I do have some ‘NOs’ in there… and there are a few examples of those too.
BAD 1: They should @$#$%! And then @)!(@# With a !U#Y!@ up his *@&! And then hot fudge!~
BAD 3: You should add me in it, and I will get all lovely dovey with fluffy and then Kagome can get jealous! LolZ~
BAD 4: Kagome tutors Rin, and then adopts her as her daughter. So cute.
BAD 5: Kagome getting in a pillow fight with Rin. (PM) Why haven’t you used my story yet! (Pm) Please use my story! (Pm) Please use my story! (PM) Please use my story!
BAD 6: *Reader sends private message.*
BAD 7: Kagome bakes cookies in her world, than offers Sesshomaru cookies.
*Sighs* Okay let’s start with BAD 1:
First off, that’s just weird. (What is the hot fudge for—you know what, never mind) Secondly, and the main reason being is that if you add such a comment, even if it is not so drastic, but any sort of strong relational act with Kagome and Sesshomaru, when the connection between them isn’t strong enough in my opinion, I will not accept the idea. (Something as simple as kissing under the moonlight falls under this category)
An idea such as this is not realistic, breaking one of the rules, and it also breaks the other rule of “It must be something in-character for them”
They will do such a thing, but if it is too soon in the story, it’s not realistic or in-character.
Next, BAD 2:
BAD 3: No OC’s, if I made one, it’s because they have to be there for a reason to the plot or just to add a character for a scene. I don’t use a lot of OC’s. If I can make a in-story person do it, I will. And I definitely won’t have an OC that is you just so you can get jiggy with Sesshomaru.
If you have an idea, that does involve OC’s that’s fine if it make sense. You mating Sesshomaru to make Kagome Jealous and have a three-way… does not.
BAD 4: Seems like an okay idea, why strike this down?
Kagome tutoring Rin and being her daughter and getting close to Sesshomaru that way, while it is cute, It is an idea that has been done a million times over.
I don’t mind an idea I might have seen in another story. Walking under the moonlight, Kagome accidently running into Sesshomaru while he’s bathing—(maybe is shouldn’t do that one, it will just make me drool the whole time and I will have to replace my keyboard from getting it wet with my slobber) I do like those ideas, and they have been done, but if it is too cheesey or done too many times, it has a higher chance of me skipping the idea and not doing it.
But that isn’t the only reason I would reject this idea. The second reason being the fact that such an idea, would probably take me three or more chapters to do.
Another thing I don’t really want is very long ideas. I am looking for short, simple ‘fluff’ or ‘filler’ thoughts to add. Those will be easier to write and add to my story any time.
Not that a long idea is bad, or I will reject every one of them completely. If your idea is really good enough, even if it is long, I might still add it.
I am also accepting ‘plot’ ideas, which counts as ‘long’ ideas. But I will cover in the ‘hints, tips, plot, shout-outs, and chapter previews’ part of this guide.
BAD 5: Pillow fight? Sounds alright. I like your idea. I think I will use it—(PM) USE MY IDEA!
You know what? I change my mind. I’m not going to use it….
You bug me about not using your idea or pester me? I won’t use it, even if it is a good one.
BAD 6: *ShadowFoxMoon Receives Private message* Hmm? *looks at it* I love your story! I think a cool idea would be-- *deletes*
Okay, I might not be that harsh if you are just being nice. I’m not that mean.
But if it’s not through a review, I won’t add it to my story. That is my one rule that is not idea-wise. It is to keep things organized so I can keep my PM’s separate from new story ideas that fill my e-mail. If it comes through review I know it’s a new story idea. If I need more detail on it I will message you, and we will have a chat. I don’t want to confuse the two.
If my box is full of nothing but PM’s it will confuse me, because I will forget which is what. It makes things slightly less complicated that way, and me trying to be more organized. So I can separate them.
That and the fact that when I get a review it says ‘review for blah blah story’ and it lets me know what story it’s from. It keeps me from having to look at what story you are talking about, in case you don’t put the title of the story in your comment.
The reasons for me wanting to separate PM’s from Reviews is covered more in my ‘hints, tips, plot, shout-outs, and chapter previews’ part of this guide.
BAD 7: Cookies again? Didn’t I see that before? Word of advice: don’t steal ideas that someone else already put, or that I put in my story already. It don’t work that way, and why would you want to read the same thing twice?
Why would you want to read the same thing twice?
That is it with the Do’s and Don’t’s of the explanation. I think I covered everything. Sad that there are more BAD then GOOD examples, but that’s how it is.
But as you can see, I am not telling you to break a leg or jump through hoops of fire. The only thing I really can’t accept is if you are rude, or don’t make sense. If your idea will actually work, and it is an idea and not just spamming or flaming, or you don’t be rude to me, I will more than likely use it.
Even if it is Kagome catching Sesshomaru with a pokeball. I’m flexible that way.
You think this is an awesome idea? Great! I do to! But now what do you do?
HINTS AND TIPS: You go to the bottom of any chapter and you post a review, giving me your idea. I will only accept it through a review (read BAD 6 for details on that)
Your idea is short, sweet, makes sense. Has some detail in it or something someone would want to read and/or write. Now all is left to do is send the review and wait to see if I use it in my story!
If you read my Do’s and Don’t section and kind of know what I want, you shouldn’t have no problem!
Why am I only accepting it through review?
First thing, spamming with PM’s is kind of annoying, especially if I don’t know a lot of where I’m getting the PM’s from, and I don’t know what you are talking about. Reviews keep it simple. Because if it’s a review, I know a lot of things from that simple fact: It’s a new idea. It’s from ‘I’m not Rin’ because it says so before I even open the E-mail, and that keeps me from looking to see what story you are talking about.
The other reason I want to keep my new stories separated, because in case I do like an idea, but I want to talk to you for some reason. Let’s say I want to add to your idea, or I don’t’ quite understand what you mean, I will get in touch with you through PM. (if you have an account.) And we may talk back and forth.
At this point I know who you are and what we are talking about. I don’t want to put new ideas into the mix with a bunch of PM’s I can’t keep organized or count of.
Then let’s go into the next part of this guide: PLOT
I am throwing it out there that I am also taking plot ideas. This story pretty much is just a bunch of fillers. I mean there are things there, and there is an ending, but—and it’s sad to say, because this is the first time this has happened to me—I haven’t thought of a real plot to this story yet.
And by that I mean, a single goal for Sesshomaru and Kagome to fight against or head to before ultimately coming to the climax and ending the story.
Either by a evil bad guy, or the struggle between demons and humans. I haven’t thought of it yet.
So as you are reading, you think of something, by all means, give me something to bounce ideas off of and I will be forever in your debt.
Evil demon leader in a town of demons who wants Sesshomaru’s land and power as his own and/or is jealous of him or want to steal Kagome for himself? Hell, sounds good to me! I’ll add it to my list!
A 8headed dragon eating women and Kagome goes to save them only to be taken instead? Sounds like I heard it before, but whatever—That works too! I’ll PM you and we can brainstorm more on it!
Hell! I might just have both of those plots in this story! I got 26 years of Kagome’s life to put in danger, only to have Sesshomaru rescue her last minute, and then tell her how weak she is afterwards and how he is annoyed with having to save her all the time.
So, yeah, I am not just looking for short fluff. You got plot, I’ll look into it and PM you if I think it’s good.
On to the next section—Benefits~ I mean… SHOUT-OUTS. UPDATE: Turns out that I can't give shoutouts to anyone who gives me ideas that I use in the beginning of the scene, cause I breaks some rules... opps. And I really liked that idea--- I know! If I used your idea I'll put you in a shoutout at the end of this guideline, and state chapter and scene as well~ That should work. If that doesn't work, well... I guess I can't use that either *Frowny face*
And last is the CHAPTER PREVIEWS!
I put this last, because in my story, It will be the last thing on it as well.
After every chapter, I will put the preview of the next chapter at the bottom. Just to give the readers a heads-up on what to expect, scene / idea / fluff generated locations. To help them think of ideas for the situation that might happen with the new settings.
Example, one chapter might be fall, and so the chapter after that will be winter, and there will be snow fights and igloo buildings. But no beach scenes.
I thought it would be nice to give my readers a heads up—within the respectable boundaries that is not going to spoil anything.
Also, if something happens that is plot related that won’t have a lot of filler, I will give a warning that nothing can be really added to or changed in the next chapter, because it is a PLOT CHAPTER.
Well, that’s the end of that. I never done anything like this or seen it done before (if not, send me a PM with a story that has done this before so I can get some tips on if I doing it right) I'm going at this blind pretty much and just winging it as I go. Hopefully it turns out alright, or I can fix things/trouble as it pops up. If not I might have to give up on the idea, and I kinda like it, so I hope I don't have to. Even if I don't get a lot of people contributing to it. I will still just continue my story as I have been before I thought of this. Anyway. *sighs* Took me long enough to type all of this… XD So I'm going to end it on that note.
Hope I covered everything, and if I didn’t, I will be adding it later in a UPDATE: Notation below or within one of my chapters! SHOUT-OUTS!: None so far :(
Thanks for reading! It’s my readers that keep me writing in the first place, that and the fact that I just love writing. Sesshomaru X Kagome is a deep bond I had back when I first started reading fanfiction before I finally started writing fanfiction of my own. I never wrote a SessXKag story, because I believed it to be untouchable in my eyes. Like I could never make one, make it perfect enough, make it how I always imagined it would be. Now I know I can. I have grown as a writer, and I no longer see any boundaries in my writing. If I seem familiar to you in anyway, you might have seen me on FF. Net with the same Username. |
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ShadowFoxMoon |
Like my story? there's more in my Fanficton.net account. https://www.fanfiction.net/u/663530/ShadowFoxMoon Can't miss it. Warning, there are some very OLD stories, when I wasn't as good of a writer, read them at your own risk. My other stories are not Sess/Kag centered but they always have a tight bond in all my stories. |
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ShadowFoxMoon has 1 stories