Speed Reader Profile Page
Speed Reader

About Me

Hello to all!

Not much to tell, I am your average 20 something year old. I love to read, but my writing never seems to turn out the way I want it to. I am a huge Inuyasha fan, it's the only fan-fiction I read. Sesshoumaru is of course my favorite and the whole reason I started to watch Inuyasha in the first place.

Most of my favorite authors are on this site and have a member only profile, so now I am a member and can continue to read their amazing stories! Well that's all for now, maybe soon I will post my works up for others to read...

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26 days ago
10 years ago
Speed Reader


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Name Entry

Created On: 01/02/2021 21:43:39

Thank you so much for your review to "I Prefer Curry Chips Instead." I really do appreciate your catch of those errors by the way. I've fixed them, so thank you for pointing them out
And yes, meddling mothers are everywhere aren't there? All of my family's close friends have sons and daughters who are now married so they keep suggesting matches to my parents. I think, no matter the culture, there will always be someone out there trying to matchmake.
Hope you've had a great start to the New Year!


Created On: 05/29/2015 13:29:19

Aww, thanks! I wrote Devil's Backbone a couple months ago when I first hear the song from The Civil Wars. If I were to write another chapter/sequel do you have any suggestions for songs you would think might fit?
Thanks again!

Moonlight Silk

Created On: 03/31/2015 22:03:33

Thanks for reviewing. Honestly I just did not write Shippo in this fic, felt like i'd overused him in my previous story! Her kitten went through the portal at the end with Ah-Un, the cat's name is Michi. Glad you liked the angst.

Siera Serenity Star

Created On: 03/11/2015 12:59:19

Thank you for your review on Missing Me! and I will be turning it into a chapter story.


Created On: 10/19/2014 20:43:21

From your mouth to God's ears, lol! I've spent the last year and a half with a lot of RL issues, and it really tanked my writing. But I persevered, like I promised the readers I would, and now I'm back! It feels really good, lol!

I'm glad that you enjoyed Ever the Lotus enough to stick with it through such a long drought. I hope I continue to please!


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