SilverEyedHyuuga Profile Page

About Me

I started out primarily as a Naruto fanfic author, but have always loved the SessKag pairing. I stopped writing for about four years or so, due to the fact that school was largely getting in the way, but now that I seem to have some time, I started writing Reserve Untapped, which has, so far, been a joy to write and imagine.

I'm a doctoral candidate for Piano performance, which means, as a musician, I am extraordinarily busy. Still, when I find the time, it almost always gets funneled into writing :) Updates may be sporadic, but that's not because I don't want to make them/am lazy/forgot about them. :D

Welcome to my corner!

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11 years ago
9 years ago
10 years ago


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SilverEyedHyuuga has 1 stories

Years of battling Naraku have kindled Kagome's formerly feeble reiki into a considerable force. Now that the spider demon has been defeated, she has taken it upon herself to train and maintain her power. A certain daiyoukai cannot help but be intrigued by the blossoming of her gifts, and when their chance encounters begin to become not so coincidental anymore, he, against his better judgement and opinion of humans, begins to recognize her for the formidable priestess she has become. When Sesshoumaru joins forces with Kagome against a deadly new enemy--the powers of which they have never encountered before--he comes to respect her more and more as not just a mere miko, but as his equal.
Rating: MA  -  Universe: Canon  -  Status: Complete  -  Category: Chapter Stories  -  Created: 18 Feb 2014  -  Updated: 04 Nov 2014
Genre: Action, Drama, Erotica, Humor, Romance  -  Chapters: 25  -  Reviews: 330  -  Words: 73,600  -  Reads: 403,844


Name Entry

Created On: 11/13/2014 02:13:12

Keep up the great work!!! I hope you write more so I can read it and learn more about the universes you create.

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