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06/05/2015 09:55:03Re:Sesshourmaru and kagome as matesSearching for a Fic...1942


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Created On: 01/28/2014 14:01:11

Hello SP!

This message is in response to your review on Pride is a Barren Mountain:

Ok lets just let it be known that Kagome using the 'sit' word just because she wants to is abuse. Pure and simple abuse.

As someone who has worked with victims/survivors (however they self identify) of abuse professionally, I don't think I'm portraying Kagome as an abuser.

In Chapter 2 of the story, Kagome utilizes the subjugation beads to prevent Sesshoumaru from leaving. This is because she thinks something is wrong with Inuyasha, and she's right! Given the whacky things that happen to Inuyasha and company throughout the series, temporarily knocking him down with little to no injury isn't an overreaction, not when he could be possessed, hypnotized, having his soul sucked out, etc.

In Chapter 3, she says "osuwari" in response to Sesshoumaru attacking her, and threatens him with another subjugation if he tries to leave with Inuyasha's body. She does the first as self defense, and the second in defense of Inuyasha, since she knows that if Sesshoumaru leaves with Inuyasha's body it's unlikely she'll ever see him, or the Tetsusaiga again.

Sesshoumaru later hesitates to offend Kagome because he doesn't want to be subjugated again, but you have to remember this chapter is from his point of view: He doesn't know Kagome very well, and he isn't human and doesn't think like one. He expects her to use every advantage she has against him. That doesn't mean she actually would use the subjugation necklace against him for frivolous reasons. Even if she thought about doing it, that does not an abuser make. People think about doing things they wouldn't do all the time.

I hope this has allayed your concern and that you continue to enjoy the story. Thank you for reviewing. ^_^

Kimberly Morris

Created On: 12/18/2013 00:09:16

Hi, thanks for your review.
Your review: Love his story. I just don't think that Inuhime is thinking about Inuyasha, I think it's all about her guilt because some of the things that she says don't really take his feelings into account. I just find it very selfish of herto think that Inyasha should just accept her apology and forgive them for the negelectful for way that he way treated. Just because they have had a change of heart and decided that it's ok to get to know the half brother that has practically had to raise himself. I think also that he should have told her 'No that he did not know what it was like to have to obey ones alpha because not only was he denided the right to a family/pack he was also denided an alpha that he had to be accountable to.'

Yes, you're right. It does seem like she's being selfish. Yes, she feels guilty. However, sometimes, she doesn't think before she speaks or acts. Inuyasha will realize it sometime and will confront her about it. He's still shocked that he had another sibling that actually loves him and accepts him for what he is.


Created On: 10/21/2013 22:46:50

Hey there!
Thanks for your review.
As for your comment about Kagome being shy and whatnot: think, if you had basically had one month and three dates to tell your family you were going to be engaged to Sesshomaru you weren't going to be all lovey dovey instantly. That's not realistic.
Second, half of "The Omiai" finds it's base in my real life experience and real life doesn't lead to love at first sight most of the time. Third, Kagome and Sesshomaru have made out and cuddled and all the stuff couples do. Want proof? Go look at drabbles "Yes" "Kiss Kiss" "Bandaids" "Can I have you by my side" "High School Memories" "Dropping the Honorifics" and "Mommy Dress Me".
If you wanted to read a romcom that's based off of what generally happens in America, then do so. But keep in mind that this story is based off of Japanese tradition, it's going to be slow awkward romance because that is what it is.
I'm sorry if I seem angry at you, I'm not. I'm just confused and trying to understand why to you Kagome's actions around Sesshomaru seem different.

Kaoruhana ^_^ (Feel free to shoot me a PM about any concerns you have!)

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