Imani Joain Profile Page
Imani Joain

About Me

The community here has been tremendously supportive. I hope to publish more here soon. Second Alliance is now available as a single, downloadable, document on my website.

The characters and universe represented here are wholly the creations of Rumiko Takahashi. The short stories posted here and at are derivative works based on Ms. Takahasi’s original work, but have not been commissioned or approved in any way by Ms. Takahasi. I do not profit in any way from this work, and I consider Second Alliance and my other fan fiction to be fair use, transformative creative works as they addnew meaning and messages to the original work. I encourage readers who enjoy my work to purchase media created by Ms. Takahashi in order to be further immersed in the Inuyasha universe and support the creative endeavors of Ms. Takahasi.

Should Ms. Takahasi or her estate take exception to the work presented here, I will remove the work upon notification by an official representative of Ms. Takahasi.

Second Alliance is available as a single, downloadable document at .  You can also check out my original work there or receive updates by following me on twitter @susanamund .


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Imani Joain


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Imani Joain has 2 stories

A new threat has breached the peace left in the wake of Naraku's defeat. This time, it will be Sesshomaru who must propose an alliance to defeat an enemy he has no experience with: a death that claims humans and demons alike. Only his half-brother's strange miko truly understands the danger, and she is the key to conquering it. Originally posted on Revised edition here. 2nd Semi-annual 2013 Dokuga Awards: Best Canon, 1st Place; Best Kagome Portrayal, 1st Place; Best Sesshomaru Portrayal, 3rd Place; and Best Darkfic/Horror, 3rd Place. Nominated for Best Romance. October 2014 Feudal Association Awards: 1st Place Best Drama Fiction.
Rating: MA  -  Universe: Canon  -  Status: Complete  -  Category: Chapter Stories  -  Created: 09 Nov 2013  -  Updated: 18 Mar 2016
Genre: Action, Romance  -  Chapters: 61  -  Reviews: 664  -  Words: 445,884  -  Reads: 1,093,215
Kagome cannot help but try to fix anything she finds broken, even if it is not in her best interest to do so. When she comes across Sesshomaru in dire need of assistance, she cannot deny herself. She only hopes that he won't kill her for it. Rated MA for graphic intimacy.
Rating: MA  -  Universe: Canon  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Chapter Stories  -  Created: 05 Jul 2014  -  Updated: 25 Oct 2019
Genre: Drama, Erotica, Romance  -  Chapters: 19  -  Reviews: 266  -  Words: 28,452  -  Reads: 287,956


Total number of images: 1

Second Alliance Map
  • Second Alliance Map
  • Category: Others


Name Entry

Created On: 07/09/2014 12:55:18

Everytime I read through a chapter of second Alliance I lamented not stopping to review ,but your fic every chapter was too intriguing to actually stop and review I was too engrossed,enraptured to stop everything wad just too perfect the characters ,the detail,the writing techic everything was perfect. I also love the length of each chapter and Sesshoumaru's portrayol was magnificent so was Kagome's and Inukimi Oh and of course Inuyasha's.
You have tremendous talent ,so thank you for the fic
Feedback from Imani Joain: Thank you so much! I really appreciate your comments, and I hope you continue to read and enjoy Second Alliance.


Created On: 04/29/2014 03:49:42

Thanks for your review on Get Bent! Yeah, sess sure is a stubborn one lol

Lady Lyris

Created On: 04/27/2014 14:53:47

I would just like to thank you for writing a wonderful story (Second Alliance) that captivates your audience! I love reading every chapter and I sincerely hope you continue to update!
Feedback from Imani Joain: Thank you - I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I have enjoyed writing!

INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000
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