Sugar by VivWolf

The High Price

My life is pretty boring now. I think the most excitement I get nowadays is getting Buyo to chase a toy.

I love my family and ultimately this is what led me to make a drastic decision. Drastic times call for drastic measures after all.

I woke up to blue skies, clouds evaporating from the heat and the light breeze removing the rest from my room's window view. I sat up, rubbing my eyes, removing eye crust from the corner of my eyes.

I felt calm and peaceful. Nothing like what I had been living through a year before.

Moving leisurely, I choose a plain white shirt and pale blue jeans I had decided to wear that day. I headed downstairs to see if breakfast was ready or if I should take a shower first and to my surprise found our kitchen empty.

I glanced around and heard quiet whispers.

"Yes. I'm sorry. I'm doing everything I can. It's been a tough year....yes....yes...ok. Thank you. Good bye."

It was my mother, whispering into the phone. To who? I didn't know exactly, but I had an idea. It wasn't the first time and I was sure it wouldn't be the last.

Our family was in debt. In serious, you will loose the farm (actually in this case, shrine) type of way. It was yet another price I had to pay for saving the world.

I, Kagome, had saved the world and the price had been high. I had not only grown mature at a faster rate than my friend in my time, I had given up the new friends and family had made in the feudal era, lost the motivation to find romance with boys and men of this time, found out this meant I was keeping my virginity, flushed my grades down the toilet and I had royally screwed my entire family in my time by purchasing large quantity of supplies needed to survive in the feudal era forcing them into debt.

That day, I had crept up the stairs and decided what I was doing was not enough.

I was getting my GED through a college willing to work with my grades. They had programs that could also help me achieve my AA or transition to a more traditional school.

I had also been working full time since all of my classes were online and left me to figure out my schedule as I saw fit. I still had deadlines but I could choose when to work on meeting them.

I worked on the shrine, too. Every chance I could to help my aging grandpa and mother.

My life felt icily dull in contrast to my previous adventures.

That day, listening to my mom I decided to find another way to help even more. I searched online for anything that I was willing to do to further my help and end what I had cause.

Later that day, I arrived home from work hollering: "Mom, I'm home!" As I walked through the front door. I removed my shoes in the mud room and headed upstairs to study.

It was at times difficult to resist the calling of procrastination.

I was so tired. I was so sad, with no time to process it. I feel asleep on top of my covers that night next to my laptop with its soft light glowing on my face.

 I woke with hunger due to the absence of it earlier in the day. I headed back down to the kitchen, assembled an odd plate of leftovers and walked to our living room.

Once there I flipped on the tv and started to switch through channels as I munched.

I stopped on a channel as the show began and I couldn't believe what I was watching. Women, getting paid not for sex, not for a regular job but to keep a wealthy guy company. The women spoke about different issues, the pros and the cons. I considered them, and decided I needed to do more research. I turned off the tv, and went back to my trusty laptop, plate in hand. I Google'd the website the show had talked about. I read as much as I could and mind made up, I decided to try it out.

I'd have to be careful, and decided to shorten my name to Kags on my profile. I uploaded a couple pictures and once checking out the other girls profiles to see what they had felt ok disclosing online, filled out mine as well.  That done, I ate my food, said a short prayer that please whoever noticed (if anyone noticed me) it wouldn't be  a pervert with lecherous ideas in mind or a psycho and promptly fell asleep.


Author's note:

Minor editing and in search of an experienced BETA.

Rating MA just in case.

So....yes? No? Maybe? Reviews please. Let me know what you think. The good, the bad, the ugly. I want it all.

I wont promise to use your ideas or alter the story according to opinions, but I will take them into consideration.

I've never been a sugar baby, but there are plenty of online resources that fulfill my fascination with this topic.

Inuyasha and all characters belong to its wonderful author and creator....which, sadly is not I. 

I am in no way promoting or condemning sugar babies/daddies/mommies or said lifestyle.