All Around Me by Dorkfishe97

All Around Me

Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha

He burned like a slow fire, spreading through her entire being, numbing her senses and driving her crazy. Every little thing he did seemed to drive her nuts, making her fall just a little bit deeper in love every moment, even though he was unconscious of this effect. Every part of him made her love him, from the way he smelled to the way he felt under her fingers. His musky smell, a combination of fresh rain and thunder, could turn her darkest days into a bright summer. When he kissed her, she melted in his arms as she played with the little hairs on the back of his strong neck. No matter where or when he always reminded her that she was alive.

Even now her body echoed with the rhythm of their dancing. They would swing and sway as he put his arms around her and whispered her favorite words: "I love you, Kagome." On those nights Kagome swore she could hear the angels singing as they danced around in their secret place. Kagome wished they could fade away and forever stay in their bubble of serenity—the place where they were most free to love. Even if these moments were too short and few, these were the moments Kagome felt most alive.

One day of blinding happiness stood out among the rest: the day he proposed. He asked for her hand and she gave her everything to him. By then, he already owned her for all she was worth. He had her love, he heart, and her soul delicately intertwined with his own. She saw the rest of her days spanning before her, filled with love and a man that was her everything. Naturally, she said yes and cried tears of joy as he held her and made promises she knew he would keep. Never before had she felt so alive.

Kagome would always remember the day fate ripped everything right from her hands. The final additions to their wedding fell together, and the happy couple was eager to start the rest of their lives together. She would never forget the sound of the telephone ringing and reverberating off all the boxes in their new apartment as Kagome happily unpacked, gladly waiting for her fiancé's return. She would never forget rushing to their new kitchen to pick up the phone, and she would never forget the exact words that ruined her life.

"Kagome, there's been an accident. Your fiancé has been severely injured in a car crash, and he is now receiving treatment in the ICU."

The voice speaking on the other end of the line was cold and straight to the point as Kagome numbly asked where to find her fiancé. After getting what she needed to know, Kagome wasted no time rushing to the hospital.

Kagome stayed by his side while the doctors raced to save him. She slept in the chair next to his bed, seeing as the idea of going home to their empty bed was too painful. Kagome watched as the doctors did everything in their power to save her lover, but still he worsened. After a week of continuous misery, he passed away, leaving Kagome alone and alive. Never before had she felt so painfully alive.

Kagome finished moving into their apartment, determined to carry on the plans they had made. The only problem stemmed from the fact that living half a life had nothing to do with their plans; she couldn't do this alone. Kagome took her pain day by day, and still his loss was too much to bear.

Exactly one year after his death, Kagome found herself driving to the cemetery. Feeling the burden was too heavy for her to bear, Kagome had not been to his grave since his funeral. Still, she found herself kneeling in front of the headstone, not noticing as tears started streaming down her face.

Gingerly she placed a bouquet of white lilies in front of his headstone. Watching the petals dancing in the wind, Kagome felt overwhelmed as memories washed in and over her.

She could feel him all around her, thickening the air she breathed. She remembered the long summer nights they spent when they first got together. The winter he told her he loved her. All the memories of their three years swirling around her both pressing and lifting on her heart.

With a cry Kagome let loose the words that were dammed up inside her.

"Why did you do this to me?" she screamed into the sky. "I love you! Remember when I gave you my heart? That night you promised me you would never leave me, and you know what? I believed you! Damn it, I believed you! But you left me, and I'm stuck living half a life! Half of our life! I can't do this, Sesshomaru. I can't live in a world where you don't exist. A world where we can't be together," she sobbed brokenly into the dirt above his grave.

As Kagome cried, the wind started to blow. In the breeze she smelled him and heard the music they danced to countless numbers of times. For a moment Kagome swore she felt his touch and the press of his lips against hers. She swore she heard his voice in her ear.

"Live well for us."

All she needed was that one second to realize he had never really left her, not in the ways that mattered. He still loved her, and he would wait for her on the other side. She was his soul mate—Kagome knew this in her heart. He would wait for her, so that one day they would be free to love once more.

Drying her tears, Kagome stood up with a smile.

"I love you, Sesshomaru. I always have, and I always will. Death and life are not strong enough to change my love for you," she said as she turned and walked from his grave.

Kagome knew she would be with her love someday, even if she had to live her life without him. She would wait for him, knowing he would wait for her. She would live, remembering her many blessings and not the love that left her too soon. As she walked away, Kagome felt a new hope she savored as she felt her heart slowly starting to heal.

A/N: Here's a story I wrote quite a while ago! I saw it on my fanfictioin page and thought, "hmmm, not half bad!" I hope that you all enjoy!