Old Enemies, New Allies by Kerushii

A Curious Lord

Authors Notes- So I'm not totally sure where I'm going with this quite yet. Mostly I have a very rough idea in my head and I'm going to see where it goes. Let me know how it's going!!



Chapter One: A Curious Lord

It was another cloudless night in Keade's village. The group of six had returned for much needed rest after their last encounter with their hated enemy Naraku. Miroku had been the only one injured as a result of drawing the saimyosho into his wind tunnel once again. With their monk friend unable to fight for several days, Sango seized her opportunity to return to the Slayers' village with Kilala. 

InuYasha had been more irritable than usual because of their abrupt return to Edo. Kagome assumed it was due to the pause in pursuing jewel shards and Naraku. He knew Miroku needed a break but InuYasha did not understand why everyone had to stop. What got to him even more was now that they had returned, Kagome wanted to go home for a couple days. 

"It's only to get supplies and say hi to my family. I don't get what the big deal with it is since we're going to be here for at least a week InuYasha." Kagome argued. 

"Yeah and what if a jewel shard comes close to the village and we miss it because you just had to go home? What if Naraku gets to it before us?" The half demon retorted. 

"Look InuYasha, I'm going home for a couple days. Sango's visiting her village and Miroku can't fight let alone walk. We need food and medical supplies. Plus I'll bring you back ramen and chocolate." She smiled when she thought back to the first time she gave him chocolate. She worried slightly over it making him sick like a normal dog but let him decide. Ever since then, Kagome was convinced he would pick the brown, sugary treat over ramen. 

"Whatever. Just don't forget anything." He replied. Kagome was pretty sure his eats twitched at the mention of chocolate. Grinning at his approval, she ran to Keade's hut to collect her deteriorating yellow backpack. Waving her goodbye to her friend, she jumped into the magic void that was the Bone Eaters Well.  

Several miles away, a two-headed dragon, a toad demon and a young human girl awaited their Lords return. It had been almost a whole day since Lord Sesshoumaru departed their camp. His intentions were to track down his half brothers pack seeking any new information on Naraku they may have come across.  

"Master Jaken, when will Lord Sesshoumaru come back?" Rin asked. 

"Be quiet Rin. Lord Sesshoumaru will be back when he is finished with his business." The toad snapped in reply. 

"What is he doing?" She asked innocently. 

"I don't know you stupid human girl! It is not our place to question our Lord Sesshoumaru's will or command! Now shut up!" Jaken yelled. 

"Jaken. Silence." A deep, threatening voice spoke from behind the odd group. 

"L-L-Lord Sesshoumaru!! Please forgive your humble servant!" Jaken pleaded. 

"Lord Sesshoumaru!" Rin cried in excitement. "I am so glad you're back!" 

"Gather yourself Rin. We are leaving." Without another word, Sesshoumaru began walking toward his half brothers village. It has been his plan to question the priestess before returning but her abrupt departure prevented such. He has no desire to discuss her whereabouts with his half demon kin. Instead, the inu youkai chose to retrieve his servant and ward.  

While Sesshoumaru walked at a moderate pace, Jaken and Rin rode atop Ah Un. Neither knew their Lord's destination but both were pleased to once again travel with him. 

Two days had passed since Kagome arrived in the modern era. She was saying her goodbyes and gathering the needed supplies before leaving her family to worry over her safety yet again. Her journey began on her fifteenth birthday. She was now nearing her nineteenth. Almost four years had gone by and they were no closer to defeating Naraku then they had been on day one. Her family worried for more each time she came home with something worse than a scrape. 

It was not often her mother spoke out against her time travels. Kagome knew her lifestyle upset her family. She also knew they were proud of what her and her friends were doing. As she finished packing the remaining items she turned to face her mother. 

"Well, bye mom. I'll try to come home soon okay?"  

"Be careful sweetheart. Did you remember your presents for your friends?" Her question was answered by a smile and a nod. 

"BYE!" Once again, with her backpack on, Kagome jumped into the enchanted well. 

Moments passed before she emerged five hundred years into the past. Pulling herself of over the lip of the wooden structure, she glanced around for her half demon companion. When he did not come into sight, Kagome felt herself getting irritated. 

'Seriously?!' She thought angrily. 'He gives me grief because I want to leave for two days then he's late meeting me here? The nerve of him sometimes.'

As she made her way to the village, she found herself wondering about how Sango was doing. Her sister-like friend left to tend to her father and fellow slayers' graves after making sure Miroku was going to pull through.

 Smoke was visible over the last hill before the village entrance. The sight pleased Kagome. The young priestess was eager to return to her friends. She was worried for Miroku's health and just missed Sango, Shippo, Kilala and InuYasha. If she ignored her anger toward him. 

"Human!" A grating voice shouted in her direction. 

"Who's there?" Drawing an arrow, Kagome turned to the voice.

"It is I. Jaken. The faithful servant to the Great Lord Sesshoumaru!" Jaken announced proudly, puffing out his tiny chest. 

"Oh." She answered, trying not to burst into hysterical laughter. Dropping her weapon to her side, she waited for Jaken to explain his presence so far East. 

"Human priestess, you will accompany me to my humble Lord or suffer pain of death." He ordered. 

"Um... Excuse me? No, I won't."  

"W-W-What?! But you must! I cannot fail Milord!" 

"Jaken. Be silent." Sesshoumaru stated, emerging from the treeline. 

"What do you want Sesshoumaru?" Kagome asked warily. 

"Information on the hanyou." 

"InuYasha? He's in the village I think. Why are you asking about him? I didn't think you cared." 

"I speak of Naraku. Not InuYasha." He informed icily, practically spitting out InuYasha's name. 

'Duh Kagome.' She thought to herself. 

"Oh. We haven't seen him for a few days. After Miroku sucked the saimyosho into his wind tunnel we came back here so he could recuperate." Rather than reply, Sesshoumaru stared at Kagome for several moments before she began to fidget under his cold gaze. 

"SESSHOUMARU!! What the hell are you doing here?" InuYasha bellowed, drawing Tetsusaiga ready to attack. 

"Hello little brother." Sesshoumaru spat. He stood waiting for InuYasha to charge. 

"Answer me you bastard!"  

"InuYasha stop it. All we were doing was talking about Naraku. Geez. You don't need to have a fit every time Sesshoumaru shows up. He just asked a question. Honestly the way you two act sometimes..." Kagome chastised. The feeble scolding the priestess gave InuYasha amused the Taiyoukai. Although he showed no sign of amusement, he resisted the urge to smirk.

"You're defending him?! Are you serious? Kagome what the hell?!" InuYasha barked. 

"I'm tired of listening to you two always at each others' throats. I realize you hate each other, but you're constant fighting does get old after awhile."

'Did this human priestess just indirectly scold this Sesshoumaru?' The Taiyoukai asked himself. He never had been able to figure out the priestess, which significantly irritated him. She was an anomaly to him. Her manner of speech, dress and attitude were confusing. No other simple human would dare speak to him or about his person in such a disrespectful manner the way she had done on numerous occasions. 

"You are defending him! Move out of the way so I can kill him." 

"Sit." With a thud, InuYasha slammed to the ground. Sighing heavily, Kagome once again faced Sesshoumaru. "No, we haven't seen Naraku. But I'm sure it won't be long before we do. Next time we see you we might be able to give you more information."  

"That is acceptable priestess." Sesshoumaru replied. Without another word, he turned and disappeared from sight. Jaken tailed after his master in hysterics fearing being left behind. Kagome watched as the demon Lord and his retainer took their leave.  

'What a jerk! He really needs an attitude adjustment.' She thought, rubbing her temples to stave off the oncoming headache. Leaving InuYasha in his hole, Kagome finished her journey to Keade's village. 

Upon rejoining Rin, Sesshoumaru hovered over Jaken.  

"Jaken. You will discover where that priestess hailes from." He commanded.  

"Yes MiLord. Of course MiLord." The toad complied, bowing at his masters feet. 

'Why does Lord Sesshoumaru care about that woman's heritage all of the sudden?' Jaken mused. Knowing better than to ask, he went on his way to please his Lord. At the same moment, Sesshoumaru was asking himself the very same question, finding no answer.