The Sweetest Girl by browneyedgirl

Tricks on the track

A/n: Not sure if I want to make this into an actual story, let me know.

Sesshomaru watched the girl he once knew as she stood on the corner; only bits of cloth covered her milky flesh. He remembered her from high school, every guy wanted her and she knew it, but never gave in until InuYasha Smith; who would be her ultimate downfall. She was smart and beautiful; Sesshomaru never thought she would stoop to this level. Working on the corner for money, she was better than this. He pitied the poor girl for falling for a man who would do this to her; she deserved the world in his eyes.

“Why?” He asks, walking up to the woman. Her eyes shifted to him, taking in his suite and briefcase.

“If you got the money; I got the time. “ She replies, crossing her arms.

“If you answer my questions I’ll pay whatever you want.” Her eyes brightened before jerking her head for him to follow. Sesshomaru watched her walk away and followed, wincing at the large scar on her back.

“Why?” He asks again, walking a little faster to be next to her.

“Be more specific.” She comments, lighting a cigarette.

“How did this happen to you?”

“It started out with just one of his friends; we needed the extra cash since I was in med school. One friend turned into two and two into three. He said it would end soon but you can imagine the rest.” She took a drag of her cigarette, blowing it out slowly.

“Why do you continue to be with him?” Sesshomaru asks with disgust.

“I have nowhere else, my family is dead and if I go to the cops what do I say? ‘Hey I’m doing something illegal but please help me!’ there is no other way.” She almost yelled before taking a deep breath and calming herself.

“How did you get that scar on your back?”

“I didn’t make enough in one day, it doesn’t matter to him. I could have a good day, bad day, sunny day, rainy day and all he wants is the money. Closed legs don’t get fed, Sesshomaru. Once, I got kidnapped, some guys used me and beat the shit out of me and when I finally got back you know what happened? InuYasha said ‘Where’s my money?’ He saw the bruises and cuts but he doesn’t care. I thought he was worried, that he cared. No.” Sesshomaru looked at the woman, her eyes looking up at the stars; she seemed so far way yet she was right here.

 “Why didn’t you strip? More money.” Sesshomaru scoffed.

“It’s not that easy, you have to audition and InuYasha didn’t want me to, he said this was the best possible option. Then I figured out that if I would have stripped he couldn’t do anything to me, strippers become family to one another.”

“You used to be the sweetest girl.” He mumbles, watching her step on the cigarette she finished.

“Everything I do, every time I come out here is for one purpose, my daughter. If not for her, I would have shot myself a long time ago. InuYasha says as long as I make him money, he will take care of our child. I thought a father would need no incentive to take care of his child but here I am, two years later still trickin’. I do get to see her every other day; we go to church on Sunday mornings. It’s funny; you would think I would have lost faith, being in this predicament but I have to believe in something. I talk to the pastor and he tells me there will be a new chapter but I feel no different and that night I’m back at it.” She looks at the man she knew in high school, he was certainly doing well for himself. She always had a crush on him, but he was always so cold and distant.

“I can help you.” Sesshomaru comments, looking into her dull sapphire eyes; where did the fire go?

“I can’t be saved, this is all I’m good for now. Don’t kill yourself over me; I’m just another girl on the streets.” She replies, looking up to hold back tears.

“How much do I owe you?” He asks, pulling out a clip of money.

“It’s only been an hour so a hundred bucks, that’ll keep Inu off my back for tonight.” She watches him pull three hundred dollar bills out and hand it to her.

“I…I only said one hundred...” She tries to hand back the other two.

“One for you and one for your daughter or possibly get some sleep for the next two nights. If you change your mind about me helping you, here is my card.” With that he is gone, leaving a shocked Kagome to look in her hands at the money and business card.                                           She use to be the sweetest girl.

A/n , so what do you think? Possible story but I'm just not sure, review and let me know.