Devoured by Caleesci


This is a little kinky. You are warned.

Characters do not belong to me.

This was written as a gift to a special someone. Hope you enjoy it ;-)



                A young woman stood at the center of a room, her eyes downcast and body trembling. An older woman moved towards her, her arms filled with a silken fabric of ivory. Slowly, she draped the fabric over the woman’s bare body. The young woman let out a nervous breath. The fabric was cool against her heated skin, causing goose bumps to prickle across the surface.

A vision surfaced, a man with golden eyes, and dark markings across his face rushed forward, his pale skin pulled taught of a muscular frame.

“Kagome…” The man called, his hand reaching for her. The man vanished, and the small hut around her appeared once more.

Kagome glanced up at the rising moon, the hue of red beginning to appear around it. It was nearly time. As if her thoughts were the sounding bell the villagers needed, soft singing began to arise. Around her, people shrouded in masks began to form a circle about her, chanting and dancing as tradition dictated.

A momentary panic arose in her heart, the pulsing of her blood seeming to make her dizzy. She fought the urge to struggle knowing full well they would have no sympathy for her. She was their sacrifice, their gift from the gods.

For this was the ritual of protection, a lamb given to the Dark Lord in exchange for the protection of the villagers. From the moment she was born, the gods decreed that she would be their salvation.

The satin about her body acted as soft shackles, and two men dressed in the ritual garbs of offering pulled her forward. She stumbled slightly, but they seemed uncaring. The yanked continuously upon the satin folds, forcing her forward as though she were naught by an animal. So harsh did they pull, she were forced to walk on her hands and knees.

“The blood! It stains the moon!” A hard voice cried, the harsh croak of the High Monk. “The time draws closer!” The men gripped her arms and pulled her from her knees and half dragged her towards the cliff. A true fear settled into her stomach. She began to fight, to pull away, a natural response due to the proximity of the ledge. Would they simply throw her over?

“Mine!” A snarling face, with crimson eyes appeared before her. Though his voice was harsh, his gaze was heated and filled with pleasure. As quickly as the vision appeared, it disappeared once more.

The chants from the crowd grew louder, and the cliff drew closer. The high Monk lifted his mask, his pale skin and hysterical eyes looking skyward. His lips moved, but Kagome could not hear him, for the only sound she heard was that of her breathing, and her erratic heart. With one final attempt, she pulled back with all her might. The two men, surprised by her sudden strength, loosened their hold. With renewed vigor, she pulled back, away from the ledge. The shouting from the High Monk grew louder, and Kagome looked up in time to seem the red glow seep onto the pristine surface of the moon. The time had come.

All at once, three figures appeared at the edge of the ledge, from where they had come they did not know. The one at the front, tall and imposing, seemed to stare her down. From beneath the darkness of his cloak, she could just make out pale skin, and luminescent golden eyes. The two men that had pulled her forward turned and ran, but their feet were too slow. The other two hooded figures seemed to appear before them, their speed unmatched by any human. Kagome watched in horror as pale faces emerged, fangs bared. They bit down upon the men’s neck, and they savagely tore through their throats. All around them, screaming rose as the onlookers fled the scene. However, Kagome was frozen in fear, entranced by the eyes on the remaining figure. Before she knew it, he was before her, lifting her almost gently. He turned sharply, and leapt from the edge. Kagome’s shrill scream was silenced by a pale, clawed hand.

                With grace she could not fathom, Kagome and her captor landed amongst the forest below, before he sprinted off, winding through the dense trees with incredible speed. She caught a glimpse of the other two figures weaving behind them, but could make out neither of their features. The memory of them tearing through the throats of the two men caused a shudder of fear to rush through her body. As if sensing her distress, her captor gazed down at her with cold, yet calculating eyes. Up close, Kagome could see the outline of his face, pale with dark stripes across his cheeks. His gilded eyes were the eyes of a predator, and she knew at once she were the prey.

A sudden rush of dizziness swept her, and she realized that her captor had stopped. He placed her feet upon the ground before pulling away from her sharply. She wavered slightly, but maintained her ground. The slightest breeze at her back informed her that the other two had arrived.

“Who are you!” She demanded, her voice containing a sense of strength she did not possess. The man who carried her lifted his hands, and removed the hood. At once, Kagome was greeted with a sight both breathtaking, and fearsome. Though she had never seen his face, there were paintings and carvings in his likeness back at her village. There was no doubt. He was the Dark Lord, Sesshomaru.


                He circled her slowly, his eyes roaming her form as though taking each intricate detail. His hair, though tucked beneath the cloak, was a brilliant sheen of silver, so much so that he seemed borne from the moon itself. Kagome felt fear pierce her. Would they devour her? Like they had done to the men above? Would she become their meal?

“She is quite the sacrifice, My Lord.” Came a deep, yet feminine voice. A woman, the cloak removed, stepped towards her. Her eyes shimmered an unusual iridescent red, and her hair was as dark as the night sky. Her skin just as soft pale as the Dark Lord’s, yet her chin and neck were coated in a thick, red substance. Blood. Kagome immediately stepped back, the sight causing her fear to take hold. Crossing behind her came the third companion, his almost playful baritone the mark of a seducer.

“Indeed, quite the prize.” His callous red eyes had an amused glint, as though watching Kagome spin in fear were a sport. His hair was pulled back to a high ponytail, a roguish grin on his face, which like his female companion, was marred with blood.

“May I taste her, my lord?” Kagome was grabbed from behind, steel like arms pinning her arms to the side. The woman’s tongue grazed against Kagome’s shoulder, renewing the young woman’s struggles. She did not want to die!

“Now now, Kagura, you’re frightening her.” The roguish man said. Kagura pouted.

“But Kouga, she looks delicious, I cannot help it. It has been too long.” She released Kagome, who spun and backtracked away from her.

“Indeed, she does look tempting.” His voice sent shivers down Kagome’s spine, and she gazed up to her left, his body closer than she had realized. As their eyes connected, she felt an odd feeling take hold. “Quite delicious.” His hand reached out, and his fingertips grazed over the skin of her cheek. Despite her desire to pull away, Kagome found she could not move.

“What are you going to do to me?” She asked fearfully. His lips lifted in a slight smirk, the glistening fangs evident.

“I am going to devour you.” With that, his lips descended upon hers.

                A feeling unlike any other washed over her. His lips moved against hers, seeming to impair her senses. Slowly, a hand reached out to graze her cheek, angling her head. A tongue slipped between her lips, tasting her own. She could not explain why she allowed him to kiss her so intimately, by his proximity seemed to be wrecking havoc upon her senses. His tongue against hers was an aphrodisiac, and an addicting one at that. The hand at her cheek dipped lower, trailing over the edge of her jaw and down the curve of her neck. Kagome made a small squeal of protest, pulling away from his tempting lips. Fear began to return, a fear that he seemed to sense. His lips lifted once again into a grin, and he pulled her up. Immediately, his head dipped into the crevice of her neck. She pushed against him, but his strength was too great.

“Do you fear me, Kagome?” He asked, his breath cascading against the skin of her neck. She shuddered in his arms, a mixture of fear and something foreign, something not her own.

“I…don’t…” She tried, the odd feeling intensifying as his lips brushed against the sensitive flesh. She felt his lips peel back in what she could only guess was a smirk. He spun her around and pulled her back flush against his chest. Before her, Kouga and Kagura stood, blood gone from their mouths. Instead, their intense gaze was settled on her, her and their Master.

“We have waited for you for a very long time.” Kagura said as she stepped forward. With a clean face, Kagome could not help but admit she was a breathtakingly beautiful woman, with her cunning gaze and full lips. “Pined for you. Master has been in such agony.” Her hand reached out and gently clasped Kagome’s chin, who was once again frozen to the spot. As though their mere presence hypnotized her body, forcing it to obey their silent command.

“You belong to him, do you feel it?” Kouga asked as he came to stand behind Kagura. He reached up, his hand traveling up the length of her arms. Her eyes seemed to grow heavy, but her gaze remained on Kagome. His hands undid the clasp of the cloak, and it fell to the ground. “The way she,” his hands disappeared behind Kagura’s back, and undid whatever bind held the black dress up. “Belongs to me.” The gown fell, and Kagome felt heat rise to her cheeks. The woman was bare before her. His hands came around her rib cage before lifting to cup her breasts. Kagura arched to his touch, yet her ruby gaze never left Kagome.

“What… what are you doing?!” An onslaught of emotions surged through Kagome; fear, anxiety, anticipation, lust. Something stirred in the depths of her body, and surfaced as a memory—a woman with dark blue eyes, pale skin, and ebony hair baring her fangs in a seductive smile.

“Mmm, you were the loveliest of creatures.” The murmur in her ear reminded her of the deadly creature at her back, and she jumped ever so slightly. Heated eyes seemed to darken, as though blood were leaking into the once golden orbs. The sight of his transformation intensified the anticipation, as though a part of her knew what would come next.

A soft moan drew her attention back to the couple before her. Kouga’s eyes burned as he watched Kagome, his fangs buried into Kagura’s shoulder. A small trickle of blood slipped down her front, where one clawed hand tightly grasped the woman’s breast, the other hand cupping the spot between her legs.

“She is an eager one,” Sesshomaru whispered, “always willing to please her master.” The arms holding her to him loosened, one reaching up to graze over the side of her body. Her breathing grew harder as his hand gently grazed the side of her breast. “Will you be so eager to please?” He nipped ever so lightly, and Kagome felt a gasp escape past her lips. His dark chuckle held a note of approval.

“Let us prepare her for you, Master.” Kagura whispered as she moved towards Kagome, her eyes fixated on the young woman. Sesshomaru stepped back, and Kagome instantly missed his warmth.

“Don’t touch me!” Kagome shouted, attempting to pull away from the nude woman. Her cheeks, she was sure, were a brilliant shade of red. Kagura stilled, and gave her a slight pout.

“She is still buried within.” Kouga said, chuckling darkly. Kagome immediately looked away, her cheeks growing even darker if possible. He wore only his tight breeches, and obvious bulge at the junction of his legs.

“We shall have to remind her.” Kagura moved past Kagome, and the young woman followed her movements. She stopped short of Sesshomaru, then reached up to remove the cloak about his shoulders. His gaze remained on Kagome’s, the gold completely replaced by the crimson color.

“Watch, Kagome, as his body is displayed, a body you will feel, taste, devour.” Kouga whispered into her ear. The last worked caused Kagome to shudder, the vision buried deep within her fighting to surface. She did not notice as Kouga reached up and began removing the layers of ivory silk from her body.

“His arms will hold you down,” Kouga continued to whisper, “his hands grasping your breast.” Kagome whimpered ever softly. As he spoke, Kagura removed Sesshomaru’s clothing, revealing the pale expanse of his torso, marred by magenta stripes at his shoulder, and again as his hips disappearing below his pants. A small trail of silvery hair lead a path downwards, and Kagome felt a strong desire to see where.

Another vision surged to the front of her mind, the dark haired vixen, her blue eyes turned crimson, trailing her tongue down that very line of hair. Kagome’s breath hitched as the memory faded.

“As you writhe on the ground, he will fill your body, stretching you until you can go no farther…” Kouga’s voice was the narrative to the thoughts in Kagome’s mind, even if she didn’t understand where they came from.

Kagura knelt before her lord, her hands reaching up and undoing his pants. Pulling them down, Kagome could not help the gasp as his erection spilled forth, the eager organ proudly jutting from his body.

“My lord, please let me touch you.” Kagura purred as she removed his pants. Her hands slip up his legs and grasped the hard length tightly. A low growl of approval rumbled from his throat as Kagura’s hand pumped him fervently.

Kagome was drawn in to the way Kagura’s hand worked furiously over his erection, and the way his eyes burned with desire, a desire directed at her. She was startled when a hand pinched her bare nipple, and she felt the moan slip past her lips before she could stop it.

“Mmm yes,” Kouga hissed, “does that feel good?” Kagome had not even noticed the silk at her feet, her body bared to everyone’s gaze. She had been too distracted. The Dark Lord, the silver haired Adonis, Sesshomaru, stepped away from Kagura’s wanton hands, and approached Kagome. Her vision suddenly swam as she was swept off her feet and placed on the ground, two pairs of hands holding her down, and holding her legs up, baring her most intimate place to the his gaze. His lips tilted into a smirk.

“Wh…ah!” Kagome erupted into a surprised cry as he crouched down and attacked her pussy with earnest. His tongue dove between the folds, lathing at her entrance before thrusting within. She struggled against him, the sensations overwhelming her. She had never felt such pleasure, such erotic perfection.

“Feel that tongue slipping inside you, feed our Master with your essence!” Kouga leaned down, his lips latching on to Kagome’s uncovered breast. Her moans intensified, her body shaking under the sensations. Soon, a third pair of lips joined in, suckling at her other breast.

“Oh god,” Kagome’s body threatened to break under the wave of ecstasy ripping through her. They were feasting upon her body, their tongues lathing at her as though her taste gave them life. A rumbling growl from between her legs vibrated through her body, and Kagome glanced through the faces sucking at her breasts to catch a glimpse of crimson eyes watching her. It was a sight so erotic, she felt the building pressure suddenly release, and her body arched upwards as a wave of pleasure ripped through. She felt him groan against her pussy, her juices coating his face and tongue.

He gave her no reprieve, for even before the clenching of her muscles died down, he was pulling her upwards. She let out a surprised gasp before the tip of his dick probed at her lips. On instinct, her mouth opened and he slipped within. A guttural groan could heard, before it became muffled and the sound of tongues slipping together could be heard. Kagome, suckling at his hard length, gazed up and found Kagura licking at his lips, tasting her own essence upon his tongue. Kouga stood directly behind, his hand pumping furiously at his own strained dick as he watched. Kouga pulled Kagura from the lord, his own lips eagerly seeking the taste.

“Your taste is divine,” her master proclaimed, his heated eyes staring back down at her. He gripped her hair, shoving his dick further into her mouth. “Everyone wishes to taste you.” As he said the words, Kagome suddenly jumped as hands lifted her backside. She braced herself against her lord’s legs, her head still buried in his crotch. Delicate hands and a small probing tongue were upon her, and Kagome moaned around the girth pumping within her mouth.

“Mmm yes, that feels so good.” Sesshomaru groaned as she continued to moan, the vibrations resonating through his penis, and he thrust faster. He eagerly watched her head bob over him, and the woman suckling and fingering Kagome’s pussy from beneath her. Kouga pounded furiously into Kagura’s pussy, his hand reaching out and squeezing the flesh of Kagome’s ass. He grit his teeth, holding himself from slamming his dick down her throat. She was not the woman she once was, and it would take time before she could take him like that. He would need to keep control. That was until she seemed to want more on her own. He felt a snarl of pleasure burst from his lips as his dick hit the back of her throat, causing her teeth to graze him ever so slightly. Gripping her hair tightly, her forced her to do it again, nearly coming undone.

The sounds of suckling, slurping, and slapping flesh filled the clearing. A slender finger was pumping within her pussy, and a pair of full lips sucking at her clit. Kagome was in entranced within a lustful high, and her body was quivering at the skillful touch of her new lovers. The jostling of Kagura’s lips caused her to pull on Kagome’s clit each time Kouga pounded into her, only increasing Kagome’s pleasure. And the heated gaze and erotic growls from the man whose dick throbbed within her throat only added to her ecstasy. A pale hand reached down and roughly pulled at a bouncing nipple, causing the woman to pull back, her body tensing. The sight of his lover in full orgasm sent him over the edge, and hot seed spurted out and covered her face and neck.

He let out a harsh snarl and pulled her away from the others, nearly throwing her down. She lay before him, covered in his seed, and her own juices, a sight that stirred his length to life once again. He gripped her waist, flipping her over easily before trusting in her hot pussy. Kagome let out a pained cry, but her wetness seemed to increase. He bit back the chuckle. Even in this body, pain turned her on. She seemed to come alive, throwing her hair back and turning her head to watch him pound into her. Her eyes, so blue, seemed to waiver to a darker color.

“That’s it,” he grunted as he thrust into her, “remember me!” He pulled at her hair, and Kagrua was splayed beneath her. Kagome leaned down and captured the other woman’s breast in her own mouth, and suckled harshly at the peak. Kagura moaned before leaning up and nibbling at Kagome’s. Kouga and Sesshomaru fucked their woman harshly, watching as they each suckled on the other’s nipples. The pleasure was so thick within the air, it was almost tangible. The scent of spent seed, sweat, and feminine juices clung to the earth, driving their passion to greater hights. It was Kagura who first cried out in completion, Kouga’s dick swelling, his fingers pulling roughly at her clit too much for her to bear. Her orgasm clenched around Kouga’s penis, drawing a hard orgasm from him. Sesshomaru pulled Kagome up, rocking back on his heels so he could pull at her clit with one hand, and a nipple with the other, causing her body to release once more. He allowed his control to slip as he thrust hard upwards, feeling his own seed fill her clenching cavern.

The clearing grew quiet, save for the harsh panting of the lovers as they regained their senses from their explosive orgasms. Breaking through the silence, a low, feminine laugh began.

Kagome, her head bowed, was shaking slightly from the laugh. Without warning, she twisted from her spot in front of Sesshomaru, bringing him to the ground. He lay beneath her, her naked bodly glistening above him. Through the unruly black hair, two crimson eyes stared back. Still laughing, she lifted her head, a look of confidence upon her face.

“Took you long enough to find me!” She gripped Sesshomaru’s hands, and pinned them above his head, her lips descending about his neck. Her fangs pierced the flesh, and she sucked eagerly. He groaned, his dick hardening once again.

Their true master had awakened at last.
