This is a pointless bit of nonsense.
Hope you can enjoy it.
Prompt: “Forty-seven? What does that have to do with anything?” (Sent by Siakerru Arrisorra)
Disclaimer: I don’t own anything.
“Forty-seven?” Kagome gasped sharply. “What does that have to do with anything? Weren’t you just talking about Sesshomaru?” she asked, her eyes wide.
Shippo had to work to hide his smirk. Sesshomaru was going to owe him big time for this.
Shippo shrugged, pretending to be casual. “Oh, I was just saying that Sesshomaru had an extra ticket to the show on Saturday, and the seat number is forty seven. It’s row four, column seven, so it’s seat forty-seven. That’s how the theatre does its seat classifications.”
Kagome blinked. “Forty-seven,” she whispered.
Shippo grinned. “Yeah. And he’s looking for someone to take with him. He hasn’t found anyone yet, and I was just saying I felt bad for him.”
“I’ll go with him!” Kagome said, her hands clasped and her eyes bright.
Shippo tried not to snicker. Sesshomaru really owed him.
“You will?” Shippo asked, acting shocked.
“Of course! The seat number is forty-seven. Good things always happen to me when the number forty-seven is involved. You know that!”
Shippo did know that. Which was why Sesshomaru dearly owed him: he was going out of his way to create the perfect circumstances so that his two best friends could get together, even though Kagome was completely unconcerned with the idea of getting with Sesshomaru.
“So, do you want me to tell him you want to go?” Shippo asked.
“Of course! I can’t not go. This is obviously meant for me. You have to tell him that I need to go! Please, Shippo!” she whined, practically begging him.
“All right. I’ll tell him.”
“Thank you so much! Go now and tell him, so that no one else can take the ticket! Go!” she cried, making a shooing motion with her hands.
Shippo’s shoulder shook with the effort of hiding in his laughter, but he managed to keep it in as he stood up.
“All right, all right. I’m going.”
“Thank you!” she said.
“You’re welcome,” he replied, grinning to himself.
Sesshomaru really, really owed him.
Short, boring, but I couldn’t think of anything else.