Authors Note: First time plaese give kind reivews!!!!
Kagome poin of vew] Sesshomaru may i please have a sleepover ill be super good. Sesshomaru:Hnnnn Verry well but i will have a few friends over to.Outfit is short shorts and color sports bra!!!
Kagome:Thank you!!!
(Kagome's point Of vew]
Kagome:Hey sango do you and miroku want to have a sleepover at my place..??
Sango:Shure why not..
Kagome:hey do u and Koga want to sleepover outfit is short shorts and color full sports bra.
Ayame:OK! We would love too.:)
KAgome: hey Yash want to sleepover But No KIKYO..!!
Inuyash:Ehh ok Why not need some time away from her.
Kagome: Rin do you and shippo want to sleepover.Outfit is short shorts and color sports bra
Rin:Thats would be great!
Regular point of few)
"Thank you Sesshomaru for letting me have a sleepover" Kagome said. "Its fine mate but sence I am letting you why not a little treat for me" Sesshomaru said with a smirk. "Very well" she said with a grin and started walking up staris with a sawy in her walk. Sesshomaru Moaned loudly.
{NO lemon}
(Three days later.)
Sango,Ayame,Koga,Inuyasha,shippo and Rin for coming" Kagome said They All smiled at her politness." Boys can go to Sesshomaru's Man cave and Girls to mine" kagome stated. They all split up into the rooms
Kagomes room]
"Ok girls lets get ready"Sango said "OK" evey one said. They but on ther PJ'S Kagome-Blue, Sango-Purple,Ayame-Pink, Rin- Neon Yellow and all black short shorts."Kagome your getting so big" Rin said "I know I am due in a week becuse sesshomaru is a inu. Demon and so am I." Kagome explained "Oh did you Get the chocolate for the Party" Ayame asked. "Yup" Kagome said happly. They walked downed stairs "WOW" is all they could say. Kagome smirked she walked over to a wall and buther hand on a scaner and they walked in too find.........