Unknown Intentions by Uhsaw

What do I have to do?

So I've decided to add an author's note. I know this has been up for a while but I've been kicking around the idea of another chapter.

I can't help it.

Music is my muse.

I'm glad it seems like everyone likes it though!

For extra credit, listen to Hoobastank Inside of You while you read this story.

It was my inspiration.

Let me know if you have a song that might go well with this couple and I might write a chapter inspired by it.

I think i want this one to be a chapter story.

Anyways, on to the story!

Read and Review people! <3


Kagome could only stare at the unforgiving gold eyes staring at her once again.

Ignoring InuYasha’s mumbling about getting away from the bastard, Kagome attempted to stand tall and look intimidating. She put her hands on her hips for good measure as an afterthought.

Scowling, she continued to stare at the youkai lord. “6 days Sesshoumaru. You’ve been here every day this week and proceed to beat up InuYasha. Can’t you see you’ve won?! He can barely stand as it is. Now you’re just picking on him!”

Sesshoumaru’s eyes sweep over her body and his nose flairs. Apparently not liking what he found, his eyes narrow on the human miko standing between him and his half brother.

“Unacceptable. Move.”


The youkai’s eyes narrowed but before he could speak InuYasha shoved Kagome aside. “Fuck Kagome! Don’t say anything more to the ice prick! Sesshoumaru! Back off! She’s MINE!”

Kagome was dumbstruck. “Wait.....what?” She took a step backwards, both brother’s eyes on her, suddenly unsure of what was going on.

“Just shut up Kagome and go back to the village!”

Before Kagome could process her thoughts and sort them into something that made sense, both brothers were back to beating each other to a bloody pulp. The poor miko was confused. No. Scratch that. She was lost. The two brothers always fought. This one was no different from the hundreds of other fights. Right?

A small tug on her skirt caused Kagome to glance downward, fully expecting to see a small kitsune pup standing at her feet. Instead, Kagome was greeted by a small girl with an orange kimono and her hair pulled into a side ponytail.

The young girl suddenly grinned and Kagome couldn’t help but smile back.

Kneeling to be eye level to her, and so that she didn’t have to yell over the fight that was still happening, Kagome tilted her head to the side as she eyed the young girl. She seemed really familiar but she just couldn’t place where she had seen her before.


Ah. Rin. Kagome felt terrible for forgetting this young girl for even a second. It still surprised her that a child as innocent as Rin could follow a youkai such as Sesshoumaru, but Rin seemed happy and healthy. 

“Rin-chan. It’s very nice to see you again.”

A quick glance around and Kagome could see that Rin outran her caretaker again.

“Ano....Where is Jaken-sama?”

The smile immediately fell from Rin’s face and she looked towards the ground.

“Jaken-sama left. But it’s okay. I found my Lord Sesshoumaru-sama and Kagome-neechan so it’s okay.”


The two stood in silence watching the battle take place in front of them. Kagome couldn’t help but get the feeling that Sesshoumaru was playing with his half brother. InuYasha seemed to be putting his heart and soul into every move and swing of his sword. Sesshoumaru on the other hand seemed to move with grace and ease. And boredom. But Kagome would never tell her hanyou friend that.

“Kagome-neechan? Why do you follow InuYasha-sama?”

Surprised, Kagome looked down at Rin.

“Because he is my friend.”

“But InuYasha-sama is mean to you. I’ve heard him. Lord Sesshoumaru-sama is never mean to me. You should come with us! I know Lord Sesshoumaru-sama would take amazing care of you. He takes good care of me!”

Kagome’s eyes were drawn to the youkai lord in question and her breath caught in her throat. He was staring back at her. And he nodded. Almost as if he heard......

A loud crash and a groan broke Kagome of her self induced trance. Out of instinct, her legs carried her to the fallen hanyou. Kneeling down and half heartedly looking at his wounds, a shadow suddenly covered over the pair. Looking up, brown eyes met gold and Kagome decided that she should stand to address the youkai lord properly.

Dusting herself off, Kagome found herself staring at Sesshomaru in a new light. When it became apparent that he was not going to say anything, Kagome sighed.

“What is this all about Lord Sesshomaru?” 

A single eyebrow rose and Kagome exhaled again. She really should get an award for how patient she was being. 

“This! The fight. 6 days! ‘She’s mine!’”, her voice dropped a few octaves in an attempt to sound like her friend when she said this one, “You......you’re you! What IS this!” her arms waved around frantically, adding to her rambling and nonsensical explanation. Maybe she wasn’t being as patient as she thought.

The eyebrow rose just slightly higher. Kagome screamed.

“What!? What do you want? What do I have to do?”

A step forward and Kagome tried hard to not back away. Sesshomaru bent over and stopped inches in front of her face, and she was heavily aware of the breath that she could feel against her mouth. She was also conscious of how fast her heart was beating, and how oddly right having him this close to her felt.

“That is what this Sesshomaru would like to know.”

In a very Sesshomaru like fashion, the young woman simply raised her eyebrow at that. And if she weren’t standing so close to him, she never would have heard, or rather felt, the sigh that left his mouth.

“You. This Sesshomaru wants you, miko.”

Kagome was certain she heard wrong. She was certain her jaw had dislocated it was so low. And she was absolutely without a doubt certain that she couldn’t both hear and feel the slight rumble she could feel in the chest of the youkai in front of her. If it were anyone else in the world, she would swear that he was laughing at her.

“Anything. Everything. This Sesshomaru will do what you want, just ask. To hell and back, know that there is no limit. This Sesshomaru is not a gentleman, or ningen for that matter, and he will not pretend to be such. But you are worth the trouble.”

The infamous mask that the youkai lord wore slipped, and Kagome was entranced by the sincerity she saw in his eyes.


A small lick on her earlobe made Kagome’s eyes widen. Any wider and she swore they would go rolling right out of her head. And her face surely could not get any more red than it currently was.

“So Ka-go-me. What does this Sesshoumaru have to do to get inside of you?”

A tomato. No. What could possibly more red than that? Whatever it was, Kagome still had it beat. Her face could probably start a fire at this point with the amount of heat that she was generating.

Sesshoumaru pulled back just slightly and began slowly lowering his mouth towards Kagome’s lips, giving her plenty of time to pull away if she desired.

But Kagome wasn’t sure what she wanted anymore. Hell she wasn’t even sure she could say her name much less figure out her feelings toward the amazingly gorgeous youkai lord in front of her. 

‘Wait did I really just think that?’

Kagome’s thoughts were cut off when Sesshoumaru’s soft lips pressed against her own. Her knees instantly buckled, but the youkai lord’s strong arm quickly wrapped around her waist and pulled her flush against his body. The gasp that left her because of this bold move gave Sesshoumaru the opportunity to deepen the kiss. Kagome was sure that they were floating at this point.


The loud screeching voice of the lord’s retainer filled the air, shattering the moment for the would-be couple. Kagome found herself with her arms wound tight around Sesshoumaru’s neck and their foreheads resting against each other. She couldn’t help but giggle when she saw his eye twitch in anger and out of the corner of her eyes she saw Rin scolding Jaken for being rude.

Using his one remaining arm, Sesshoumaru slowly removed himself from the young miko’s embrace and took a step back. Kagome already missed his touch.


Jaken and Rin stopped yelling at each other and both turned their attention to Sesshoumaru.

“Yes Sesshoumaru-sama?”


“Oh yes Sesshoumaru-sama! This lowly retainer is very sorry for being so loud. I will not AAAAGGGhhhh.....”

A solid kick from the youkai lord sent the small toad flying out of the clearing and away from his sensitive hearing. Turning back to the miko, a small smirk crossed his lips when he saw her standing there completely oblivious to the world, two fingers against her lips and a dazed look in her eyes.

“Kagome. Think about what this Sesshoumaru has said.”

Nothing else was said as Sesshoumaru turned and slowly walked away from the baffled woman. Rin skipped off behind him and waved to Kagome as they left.

And still Kagome just stood there.


The hanyou jumped up and tried to push Kagome behind his back, his eyes scanning the clearing.

“Where is he? Where’d the bastard disappear to?”

Sighing, Kagome put her hand on his shoulder and shook her head.

“Let’s get you cleaned up. You’re in no shape to fight anyways.”

“FEH! I can kick his ass any day!” Leaning forward, InuYasha noticed the odd smell coming from Kagome. Snarling, he roughly grabbed her shoulders and pulled her close. “He touched you! The bastard touched what’s MINE.”

Kagome pushed InuYasha away and activated his subjugation beads. Once the hanyou was safely in the ground, she leaned over the crater to glare down at him.

“I’m not yours InuYasha. You have Kikyou for that.”

Leaving a stunned InuYasha behind, Kagome picked up her yellow backpack and began walking to the village to meet with everyone else.

And who knows. Maybe she'd run into a certain youkai along the way?

She couldn’t complain if she did.

Meanwhile, Sesshoumaru watched from the shadows and smiled at the scene that played out before him.

“You will be mine Kagome.”