Final Fairytale by Devil In The Pool

[Prologue] If I Die Before You Wake

Disclaimer: I dont own InuYasha: A Feudal Fairytale, that right belongs to Rumiko Takahashi. I'm just borrowing her characters to write pieces of fiction for my and your amusement. 

[Prologue] If I die Before You Wake

Pressing a hand to the bleeding wound in her shoulder, the young woman took in the dead end she had unknowingly run into. Cursing under her breath, she slowly turned around as mocking chuckles reached her ears.  Steeling herself, she clamped her hand tighter to her shoulder despite the slick feel of her blood seeping through. Turning around, brown eyes latched onto the figure that stepped outside of the shadows.

Facing the shadowed figure fully, she managed a small quirk of her lips.

“I thought it was you…I wouldn’t have expected any less of him”, she stated frankly.

The figure stepped forward and revealed a man clothed in a fine black business suit. He had classically attractive Japanese features, wild black hair that fell to just below the nape of his back, leaf green eyes with a beauty mark at the corner of his left eye. The corner of his lips curved up into a smug smirk as he snorted.

Moving forward towards her, he slipped his hands into the pockets of his black dress slacks. The sound of his steps echoing down the hall as he tilted his head to the side, coming to a couple steps from her he stopped.

“Well then I’m sure you have an idea on how this is going to end right?”

He leered at her, as he brought one hand from out of his pocket to reach up into the inside of his jacket. The glint of steel as he brought back his hand from out of his jacket caused the beautiful young woman’s lips to curl into a derisive smirk. Leaning back against the wall, she tilted her head back slightly and looked down her nose at him.

“So it’s come to this, to think that you had been at his beck and call this whole time…”

Trailing a finger down the barrel of the gun in his hand, the man chuckled.

“Yep, everything from our first meeting till last night had been planned…well except for you not holding up your end of the bargain with that bastard”, he joked before leveling the gun at her.  “Even I didn’t see that coming, and I thought I had come to know you quite well over the last four year or so, but it seems even now you could surprise me…Kikyō.”

Narrowing her eyes, Kikyō swayed slightly as the dark ring began to grow at the edges of her vision. Clenching her free hand into a fist she gritted her teeth as tried to hold onto her consciousness. She couldn’t allow herself to lose to her body’s limitations before she managed to get to get it to her. If she couldn’t do that, then she feared for what would happen in the future. Closing her eyes briefly, she laughed humorlessly before she opened her eyes and connected her gaze with that if her would-be killer’s.

As his fingers slid down to rest against the trigger, and unreadable emotion flitted across his green eyes as his lips thinned into a line.

“Kikyō, I don’t have to do this...if you would just hand it over then we could just pretend that this didn’t happen! He knows how much your skills have elevated the company! Just please give it to him.”

Scowling, she turned her head from him. The bite of her nails digging into her shoulder wound, anchoring herself

“I’m sorry but I cannot do that, the amount of chaos that he would cause if he was in control of it…I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I allowed that to happen.” She stated brusquely, gritting her teeth.

For a moment, the man closed his eyes as if already accepting her answer before he released the safety on his gun.

“Of course, I knew you were going to say that…you were always a seeker of justice weren’t you? I don’t even know why I bothered…” He trailed off listlessly; regret flashing through his eyes briefly as he placed his finger on the trigger. A sad smile bloomed on his handsome face, before it along with any other sign of emotion was wiped from his face.

“But I guess this is the end…goodbye Kikyō.”

Underneath the sounds of a busy city, a single gunshot rang as the life of brilliant young woman was cut short.

At the same moment across town, a girl woke with a cry as her frightened blue eyes were filled with tears. When Nodoka Higurashi burst into the room to find her child in such a hysterical state, she quickly moved forward to sooth her. It was only after she managed to calm her down that she was able to get anything out of her, and what she did get had chilled her to the bone.

“W-what, what are you saying Kagome?” Nodoka asked, as she took in the hollowness that seemed to come over her youngest daughter as she uttered those damning words. She watched as her daughter turned her head in her direction, her long black hair tumbling over her delicate shoulders as tilted her head back and stared at her.

Opening her lips, she once again spoke.

“Kikyō-Neechan is dead.”

End of Prologue

Well this is the prologue of my first ever story. Hopefully this was enough to grab your attention, and you'll stick around. So, I'm off to work on the next chapter. Please leave a review and tell me what you think; you're not obligated to review, but I would appreciate it nonetheless. This is my first time making a story, so any help I could get in order to improve would help a lot! 
