Inuyasha isn't mine.
So this is the results of too much Law and Order SVU and Dexter novels. This fic will be graphic. There will be lemons later and some murders. Sesshoumaru will be along for the ride but Kagome will be the focus. I appreciate input at all levels from my grammar to the plot line. Looking forward to this being a long journey. Hopefully you come along with me.
Chapter 1: Only the Beginning
“STOP! PLEASE!” Her muffled cry for mercy eaten by her pillow. The heavy man on her back pressing his forearm into her shoulders hushing her further and making her begin to panic as her breathing became more difficult. She struggled angrily, hands wrapped around her throat closing off her airway. Her head swam with panic, blood rushing in her ears. She clawed at the hands trying to steal her life. She felled her strength wane. ‘Please no…’ Her mind swam and the darkness which already surrounded her began to fill her vision an even darker shade.
Just before the darkness blanketed her he released her. She coughed violently and sucked in air greedily. Life returning to her limbs and her hands grabbing the steel muscled forearms of her captor. She dug her nails in and the hands tightened threateningly. She froze, the hands loosening. Her breath stilled for just a moment as he applied more pressure in warning. She didn’t dare move. He had given her an ultimatum silently, be still or I will hurt you.
She heard him unzip his pants, silent tears slipped from her eyes. Sweat beading up on her back, her pulse still wild. He smelled so intense, like a storm just over the horizon waiting for the bottom to fall out and wash away everything it touched. She felt as if she was being swept away on a wave of her thoughts. So many questions she wished she could ask.
He flipped her over onto her back and bared down on her, his breath sweet with the scent of some forgotten mixed drink. The intoxicating breath brushed her lips, she trembled softly. ‘Why?’ His abnormal golden hues swam with alcohol and a darkness swept over his angelic face. The soft moonlight caressed his features, so serene he looked. But beneath his beauty she could see his fury, his darkness encroaching on them both.
His mouth twitched upwards, in a comforting grin, but she read between the rigid lines of his still form. The harsh rasp of his breath, the uncontrolled tremble of his hands, the chaotic ocean behind his twin suns as he observed her. Like prey watching its predator she could read his violent intentions below the calm surface.
“Why?” She whispered into the empty space between them.
His shy smile twisted violently into a wolfish grin. He leaned into her gently, suns glowing in the darkness but the shadows enveloping his features. “Because I can’t stop it…”
Kagome shot up, clasping her moist sheet to her chest, sweat beading on forehead and trailing down the curve of her neck. Panting she shook gently.
‘It’s been so long…” She thought idly in the cool darkness.. She wiped her brow with the clammy sheet and slid from her bed. Her body cooled quickly, the quiet whir of the ceiling fan washing away the fear and heat that accompanied her dream.
‘I need to go to the gym…’ She looked around her shadowy room, the blackness coating her eyes and mind. Blaring red illuminated her desk, her alarm clock giving her relief from her darkness. ‘4:43am, should be pretty empty’. She slipped on a hoodie sitting on her chair and some sneakers, heading for the living room door. A pre-packed gym bag sat ready beside the door. She scooped her keys from their dish and left the still apartment. She tossed the bag into the back of her Jeep, started her up and headed for the gym.
The golden sign and street lights illuminated the dark lot as she approached the building. Only 3 cars sat in the glow of the sign. She noticed a black BMW sat off in the shadows as she pulled through the darkness to the front of the building. Killing the engine she stepped out, locking the doors behind her. Taking one last glance over her shoulder at the shadowed vehicle ensuring it was alone in the blackness of the night.
She approached the double doors of the gym and reached for the handle. It violently swung open, a large white figure moving from the door and slamming into her. “Pardon me, get out of my wa-“ A smooth baritone voice cut off.
Kagome looked up into twin sun-kissed orbs, a flash of her dream moving across her consciousness before she smothered it viciously. “Watch where you’re fucking going.” She spit out. Her hostility dripping from her lips into the space between them.
Impatience graced the cooled suns looking at her, his perfectly sculpted silver brow arching, his expression otherwise flat. “Hn… I will arrive shortly.” Confusion graced Kagome’s expression until her eyes flickered to his hand bringing a Blackberry down from his ear as he ended the call. Not even a pause for a reply from his apparent counterpart on the line.
Kagome traced his face with her blue hues, noting the angelic features glowing against the darkness. Those golden suns staring her down so intensely, cool and unreadable. She took a moment to take in his appearance. A plain white t-shirt clinged to his steely form, his black shorts riding low on slim hips. She could see the light sheen of sweat coating his face and arms in the glow of the sign.
A slight twitch of his lips brought her back to the face, which now was adorned with a subtle arrogant half smirk. Her blood heated, ‘How dare he think I was-‘
He brushed past her silently, no words, not even a sparing glance as he went to the BMW covered in shadow. Started it and left. She watched the taillights until they were out of sight, perhaps distracting herself from the jack rabbit pace of her heart or the heat on her skin where he had barely brushed against her arm. ‘Asshole!’ She took a calming breath and stormed into the gym.
“Higurashi! Green tea, 2 sugars, splash of honey!” A hand shot in the air and sailed above the tide of the crowd in the little shop.
“Here! Right here!” Kagome pushed passed the dormant bodies waiting for their order. At least one voice grumbling about being before her in line. “Here!” She smiled at the young girl holding up the white cup at the counter.
“Good morning, Kagome! You look like you might need an extra sugar today. Rough morning?” Ayame tilted her head, a soft smile adorning her lips. Kagome grinned, trying to get it to reach her eyes. Honestly, today had thrown her off but once she had her tea maybe things would right themselves.
“Oh no, I’ve been getting this exact tea here for 6 years now. No way will you change my secret recipe!” She wagged a finger playfully at the supposed offender.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. Too bad every day for the last six years I’ve called out your supposed “secret” recipe and I have yet to have someone duplicate it. I think it’s safe. No one else drinks that stuff, Kagome.” She mocked gently handing over the cup.
Kagome brought the cup to her lips and took a long sip, eyes sliding shut for a brief moment. Her world gained its balance. “Ah, just the way it’s meant to be. As always, Ayame.” The other girl laughed and waved as Kagome made her way back through the thriving little tea shop.
It truly was a strange sight she noted absently. In a time so driven by coffee and energy drinks it was a wonder the little tea shop had a line out the door every morning. But Kagome knew its secret, there was something about the little shop that drew you in, calmed you, and returned you renewed and ready to face the world again.
Her phone buzzed angrily on her hip. ‘Ah, there’s the world now.’ She glanced at the screen. ‘Detective Hoshi? It’s only 7:30, and a Monday. A little early to ask me out this weekend.’ She answered on the 3rd ring “Hello Miroku.”
“Ah, why good morning Kagome. The Gods surely smile on me today, I did not get your voicemail. I will take it you are finally prepared for that date with me on Friday then?” His light and friendly voice brought warmth to her heart. She rolled her eyes and smiled, it naturally reaching her eyes.
“Well you see Sango and I are friends but I am sure she would disagree with me imposing on your date night, would she not? So what else may I help you with Hoshi?” She started her car, checking traffic, about to pull off.
“Surely she would not mind. But if you insist in helping me otherwise I suppose you should come down to the station” His voice dropped, graveness soaking into his voice. “There was a murder last night…And it looks like…” He paused. “It looks like it was another of his…”
Kagome inhaled sharply. This would bring the count up to four. Four women raped brutally, and now two of them dead. He was becoming more violent with each attack. “I’ll be there soon.”
“Kagome…” She glanced at her mirrors once more but paused at the sound of his voice. “The woman… It was Inuyasha’s wife.”
Well there's chapter one, hope you liked it. By Tuesday chapter 2 will be up. Leave Reviews, comments, critiques, and questions. Hope you'll all be with me on this dark and twisted journey that will keep you guessing.
Until next time,
Alessa M