Moon and Sun Academy never had anything out of the ordinary happen. It was an Academy for youki’s and the very gifted human. Everyone was going about their normal day, the cheerleaders where in the quad practicing for the big game coming up. The football jocks were busy putting their daily nerds in the lockers. Everyone minded their own business until a silver hummer pulled into the parking lot. Now that got everyone’s attention. Nobody around there drove a hummer, there wasn’t any reason for it. Most of the student body drove Camaros or Mustangs. Mostly everyone in the quad now peered to see who this car belonged too. But when the driver stepped out, the girls in the quad went wild. Souta Higarashi was the hottest gifted human on the campus. He was also the star of the S&M football team. The football jocks came over and started to high five him and make remarks about his car.
“So where’d you go Souta? Coach was pissed that you missed practice this morning.”
“Yeah but I had to go pick up my kid sister. She’s transferring here. Roger wanted us to go to the same school.”
The guys looked at each other and smiled. Their best player had a kid sister! If she was hot, then they would score big time.
“Guys I know those looks and all I want to say is back off. She’s my sister, so that means she’s off limits. Kag’s come out from the car. We need to get you settled into your dorm.”
All the guys peered toward the passenger side of the vehicle. Their jaws dropped when long tan legs stepped out. Kagome ignored them however. It felt good to stretch her longs. She pulled her long black hair out of the pony-tail she put it in and gave a very long stretch. Kagome strolled over to her brother and leaned against him.
“Care to introduce me to your friends Souta.”
“Nah, you don’t need to know these guys. Come on sis let’s get you unpacked. Do you remember which dorm Roger has you staying in?”
“I’m on the top floor of the….”
“Not in front of them. Tell me when we’re near the building.”
Kagome nodded and proceeded to get her bags out from her brothers car. When she looked back at her brothers posy she couldn’t help but laugh. They were basically all ogling her. She looked down at her outfit, and she didn’t think it looked skimpy in it. She wore white jean shorts, a pair of sneakers, and a green tank top. Finally when her brother pushed the guys all away she looked up and him and roared with laughter.
“You, Souta. I know you were protective of me but dang. Let me at least have some fun.”
“Not on this campus. Everyone is going to know you as my kid sister and they will know better than to mess with you.”
“You’re my brother not my body guard. Dad said he told you to back off!”
“Like I listen to anything Roger says. He’s not my father Kagome. I don’t need to listen to him.”
“You better be thankful that my dad taught me to control my inner dog. Otherwise you’d be dead for insulting my alpha.”
Souta rolled his eyes. “Okay so where are you staying?”
“Top floor of the Eclipse building.”
“Dang, he put you in the risky part of the school. Especially since you’re a half-demon female.”
“I know how to take care of myself. And don’t blab it out there that I’m a half okay? I had so many problems at my last school for it.”
“Kagome nobody will pick on you because you’re my sister okay? But trust me I know. It’s hard being a gifted human at a almost all youki school.”
Kagome nodded and kissed Souta on the cheek. He looked down at her and smiled, Kagome was really thankful. Not every halfie was as lucky as her. She was born into a powerful family, had a loving full demon father, and amazing older brother who adored her. Souta may look different from her and may not be as strong as her but he couldn’t have been more of her brother, if she been born as the same race as him. Souta talked and talked about where the best places where on campus. He even told her where she could find him if she needed him. When they got her to her dorm room and settle Souta hugged his little sister and whispered in her ear.
“Look I know this may seem scary and I know you might feel out of place, but I’m glad that you are here Kagome. No matter what anyone says, you’re always my little sister.”
Kagome smiled at him, “I know and you’re always my big brother. Now leave so I can get some sleep. I’ve got a big day tomorrow. Why don’t you come here so you can help me get to class.”
“Sure, I’ll be here at eight. Does that sound good?”
“Just enough time to do my hair and makeup.”
Souta laughed and playfully kicked his sister in the butt before shutting her door. Kagome looked around her room and couldn’t help but let out the giddy shriek that had been building up inside of her all day long. She pranced around her room too excited to fall asleep. Kagome walked into the bathroom and took off her sun glass. They where big enough to hide the bruise she had been covering for the past twelve hours. The dark bruise contrasted her honey colored eyes. She didn’t want Souta to know about it, and she knew that it would take about two days to heal. A punch from a full blooded youki didn’t always heal as quickly as it was supposed to. Kagome turned to inspect herself, she did a very good job a hiding the other bruises as well. She prayed the Kami’s above that Souta hadn’t noticed any of them. She didn’t know why she was treated that way, she was very pretty. She was tall, athletic, skinny, did everything she was told to do, and she never complained. Kagome knew the day she mated the beatings would stop. Her mate wouldn’t tolerate all the bruises. Then all of a sudden the door flew open and this girl with long brown hair, lightning blue eyes, and a deadly aura stepped in.
“Who are you and what are you doing in my room?”
I know its short the next chapter will be long. Please review