Paris isn't always what it is cracked up to be by *~*Missy*~*

A trip to paris

“Sesshoumaru, I really do not think that this is a good idea.”  Kagome said worriedly as she looked all around her. 

“Oh do not be silly dear; I thought that you wanted to visit Paris.”

“I did!  I didn’t say that I wanted to visit the catacombs though!”  Kagome said as she was pulled along by Sesshoumaru, he held a torch and was leading the way through their expedition of the catacombs.  He knew that she was hesitant but this really was a once in a lifetime opportunity.  He wanted to take Kagome somewhere that she would never have the chance to go again.  He just happened to know one of the higher ups and they had agreed to let him and Kagome in there for the night.  The catacombs were being sealed up the very next day in fact. “And furthermore to stay the night in here!  What if something happens to us?!”  Kagome said, she was really not thrilled with this. She understood what he was doing, he was trying to give her a once in a lifetime opportunity.  But frankly, it was very creepy down here.  It made her uneasy and there was something in her miko powers that flared up just being down here, she was positive that Sesshoumaru could feel it as well.

“Calm down Kagome, nothing will happen, I will protect you, this I swear!”  Sesshoumaru said as he looked deeply into her blue orbs that had golden speckles spread all throughout it.  Ever since their mating he could not stop looking at his beloved’s eyes.  They were so entrancing, they would hold him captive for hours on end, he loved her so much.

“That’s what they always say in serial killer movies before someone dies.”  Kagome mumbled but instead decided to try and enjoy the time that she was spending with Sesshoumaru.  So she decided to just try and relax.  That’s what she would do.  Relax.  But suddenly she heard something that sounded like claws dragging on bone.  “Did you hear that?”

“No, this Sesshoumaru did not hear anything.”  He said as he continued walking along. 

“Uhnnn….”  This time a moan reached her eyes, she turned around quickly. 

“There it was again!”  She cried.

“Calm down Kagome, there’s nothing going on.  Do not worry, we are fine and safe.”  Sesshoumaru said as something skittered towards them and Kagome screamed extremely loud, hurting his delicate hearing.  He looked down and saw a little mouse.  “Look, this is what you have been so afraid of.”  Sesshoumaru said.

“Hey little guy.”  Kagome said quietly.  “Oh wait I have something for you.”  She reached into her saddle bag to pull out a little bit of cheese.  “Here you go sweet thing.”  She smiled as the mouse nibbled on the cheese.  It then came to crawl up in her hand and chitter happily.  “Okay maybe I was over reacting.”

“Kagome, I hate to stop you when you are admitting that I am right, but look.”  Sesshoumaru said as he pointed straight ahead of him.  Her gaze slowly swiveled to find a zombie standing before her. 

“Is that—“

“Yes that would be a zombie.”

“Should we—“

“Run, yes fabulous idea.”  Sesshoumaru said as they took off, the mouse slipped into her canvas bag, clearly terrified as well 

While they were running Kagome did a double take. 

“Is that….Noodle?”  She wondered as she ran passed there was a gorgeous cat, with piercing eyes.  It was her friend Azuka’s cat.

“Less talking more running.”  Sesshoumaru said as he grabbed her hand.  The pair ran and ran until they reached the entrance and darted outside, the zombies appeared unable to step outside of the catacombs though.

“Hey Sesshoumaru…”  Kagome panted.

“Yes, my love?”

“I told you so.”


A/N: Well there it is, I wrote this for the creepy challenge.  Now my dedications!  To my Zuzu, there you go, a Noodle and everything.  Lyra, behold I have given you cheese.  And Farein, there I give you zombies galore.