Arguments by Himura Asami

Alcohol or The Problem with Accusing Your Girlfriend of Being Drunk

By Way of Explanation:

This is done because I love to see Kagome telling Sesshomaru off. Whether she has a reason to or not.


Disclaimer: I don’t own anything.


            Kagome frowned at her boyfriend, who was sitting across from her at their table in the restaurant.

            “Sesshomaru, are you ignoring me?”

            Sesshomaru blinked, before deciding it was safer just not to answer that question. He remained silent and began eating his food.

            Kagome’s eyebrow twitched. “You aren’t talking to me? Did I do something wrong?”

            Sesshomaru continued eating.

            “Well?” Kagome asked, waiting for a response.

            Sesshomaru didn’t answer her.

            Kagome narrowed her eyes, before throwing up her hands and exhaling angrily.

            “You are such a jerk! You’re avoiding talking to me, aren’t you? Is this how we’re going to do things from now on? You’re just going to sit around and not say anything? When I want to talk to you, you just aren’t going to respond? Is this how it’s going to be even when we’re married? Or have you decided that we aren’t going to get married, and this is your way of breaking it to me gently?”

            Sesshomaru set down his utensils and stared at his girlfriend. “You are drunk.”

            Now, with his nose, he knew that she wasn’t, but that didn’t stop him from saying she was. He saw it as the only reasonable explanation for what she had just said; being unable to come up with any other reason she would suggest he didn’t want to spend the rest of his miserably long life with her.

            He quickly discovered, however, that he had said the opposite of the right thing. He winced internally, and berated himself for not following his policy: Don’t ever talk when Kagome starts yelling.

            Kagome was glaring at him. It was actually quite menacing from where he was sitting, or maybe it was only menacing because he knew exactly what she would do if he didn’t go about cleaning this situation up properly.

            Before he could even attempt to salvage the future of their relationship, Kagome began talking.

            “What are you trying to say, Sesshomaru?”


            Kagome interrupted him. “Because, there are only three possible ways that I could be drunk right now. Did you slip alcohol into my drink, Sesshomaru?”

            Sesshomaru shook his head mutely, strictly adhering to his policy, even though she wasn’t yelling. In fact, her voice was more of a whisper.

            “Good,” Kagome said. “Did you let someone else slip alcohol into my drink, Sesshomaru?”

            Sesshomaru shook his head.

            “Okay. So there is only one possible way that I could be drunk right now. I must have consumed some alcohol myself. So, are you saying –knowing that you didn’t slip alcohol into my drink– knowing that no one else slipped alcohol into my drink– that you accused me of being drunk, when the only way I could be drunk is if I consumed the alcohol myself? Because if you are, you’re also accusing me of breaking the law. Do I look old enough to drink to you?”

            Sesshomaru didn’t respond, knowing that if he said the wrong thing, he could send her on a whole new tangent –one that still involved her ranting furiously at him.

            “Am I old enough to drink, Sesshomaru?” Kagome asked.

`           “No.”

            “Hmm. And knowing that, and all that you knew, you still accused me of being drunk.”

            Sesshomaru was becoming more and more unsure of how to end this one-sided argument of sorts.

            Kagome scowled. “Well?”

            “Well, what?” Sesshomaru asked hesitantly.

            Kagome exploded. “Ugh! I don’t even know why I’m dating you!”

            Sesshomaru decided that reminding her of all the reasons she had given him as to why she was dating him would be the worst possible thing he could do. Staying silent was the second worse possible thing he could do.

            He went with the lesser of the two evils.

            Kagome groaned. “I’m going home!”

            Kagome stood, causing Sesshomaru to blink in surprise.

            “I will call for the check.”

            Kagome stomped her foot. “Ugh! I’ll walk, thank you very much. I am perfectly capable of walking home by myself!”

            “Sit down, Kagome.”

            Kagome pointed at Sesshomaru and waved her finger in his face. “You’re always trying to control me.”

            “It is dark outside,” Sesshomaru said, as if that explained everything.

            And to him, it did. If she went outside and walked home, he had no idea what would happen to her. Actually, he had a few ideas, which was why he needed Kagome to cooperate with him.


            Kagome scoffed. “Stop ordering me around!”

            Sesshomaru stood and placed a hand on Kagome’s shoulder. “Sit down.”

            Kagome looked up at him. “You’re making a scene.”

            Sesshomaru shook his head. If anyone was making a scene, it was she.

            Sometimes, he wondered why he was dating her.

            The way her eyes flashed before narrowing made him realize that he had made an extremely big mistake in even letting that thought pass through his mind.

            “I said that out loud.”

            “Really? I didn’t hear it?” she said, her voice scathingly sarcastic.

             “I did not mean to say that.”

            “But you meant to think it?”

            He had walked right into that one.

            “Please sit down, Kagome.”

            “No. Because, not only do you think that I participate in illegal activities like underage drinking, you don’t know why you’re dating me!”

            “You said that earlier,” Sesshomaru pointed out, before wincing. That had to be the stupidest thing he had said the whole night.

            Kagome’s eyes widened and she began waving her arms around, drawing attention to their table. “But I’m me, Sesshomaru!”

            “A double standard,” Sesshomaru said, throwing caution to the wind and digging his own grave.

            “Do you have a problem with my double standards?” Kagome asked angrily.

            Sesshomaru paused before answering. The wind had apparently changed direction and brought him back his caution.

            “Well?” Kagome demanded.



            Silence descended. Sesshomaru analyzed the situation. The first thing he noticed was that his hand was still on Kagome’s shoulder. He quickly averted his eyes, but it was too late.

            Kagome looked at his hand before glaring at him. “Why are you touching me?” she yelled.

            He pulled his hand away.

            “I want to go home!”

            Sesshomaru nodded, before flagging down their waiter.

            He sat down when he finished requesting the check and looked at Kagome.

            “Do you wish to-“


            Sesshomaru closed his mouth.

            They remained in their positions until the check came. Sesshomaru quickly paid and stood.

            Together, but not together, Sesshomaru and Kagome walked out of the restaurant. They walked to his car.

            He attempted to open the door for her, but her glare was enough to stop him from attempting to be gentlemanly.

            He walked to his side and entered the car. When they had both buckled their seatbelts, and he had started the car, Sesshomaru spoke.


            “What?” she snapped in answer, crossing her arms and turning to look out of the window.

            Sesshomaru peeked at her from the corner of his eye and decided not to say anything else for the rest of the night. He had only just remembered why he was a naturally taciturn person.

            He started the car and began the drive to his girlfriend’s house.

            He wondered how she would feel if he decided not to take her out on any more dates until they got married.

I had fun writing that!

Who doesn’t like an abnormally volatile Kagome who yells at her poor boyfriend who loves her dearly but doesn’t know how to calm her down or deal with her?
