A Space For You by Pandina

Drawing Blanks

Hello Everyone, My name is Pandina but you can call me Pandy for short lol. This is my first fanfic, and I hope you all enjoy this. As with everyone else, R&R's are soooooo welcome!!!! :] So On to the important info and stuffs. 

So with out Further or do, enjoy!!


I Do not own Inu-yasha or any other characters affiliated with the series/manga.


Click, click, click click…”No, no, that’s not right...”... ‘Backspace’…click, click, click…” No, that’s not it either, that doesn’t even sound right.” Head-Desking for the fifteenth time Kagome gave up. Her last year in college and they decide to give her a bogus high school course. Honors British Literature. Sitting at her desk in her cozy bedroom, she stared at what was a paragraph, which, had somehow turned into an empty page on her computer screen. Tilting in her chair, she looked at the ceiling wondering just how she was going to manage a paper that was due in two days, when all she could pull from her brain were blanks. She had studied so hard in the library earlier, that she completely forgot about the paper.

 Turning her attention to Kirara curled up on the cozy cot in the corner, she let her mind wonder about her family’s upcoming vacation to Paris.  ‘Ugh, this is so not fair I’ve not had ONE vacation since starting school, and now I’m almost done! Why me, I just had to be the study bot.’ But she knew that if anyone deserved this, it was her mom. Since the death of Sota and Kagome’s father, Mrs. Higurashi, had fallen into a deep depression. If it wasn’t for her, Grandpa and Sota, she didn’t know what would have become of her. Oh and her therapist of course, Mr. Tashio. He helped quite a bit as well. Ever since her mom attended her weekly meetings, she’d gotten better. Shaking her head she pushed herself, steadying the chair legs back on the ground, removed her glasses and set them on the desk as she placed the delicate runaway hairs from her nape back into her pony tail, she decided it was time to get up and try again tomorrow.    

Delicate feet padding against the hardwood, she made her way to her bathroom deciding to run a bath. Stopping in the middle of her trek, she looked in the full length mirror and smirked run a bath. Since hitting puberty so early, she had filled out in all the right places. As she stared into the mirror, she took in her appearance. Long hair tucked in a pony tail, a cute baby face that held crystalline blue eyes of seduction, and lips that would work wonders, a long delicate neck graced with flawless tanned skin. She let her fingers touch the dips of her collar bones sliding in the middle of her full breasts, to her soft abdomen. Staring at her full hips and thick thighs, she looked down and wriggled her toes. Turning to the side she examined her but and gave a silly jiggle in the mirror. Chuckling to herself, she shook her head and prepared herself for tomorrow’s daily routine.   

A.N.-I forgot to mention that each chapter will very in length sometimes, but it wont be like a drastic lengthy notice(grammar lol).

Hope you enjoyed this one!~