Seasons by charlotte


So Im now a member of Dokuga and I have decided to do some of their challenges! This is for the seasons challenge and im going to make this an M. I will also publish this on Dokuga as well and maybe adultff if it goes that way but I don't knwow where ill go with this but oh well! Enjoy!
Disclaimer: Don't own nothing

Author: Szayel's Angel

Challenge: The Seasons Challenge

Prompts: Winter, Spring, Summer, Autumn

Prompt used: Spring

Placing one hand on the rough bark of the tree, Kagome smiled. Sesshomaru had invited her here, it was a garden of sorts. There were some beautiful flowers, the new season enhancing their beauty, but what really captured her attention were the sakura trees. They were plain and average until they blossomed and she loved how the small petals of each bud seemed to fly around her with the wind. She wondered if Sesshomaru knew this. Perhaps he had showed her this because he knew she would love it.

At the thought of Sesshomaru, arms wrapped around her and pulled her to a warm chest.

"Sesshomaru." She said gently.

He responded by nuzzling softly into her neck.

"I missed you." He stated simply.

"So did I." She said , realising how much the early spring wind chilled her.

She shivered as a gust of wind blew on her, some of the blossoms sticking to her skin.

"Are you cold?" He muttered against her neck, making her shiver more than the wind did.

"A little bit, the yukata doesn't help." She replied.

With her words, Sessshomarus hands down the flimsy fabric before making their way to her legs. The yukata was made from a silky material and was a pale green with pink flowers making their way upwards. The sheer fabric was flimsy and would easily be ripped by Sesshomarus sharp claws.

Sesshomarus nuzzling became gentle nips and she pondered on the thought of her lover. Even though in battle he was feirce and emotionless, he always acted differently to her. He was gentle, like she was a porcelain doll, and he changed from a stoic enemy to a perfect lover.

She couldn't remember when their relationship had began but she knew one thing. She didn't want it to end. Ever.

Gaah I wrote fluff! Im actually a really dark person, most of the fics I have read are dark or mature. Im just strange. Anyway I may post another chapter later, since I have prompts! They may have a slightly different tone since they're one shots. But summer may be humourous so who knows.