Love is in the Air by Ai Roku


I've come to the conclusion that I'm addicted to challenges.

I saw this on the forum and just had to give it a try, I hope you'll enjoy it!

Disclaimer: Inuyasha and all associated characters belong to Takahashi Rumiko sensei. I also do not own any rights to The Snowdrop by Hans Christian Andersen.


Kagome sat huddled around the campfire, watching as the bright, cheerful child spoke animatedly to the silent inu Lord.

She couldn't help but to be reminded of a fairy tale she had read as a child, about the bulb of a flower that had wanted very badly to bloom.

It was so eager in fact, that even though it was still winter, and it was buried deep beneath the cold, hard, snow-covered ground, it began to sprout and grow. Luckily the sun was able to melt the snow just enough for the flower to poke through, and greet the world as the first flower of the year.

She wondered if Rin's sunshine would be enough to break through Sesshomaru's icy exterior, and allow his heart to bloom.


Prompt: Snowdrops

Thanks for reading!