Mistakes by Miss Megz

The wish

Kagome held the Shikon Jewel in her hand, tears rolling down her cheeks. Naraku had been defeated but at a terrible price. Miroku and Sango were dead in each other's arms. Shippo was safely at Kaede's village. Inuyasha was slowly bleeding to death and he was unconscious.

Kagome looked down at the completed jewel in her hand "this is your entire fault" she muttered. 'No. This isn't the jewels fault' she saddened a bit but knew the wish she would make. Tears rolled down her cheeks once more. 'I have to make it so that this thing never existed! The Shikon Jewel came into creation because Midoriko fought a demon she could defeat while she was alive; Kikyo was killed because the thief Onigumo made a deal with demons and became Naraku.' She shut her eyes tight. "I wish demons weren't ever a threat to humans!" she cried out. The Shikon Jewel glowed and disappeared. The world around Kagome faded and everything seemed to go in reverse. At the end, it all went black.

"Kagome, time to wake up," Kagome's mother said to Kagome. Kagome opened her eyes and looked around. It seemed everything was alright but she remembered everything and was saddened. "What's wrong Kagome?" Kagome's mother asked.

"Huh? Oh. Nothing; I was just thinking of the dream I had," Kagome put on a fake smiled and got out of bed. Kagome's mother looked at her sceptically but said nothing. "Mom, What day is it today?" Kagome asked.

"Saturday," Kagome's mother answered. Kagome nodded and wondered why her mother woke her. Kagome's mother left her room and Kagome looked out her window and saw a red headed teen with a fox tail like Shippo's put the mail in the mailbox.

Kagome blinked and rubbed her eyes 'could it really be Shippo?' She doubted that but still it was a possibility wasn't it? Kagome ran down the stairs and was just in time to see the fox demon look at her oddly like he remembered something about her but couldn't place it.

"You have done your job demon now get off my property!" Kagome's grandfather shouted. Kagome was appalled and thought for sure the fox demon would say something but he didn't. He turned and left. Kagome ran out the door.

"Wait!" she called. The demon stopped.

"I'm leaving already!" he shot at her.

"No, I'm not here to get you gone. I'm here to ask if you're name is Shippo?" Kagome asked. The fox demon turned to look at her.

"How did you know my name is Shippo?" Shippo asked confused.

"Don't you recognize me?" Kagome asked a little hurt. Shippo stared at her trying to remember something.

"Sorry, you look familiar but all humans look the same to me," Shippo shrugged and walked away. Kagome sat down where she was. 'He doesn't recognize me. It's because of my wish right. I just have to put up with this new way of life Kagome thought wait! If Shippo's here then that could mean Inuyasha is!' Kagome was about to run after Shippo when she realized she would be going out in public in her pj's. Kagome ran back inside and got dressed. 'Inuyasha, if you are here, I'll find you!'~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

And that's the end for ch.1! I hope you like it! Please review!