A Father's love for a daughter by BlackInuPup

Father's dance

I do not own Inuyasha nor do I own this song, it was song by Steven Curtis Chapman-Cinderella. Heard this song and couldn’t help myself.


She spins and she sways

To whatever song plays

Without a care in the world

And I'm sitting here wearing

The weight of the world on my shoulders


                Sesshomaru sat at his desk in his grand study. A small headache was forming from the mountains of paper work that just didn’t seem to end. Just when he thought he was able to get something done that day, something else had to come up. His five year old daughter sat in his study sprawled out along the carpet with a happy smile. His mate had given him a beautiful daughter five years ago, producing a full demon to both their surprise. She also had her mother’s priestess powers. No one understood how she was able to balance both. One of the many miracles of life he supposed. At the moment she was reading a book her mother brought back from her time.  After one last look he began to proceed to finish his work


It's been a long day

And there's still work to do

She's pulling at me

Saying "Dad, I need you

                After a few more minutes he heard humming right beside him before there was a light tug on his sleeve. He looked down into his little one’s big blue eyes. She gave him a large smile showing one little fang. Her pale skin with silver strips proved her status in his pack as one of his own. Her round face always made him smile as soon as she got his attention. She said she needed him making him swell with the upmost pride.


There's a ball at the castle

And I've been invited

And I need to practice my dancing

Oh, please, Daddy, please?"

                He thought about her request for a moment, knowing he had tons of paper work to work through. With a large smile he stood up and picked her up. Turned on a song to get them going and began to move and twirl around the room. She laughed happily clinging to him so she wouldn’t accidently fall every now and then burying her face against his neck when he twirled to fast. His heart swelled with love and pride for his little daughter.


So I will dance with Cinderella

While she is here in my arms

'Cause I know something the prince never knew

Oh, I will dance with Cinderella

I don't want to miss even one song

'Cause all too soon the clock will strike midnight

And she'll be gone...

                He danced with her until his mate came and took the sleeping pup from his arms. The little miko gave him a kiss as his daughter slept in her arms and his son clung to her leg. After their declaration of love and that he would come back and help him with the paper work she turned around and left the office. He truly was the happiest demon lord in the world.


She says he's a nice guy and I'd be impressed

She wants to know if I approve of the dress

She says, "Dad, the prom is just one week away

And I need to practice my dancing

Oh, please, Daddy, please?"

                His young 200 year old daughter walked in with a worried look on her face. He asked what was wrong and she asked about her formal kimono. He told her she couldn’t look more elegant and lovely in the kimono and the man she chooses to take to the gathering would be stunned. If not he would skewer his innards all over the ball room.


So I will dance with Cinderella

While she is here in my arms

'Cause I know something the prince never knew

Oh, I will dance with Cinderella

I don't want to miss even one song

'Cause all too soon the clock will strike midnight

And she'll be gone

She giggled softly and gave him the same wide blue eyed look she frequently gave him as a pup when asking for a dance. With a sweep of his arms they were once again dancing across the room. His mind replayed all those times of her being a little girl in his arms as he swung her around the floor. Looking at his young pup with pride, she gave him one of her famous one fang smiles.

She will be gone


Well, she came home today with a ring on her hand

Just glowing and telling us all they had planned

She says, "Dad, the wedding's still six months away

But I need to practice my dancing

Oh, please, Daddy, please?"

                Sesshomaru sat beside his mate that night now relaxing from a long day work. She remarked about the wrinkles they seemed to be getting with the progress in age. He told her she could not look lovelier as she was now. Moments after their daughter burst into the room with a happy cry flying into her mother’s arm. She exclaimed loudly and showed the ring that rested on her finger. The man who proposed had asked him for her hand so it did not surprise him when she burst into tears from happiness.          


So I will dance with Cinderella

While she is here in my arms

'Cause I know something the prince never knew

Oh, I will dance with Cinderella

I don't want to miss even one song

'Cause all too soon the clock will strike midnight

And she'll be gone



                When those beautiful blue eyes turned to him with the same pleading that they always get. He stood up, took her in his arms and began to dance her around the room. His mate watched them like many times before with tears in her eyes as she watched proudly. Sesshomaru listened to the story his daughter of 500 told him with a large smile as they danced, her life from a young pup to a now fully grown women flashing in his mind. When she exclaimed her good night and swept out of the room Sesshomaru couldn’t help himself and let one tear roll down his eyes. His mate enveloped him in a huge as he looked longingly at the closed door.